Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Without the need for the system to remind Ibro, he noticed the emergence of a huge shiny field like a dome that surrounded the area around him in a radius of 3 kilometers at least. 

This dome appearance had alerted his men and the newcomers. They all looked at each other in vigilance as each side suspected the other to be the cause behind this dome. Ibro said at once in loud voice:

"Nobody moves. This dome is just a protective shield I created. I need to speak with you about some important issues."

Topan, the leader of these assassins looked in suspicion towards Ibro while asking:

"Is this the way you choose to listen to friendly advice?"

Ibro didn't back down as he said clearly:

"I have a way to kill the seeds you have inside all of you. That is why I created this isolating dome. You should know what I mean, right?"

The change of Topan look and the men behind him too was very obvious and immediate. Topan looked carefully towards the dome as if he doubted its ability to shield the place here.

"Don't worry, this place is completely isolated and no demon can spy on here."

"How do you know about that matter?" Topan was still cautious and didn't say the name of the demons' seed. Ibro started to organize his thoughts before replying:

"I believe the news of my last war here has reached your ears. You know I'm a stranger here, as I came from the outside world here. 

What you don't know is that I'm traveling between worlds to kill these nasty demons. I kill the demons as I kill the seeds that are planted in the bodies of innocent people like you."

Ibro tried to add some fake info to get his attention. The only obstacle in this mission was the NPC zero. He had to work hard to convince him. If he succeeds, he will be able to convince any other NPC later on. 

Topan, on the other hand, didn't fully believe Ibro's words completely. He already heard about the war that happened in this region, but he didn't hear about anything related to demons.

'Ask him if he isn't already tired from his miserable fate. These NPCs had two miserable fates, either to die or to witness the world destruction and move to destroy another one.'

The sound of the system came in an attempt to aid Ibro. Ibro appreciate this help. Although he didn't fully get the deep meaning behind these words, he said them without hesitation:

"Aren't you all tired from your miserable fate? Do you want to continue living in fear like this? 

Do you want to wait until you die, or watch this world gets destroyed then move to another? Let me help all of you. Let me free you from your dark fate."

His words had caused quite a sensation inside those NPCs. Ibro didn't stop, either, as he added:

"Let me try to save you. If I fail, you won't lose anything. If I'm right then this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I hope you think carefully about it."

This time, Topan replied without any hesitation:

"I really want to try, but what I fear is the others would know about what you are doing here. If you fail, then we are all going to die. If you succeeded then we are all going to die"

"Don't be afraid like that. Do you believe I would risk my life without being absolutely positive about this place's security? 

Ok, you can try to use your game functions like return scrolls. You will know how tightly secure this place is."

Topan wasn't the one to reply to him, but dozens of assassins behind him had already taken out their scrolls and tore them apart. After a few seconds of waiting, nothing happened. 

All of them received a game message saying that this place was isolated. Topan didn't trust this only, as he took out a teleportation orb that resembled the one the northern lord used before. 

That orb was the one which caused a teleportation ring between the northern lord's domain and the war.

"This is a teleportation channel initiation item. It's the strongest space to space transmission items in this game world. 

If what you said is true, then this dome will prevent the orb from initiating the teleportation channel."

"Go ahead and try."

Ibro waved his hand leisurely as he was really not concerned about this orb. He was completely sure about this dome ability to shield anything. This field was made by his system using SPR stones. 

If it failed, then he really should consider dumping that system. Ibro watched Topan throwing out the orb in an empty area inside the dome. 

Once it touched the ground, it stirred some energy waves, and then it regained its silence. Topan looked in surprise towards the orb. 

He didn't trust this one-time trial as he tried again. as before, nothing happened except these few energy waves.

"Do you now believe me?"

Topan looked towards Ibro in deep thought. He then said in a firm tone:

"I will send one of my boys to test your claims. If you succeeded in killing what's inside him, then we will all let you do the same to us. 

That's not all, if you managed really to kill these nasty things and free us, we will follow you forever. You will be our master and we all will be your slaves."

Ibro was excited by this result, although he didn't agree on that master-slave relationship. 

He didn't argue though, he had to prove his ability in killing these seeds first to himself before the others. He had an important mission to succeed at, so he asked the system:

'Are you ready? What should I do now?'

'Nothing much, you should put your hand over that NPC head and let me do the rest. Remember, once I start killing the seed, its sentient being will try to retaliate. It will try to attack you mentally. 

I can't help you at this stage, though, so you need to hold on long enough for me to kill this seed and absorb its energy completely. You will take the whole curse, so be ready for it.'

Ibro wasn't new on such curses or mental attacks. He had personal experience in dealing with both. His battle with Jognak the brutal was a great help here. 

When Topan finished his words, many assassins moved from the lines to take the initiative to participate. Ibro was surprised by the number which reached nearly 500. 

He thought he would face a hard time convincing them, but it seemed he was wrong. Ibro didn't know how dark these NPCs' lives. They were ready to take such a gamble instead of just continuing to live their lives. 

They were like living dead who had an opportunity to put an end to their struggle and torture. Ibro smiled faintly as he said:

"Don't worry, I will free you all. I just need one of you now and I will work with all of you later."

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