Chapter 307: 307

Chapter 307: 307

Once Ibro poured his strike energy into his mind, a strange transformation occurred between the two energies in his mind. The strike energy melted perfectly with his soul sea energy. 

That cry of exclamation didn't come from Ibro, as it came from the system. Ibro wasn't in the mind to ask further about more details, as the energy that exited from his body had turned into grayish energy with golden dots all over it. 

His shield defensive spell white energy was replaced totally by this new energy. His two swords were reformed by the newly formed energy. 

His two swords witnessed huge transformations, as each sword had changed to have two blades instead of one. The hilt became thicker and the blades became longer, thinner, and wider. 

Ibro didn't have any time to marvel at these new transformations, as he had to lay the strike now. He didn't stop as he laid both swords over the incoming enemies. 

The moment his swords touched the enemies, the whole world became silent. It was as if the whole world went silent paying its tribute to this strike. 

A huge whirlpool made of this grayish golden energy had formed. It began to roar angrily while it ate one demon after the other. 

When the whirlpool gathered enough momentum, it started to rotate forming a huge tornado roaring towards the horizon.

'Send all the demons you have found in this area, fast. This strike is horrifyingly strong!'


The system was in its shock state, but Ibro's unintentional words managed to awaken it. The system knew the exact strength of this strike better than Ibro himself. 

It started to absorb the energy from the whole 100 million demons. Any demon who dared to resist, this whirlpool would target it. No demon managed to survive once it entered the belly of this merciless tornado. 

The whole world had no other sound except the roars of this tornado mixed with the horrible screams of the demons. Ibro stood in his place motionless as he was captivated with his strike. 

He wasn't alone; Maya was also watching with astonishment this perfect strike. If she managed to learn such a strike before, no enemy would dare to resist her. 

The most shocked were the ones who followed Ibro since the beginning, like Gorsag, Erond, and the alpha death knight. The most impressive was the newly joined, like Topan, Lorik, and Floride. 

Everyone in this region watched with veneration this holy strike that kept raging the demons army without any stop. 

This strike continued for half an hour, during which it managed to kill more than 100 million demons in one go. Ibro stood in his place feeling stupid. 

Since when was his strength this immense? Or was this the effect of his newly learned strike? A battle that was supposed to last for days ended just like that in half an hour.

"Take me down."

"Yes, my king."

Ibro turned to look towards Maya speechlessly. Since when was this tigress this docile? Ibro didn't know that women loved the strong cool guys. Besides, she was a sword cultivator. 

Any female sword cultivator's dream was to be strong, obtain perfect swords, and fall in love with immensely stronger sword cultivators. 

As Ibro's feet touched the ground in front of his palace again, he felt a sudden wave of weakness hit his body repeatedly. 

It took a minute to end, but his body was so weak that he couldn't stand on his feet without help. He was about to fall involuntarily when Maya moved to hold his body. She looked at him with deep concern.

"Don't worry; it seems it was too early to use my new technique."

She helped him step back into his palace, and then she said while putting his body carefully over the small throne:

"You shouldn't use any higher realm technique. That would definitely backlash heavily on you like what you just experienced."

Ibro just patted on her head. She was really concerned about him. Ibro just made up this excuse, but he really didn't know what happened to him. The system kept his silence after the success of that strike. 

Before he could have the chance to ask the system, the 7 pillars entered the palace at once. They all knelt down in unison while Erond said:

"Congratulations on the supreme victory, my king. All the troops outside are cheering with your name. They all swore an oath of allegiance to follow you. We all are waiting for your orders."

Before Ibro even could say a word, Maya said in obvious anger:

"Don't you have any sense? Your king is injured and needed to rest n"

Ibro put his hand over her sweet lips to stop her angry words. Ibro then touched her face gently before saying to all of them:

"It's not the first time I have reached such a state. Now it's not the time for any rest. Time waits for no one. Our enemies won't stop their assault over this world because I'm tired, right?"

She looked in his eyes and lost her focus for a second. She felt strange heat inside her. So she turned her head away with a shy faintly red face as she whispered:

"You can let them move and attack those demons until you get better."

Ibro didn't put his hands away from her face, as he whispered in return:

"You perfectly know no one can do the plan I put in except for me and you. Don't worry, I won't be fighting alone. You will be by my side."

This time, words stuck in her throat as she only muttered them to herself alone. Ibro then moved his eyes only away from her as he ordered:

"Let all the troops in the city and around it be ready. We will set for battle in half an hour."

Erond hesitated but Ibro's voice made him abandon his hesitation:

"This war isn't just a simple war. It's a genocide war. We must win, and our win must be rapid and swift. 

Our enemy is cunning and never follows rules, so we should use the element of surprise as it's only our available weapon. 

If we lose this weapon, we will be trapped forever in this enemy's treacherous schemes until we all die. Move now and trust me, I never led you on a losing war before, right?"

His words were like a magical spell that eliminated all the doubts and fear from their hearts. They never lost a single time since the moment they followed him. 

The new ones like Topan, Lorik, and Floride didn't fully understand this statement well like the old ones. Gorsag, Erond, Rinobak, and the alpha death knight had followed Ibro the longest. 

They faced many desperate situations, but their king was always their shiny beacon of hope. He never took a wrong decision, even if it seemed reckless, risky, and desperate. 

Ibro had led them from battle to battle creating miracles in front of their eyes. They formed their resolve. At this moment, Ibro had won the hearts of his men and raised their low morale without his intention. 

The seven pillars moved at once to make the huge armies ready. Their king had issued the order, and they had to be ready for the upcoming war. This war seemed to be very brutal and bloody.

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