Chapter 268

Chapter 268

The system said in its harsh voice:

'I'm trying to mix them, but something is missing here. I believe you need to absorb more of this energy for the merge to complete.'

Ibro opened his eyes. He was still surrounded by all of his guards. On the other hand, the assassins were standing guarding him too. When he opened his eyes, everyone noticed that. 

They looked towards him with veneration. The guards were feeling more touched by their king's strength and charisma. The assassins were seeing the light of hope in him. 

They lived very long in the dark that they forgot how the hope was like. Before Ibro could stand, someone, moved fast and knelt heavily on the ground while saying out loudly:

"Your servant, Shirazy, salutes his master."

Ibro glanced at him then instructed:

"Move from the ground. I don't have any servant under me. You will be a villager in my empire from now on. When we return to the city, I will give you a stone to officially join my village."

Shirazy wanted to argue with Ibro but he didn't do that. He just stood from his place and moved to stand behind Ibro. 

Ibro didn't mind his attitude though, he hated slavery nonetheless. Ibro then moved his attention towards Topan while asking:

"What do you think now? Will you let me help you?"

Topan didn't answer with words, but with actions. He knelt on the ground heavily just like Shirazy did. He was followed then with the whole assassin squad. They said in one voice:

"We, your servants, salute you our king."

Ibro just smiled and said:

"I said I don't use servants under my control. You all will join my village. Now, let's start killing your demons."

Ibro then started killing the demon seeds inside those assassins one by one. Every seed he killed he had to face the attack of a similar demon-like before. 

Every demon he killed he got himself a new curse, but he wasn't worried. He was now immune totally from these curses. Each time he got cursed, he felt the halo of energy emerged spontaneously to shield him. 

Every seed he killed added more demon energy to his soul. He felt his soul getting stronger rapidly, but he noticed an issue. His soul was like a crystal clear lake, now it was turbid with many residuals. 

When he asked the system about that he knew this was the side effects of rising power in such a way. To clear the soul again, he needed to use the other way frequently. 

He needed to dry his soul up then refill it again naturally. This way would help in filtering these residuals and return his soul crystal clear. 

The only drawback was the time wasted in this process. Killing 1000 demon seeds took nearly 6 hours. After Ibro finished, he felt glad by what he gained. 

He had gained 100 SPR stones from each NPC he freed. That meant he had now 100k SPR stones and a huge amount of SPR units. His soul had transformed from mere lake into small sea with raging waves. 

The last gain for him was 1000 loyal followers. Each of them was a force not to reckon with. Once Ibro finished, they stood in silence around him while Topan said:

"I have a proposition to you master."

Ibro glance at him as he didn't like this word. He wasn't their master and they weren't his slaves, but what he could do? 

He instructed them before not to consider themselves as slaves, but they still did. Ibro sighed and replied:

"What is your proposition, Topan?"

Topan started to explain his idea with excitement:

"You know what you did is a dream to all of us. We came from many destroyed worlds. This isn't the first world we stay at; this would be the 7th world I play at. 

All of us are either watching many worlds get destroyed as we help at that, or we wait for our seeds to mature and we got killed forever.

This isn't life, it's a torture. No one will accept such a fate if they had a choice presented over to them."

Ibro understood the hidden meanings of Topan, but he had other issues he wanted to know. So, he asked:

"You just said something about helping the demons in destroying a world, what do you mean by that?"

This issue was something he noticed. He wanted to know what was hidden behind this game and all the games he played before. Topan explained at once:

"We, originally, all came from previously destroyed worlds. our worlds were destroyed by these demons. These demons can't invade the world directly. They needed a teleportation gate to be able to invade any world. 

This gate must be issued from inside the world. So, they captured any survivors from any destroyed world and infected them with their seeds. 

Then they release us and plant us into any newly established game as NPCs. Our role is to help the native players to open these teleportation gates."

Ibro didn't need to know more. This was exactly similar to what happened at his first game, Rioneed. Ibro added at once:

"Of course what you do is to push that player to visit the gate world at this universe, right?"

Topan looked in doubt first then he recognized that Ibro had come from the universe other than here. Topan then replied:

"Yes, you are right master. Then we start to give impossible missions to these players to make them die for more than 10 times. 

When that occurs, these demons can take over the soul of these players and open the transmission gates to the gate world. The fate of that world would be sealed and after that, we move towards the next world."

Ibro thought about this new info in depth. That info matched what he knew back then at his Rioneed game world, but what zeraxos game world? 

He felt that zeraxos game world was different. He decided to investigate this matter when he returned to that world.

"Does that mean you were players?"

Topan answered at once:

"Yes, my master. All of us were once ago players."

"Does that mean you are now playing in the game?"

"No, our levels got fixed at the level we left the game at. We can't change even our classes or skills. We can't upgrade even when we kill monsters. We are doomed to be stagnant at our current stage forever."

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