Chapter 318: 318

Chapter 318: 318

Ibro began to summon his skeletons nonstop. In the middle of this, he would summon more death kings. He was very content with the death kings he summoned before. 

If he had millions of them, then he could send them towards a world to conquer it. After ten hours, the first battle erupted suddenly. 

Ibro was immersed in his summon when he heard a sudden rumble coming from the sky. It was his first time seeing the pre-phenomenon before anyone enters this world, but the rest of his men here knew. 

They immediately assembled battle formation and arranged their lines. These big movements caught Ibro's attention. Before he could ask about anything, a huge opening appeared in the middle of the sky. 

It was like a huge beast mouth was opening to eat this world. Ibro even saw shadows of teeth in that opening.

'Did you notice that?'

'I'm analyzing this right now.'

Ibro kept watching this huge mouth that was widening at a terrifying speed. After it reached a certain limit, it stopped as it began to transmit huge numbers of demons. 

Ibro knew that Maya had begun to meet demons. Ibro didn't participate in the battle at once, as he was waiting for the reply of his system. 

He didn't wait for a couple of minutes before the cold voice of the system echoed in his mind:

'It's a very advanced level fiend. We were wrong; the problem didn't lie in the system itself. The problem lies in this whole pocket world.'

Ibro thought for a second before asking:

'Is it on the same level as Domil?'

'No, it's way higher than Domil.'

Ibro felt danger lurking around him, so he suggested:

'We should leave this pocket space and never use it again.'

'No, we should always use this space.'

Ibro felt strange as he asked:

'What do you mean?'

'That fiend is in deep slumber. It nourishes on the power of death in this pocket space. If we left here, then the supply of the death energy would stop. That fiend will be awakened then. 

I don't know its true abilities, but I can assure you that you won't be able to stand against him for even a second.'

Ibro felt lucky, he had killed all the demons in this world and destroyed all the tunnels. But the killing never stopped for a long period, as he usually used this pocket space in his crusade. 

According to his system assessment, he needed to keep sending demons here and kill them for this fiend to continue its slumber.

'What does it want to do by being here? Why is it in slumber?'

The system took some moments before it said:

'I believe that fiend was like the demon seeds you fought before, but it grew with the system holder. It's in slumber as this death energy must have some effect on it. It must be like nourishment to it.'

Ibro felt great hesitation. It was like raising a tiger next door, when it got bigger enough it would eat him. If he stopped raising it, then it would get angry and eat him. That was a strange situation he found himself at.

'If that fiend absorbed death energy, then can we inject some of our energy with it so we can infect it?'

The system got some surprise from Ibro's words as it went silent for a moment before saying:

'Theoretically speaking we can do it, but practically we don't have any energy that could be injected into this fiend without being infected by the demon energy.'

Ibro smiled evilly as he said:

'You are mistaken here; we do have some type of energy that couldn't be affected by the demon energy at all.'

The system went silent for a moment before asking with uncertainty:

'Do you mean the new ultimate form of energy you produced by mixing the PSR with your soul sea energy?'

'Yes, I mean it.'


The system sighed before saying:

'This form of energy isn't yours to control. It's a final product, not the main source. Yes, we can inject it into this fiend, but we won't be able to control it. 

In addition, this energy will be in the form of a strike, so I don't guarantee it would attack the fiend once it enters it. That would awaken it for sure.'

Ibro didn't let this idea down as he suggested:

'I know you are speaking logically here, but we must be creative. Tell me, you can turn any form of skill or technique to form a brand new function or divine ability, right?'

The system knew what Ibro meant, so it said at once:

'Even if I used this bizarre way, I can at most create an attack-type divine ability. That won't be helpful.'

Ibro thought deeply then he began to mutter while thinking:

'If we need to affect this fiend, then we have to use this newly formed energy to form a triggered attack. 

I recall the presence of long-range triggering bombs from Earth. If I can make such a time bomb and I can trigger it then I can kill this fiend without any risk.'


The system wasn't sure of what Ibro was saying, but Ibro continued expressing his thoughts:

'If I want to achieve that, I need to mix this energy with other divine abilities and functions other than strikes. The question here is what should I do? 

Any bomb had a shell that was strong enough to contain the explosive material inside of it. It also contained a control system that can be controlled from far. 

That system once triggered, that explosive material begins to explode. That is the theory, but how can I use it here?'


Ibro went silent thinking deeply about this issue. He was like standing in his world, away from this heated battle that erupted around him. After an hour of deep thought, Ibro had finally laid out the final layout of his plan.

'Partner, can you mix between two of your functions? Or divine abilities?'

'I can, but I can't control the result. Also, it will consume a lot of energy.'

Ibro didn't back down as he said:

'I don't care about the cost. Now, let's put one of your functions to action.'

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