Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 3: What goes around comes around

Chapter 3: What goes around comes around

Amaryll looked at the black-robed youngster blankly just like everyone else at the scene. Arwen's eyesight had been blurred by his own blood still, he could vaguely see the youngster's figure while he was walking towards the bandits.

He had raven black hair which is neither not too short nor too long, and a toned body, his black robes were fluttering in the wind as his hair. Seeing from Arwen's place, the youth looked like someone in his early or mid-twenties. While Arwen and Amaryll looked at the youngster, the bandits looked at his weapons, he had a longsword and a hammer-shaped blunt weapon on his back which formed an "X" shape behind him.

Of course, the black-robed youngster was Don. Until now, Don kept watching the bandits from the shadows and waited for Knight to rescue the children and send him a telepathic message.

After a few moments of noticing the surroundings and the newcomer, the bandit leader realized that he is only facing a single opponent who is much younger than him as his mouth curved to form a smile.

"You? a mere brat is going to send me to hell" the bandit leader laughed and continued "You should not have interfered here boy, now you are going to die just like this lowly dog"

"Funny this would have been the thought of your brothers who you sent to kill the elven kids," Don said calmly and threw something that looked like badges at the bandit leader.

The bandits and the leader looked at the badge shape objects,

"Boss it's... it... "One of the bandits struggled to finish his sentence when he saw the bloodied badge before his feet

"Its Jordan's badge, he collected from that one lady he killed"

"This is Kieran's gold button " the bandits identified the objects as their comrades'.

The bandit's eyes almost popped out of their skulls; they were staggered, there was a mixed feeling of fear and uncertainty on their face.

"What have you done? No...no...it is impossible, they were at master-level. A boy like you couldn't have killed them no...no way"

Seeing the bandit leader shaking his head in disbelief, Don said

"The size of the ants doesn't matter. An ant is an ant" Don's reply was cold and his face didn't show any expression, nothing at all.

"No, I don't believe you! Lisa capture this brat I will torture him till he says where is my brother's" the bandit leader pointed his finger at a female bandit in the group.

Lisa was a female bandit in the group whom the bandits used for seducing the traveling merchants or soldiers to lower their defense, assassinate them silently, or simply kidnap them. She was a peak level master magi who could effortlessly capture Don or the bandits' thoughts.

Hearing the bandit leader, Lisa slowly started to walk towards Don. She wore a transparent veil to cover her face and a black tight top, tight leather pants. She played with her red hair by curling it with her fingers. Although Lisa was not a country topping beauty or anything, for the common population, she's indeed a beautiful woman.

Lisa slowly removed her veil and revealed her beautiful face to Don and began to speak in a seductive tone.

"Shame that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time honey, please surrender obediently like a little kitten or this sister will get angry" however Don just stood there without getting influenced by her charm.

Lisa watched Don as a slight surprise appeared on her face for a moment, then she started to cast a spell

"Don't bother woman, you won't complete the spell" and the moment Don said this, the bandits heard a sword unsheathing sound as the sword on Don's back just a moment ago was now in his hand.

The bandits watched Lisa, she halted chanting and stood there like a statue while the bandit leader lost his patience and shouted

"Lisa move your butt quickly, you should have done with him by now,"

However Lisa didn't respond as a red line started to appear across her neck and then slowly her head started to tilt while the blood began to spill out of her neck. Just after a few seconds, her head fell on the ground while her headless body kept twitching for a second before hitting the ground.

Everything starting from Lisa casting a spell, Don unsheathing his sword and Lisa's head cleaved down had happened in mere seconds as even until now, the bandits were not sure of what just happened.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" one of the weak-hearted bandits screamed at the scene, the other bandit's face turned pale as their hands shivered in fear.

"Lisaaaahhh bastard I am going to kill you a thousand times ahhhhh" the bandit leader screamed as his voice was so loud like screeching metal sound, and his eyes turned blood red in anger, he looked like a demon.

Bandit leader loved Lisa and they were like a nail and finger, inseparable. Normally Lisa would operate behind the curtains but today he made an exception since Lisa wanted to see the elven woman and compare her beauty but the leader never would have imagined that his better half would be literally sliced in half.

Arwen, Amaryll, and all the elves were also stunned at the turn of events that befell on the bandits. They never would have guessed that a delicate young human is able to kill a peak level master magi easily.

There was a small hope that began to rise in Amaryll's heart in the shape of Don. The other elves looked at the scene without blinking, the children closed their eyes and they were turned pale in horror.

The rest of the bandits couldn't help but shake in fear and they were even afraid to look at the corpse of Lisa and the killing intent radiating from their boss.

"Get him... kill him no...no...make mincemeat out of him" the bandit leader shouted orders at his lackeys and subconsciously he ran to the body of his beloved. Seeing the head and the headless body, his legs betrayed him to stand still as he knelt while tears came down from his bloodshot eyes and he gently picked up her head and held it in his hands.

The bandits didn't underestimate their opponent anymore as they immediately activated their magic core and enhanced their abilities as well as took out their magic weapons.

There was still no expression on Don's face, no panic, no fear, nothing. He just killed a woman but he seemed like nothing had happened.

''Hmm there are still eight bandits left and they all seemed to be on the mid or low level of master magi and the leader is surely peak level master, I should quickly kill these guys and deal with the leader himself''

Two of the bandits were long-range combatants so they threw their magic knives aimed at Don's head and heart, the knives flew in the direction of Don, they were so sharp as the light from the flames reflected on their surface and made the knives shine.

Don stood there watching the knives flying towards him,and just before they could reach their target, Don sneered and raised his right hand to his eye level while his palm facing the knives, just like he was ordering them to stop. However, no one would have thought that the flying knives would stop moving.

And before the bandits could react, Don slightly turned his palm so did the knives. The bandits halted at their steps watching this bizarre event and they realized that the sooner they kill Don the better, but they felt a cold chill running through their spines when they saw the pointy end of the knives are aiming at them.

shush! Like a flash, the knives went through the hearts of their owners and came back from their back with blood dripping from their edge, the two bandits looked down at their chest and they couldn't believe what just happened but feel the pain in their heart,

Still the knives didn't stop at that, they continued to pierce through the heart and heads of the other bandits too, the bandits who've got their head and heart pierced kept instantly falling down with the same reaction as the first two had when they were killed.

Just like with Lisa, this battle also lasted no longer than seconds.

The bandit leader didn't know what to do. He was indeed stronger than his comrades but he knew that someone who could kill them in seconds must be a lot stronger than him. And for the first time in his life, he feared for his life.

"Shall we start?" Don said, looking at the leader.

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