Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 6: The Beginning of an Emperor’s Path

Chapter 6: The Beginning of an Emperor’s Path

Elves stared at Elrond with eyes full of doubts curiosity, they were unable to find what was going on inside of this kid's mind, although they knew that Elrond lost both his parents in the fight with bandits, they didn't know how could Elrond trust a human so easily, if this happened in human society they would just scold that the kid is behaving out of his age but this was not the state in elven community, their kids must grow faster than human kids both psychologically and physically because the rule of the wild was unrelenting and they wanted their children to know about the reality.

Even Don was surprised to witness Elrond give his loyalty to him, the boy before him had a conviction in his voice, the sadness in the eyes of the boy was replaced with something else.

Everyone was puzzled about Elrond but in his heart, there was nothing but ambition and a determination.

Arwen and Amaryll were still analyzing the situation,

"It seems like you have to prove yourself more than just saving their life, Don these elves look like hard to convince" Knight sent a telepathic message to Don.

"Yes I've expected that even though they were pushed to this far, they are still elves, the pride in their heart is so strong, but we need them much as they need us, if we trained them effectively as archers they will be a deadly force to be reckoned with"

No one spoke as time passed but Elrond walked forwards and stood beside Don while Arwen had a difficult expression on his face, eventually, Don broke the stillness,

"One year, I will give you a one-year time before you swear your allegiance to me meanwhile I will make my move to unite other races and build a better place for all," Don stated firmly, a certain spirit in his voice as he declared.

After he said, the elves stared at him with eyes wide open, no one could speak such a thing like it's an easy thing to do, there were so many races with their survival at stake and some of them even started going extinct so finding them and uniting them was not an easy thing, not easy at all.

Seeing Elrond, Arwen tried hard to come to a decision even though the things the youth said were unrealistic, could there be at least a chance for that to happen?. He was fighting with himself but no matter what, he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Don, that Arwen knew obviously,

After taking a few moments to think, Arwen exhaled a long breath and came to a decision and he knew that this was going to alter his life.

"I can't speak for others, I don't know why you decided to rescue us, but you saved me and my sister's life and honor. Without you, she would have faced the fate that worse than death, that's a debt I can't repay even with my life"

Arwen came forward limping and faced Don with his chin up, Don met his gaze but didn't respond and just stood there.

"I Arwen son of Cameron swear my allegiance to you from this day onwards till death" as he went to kneel in front of Don but Don stopped him from doing so,

"I accept your allegiance but you don't have to kneel to show your loyalty" At first Arwen was slightly shocked to hear this but eventually Arwen nodded in agreement.

Don did that because he doesn't like it when his friends and companions kneel in front of him and also he didn't want Arwen to kneel because he knew about the proud nature of elves.

Amaryll didn't know why her brother swore his loyalty to the human but she knew that her brother would always do the right thing so ultimately she decided to follow her brother.

"I trust my brother's decision but I won't swear my allegiance but I will follow my brother with you but you better don't have any ulterior motives" she expressed while staring at Don. Arwen felt a little awkward but he didn't show it on his face.

Knight was amused to see this elf woman threatening Don but he respected her bravery and the choice of following her brother.

Don didn't respond but nodded in consent and flicked his fist while a light began to gleam in his ring, but this time a red color potion appeared instead of the torture bug that he used on the bandit leader.

"Arwen take this potion, it will heal your injuries" the portion flew through the air and landed in Arwen's hands.

Arwen pondered at the portion in his hands for a moment,

"Don't hesitate Arwen, I expect you in your best form" Arwen was still not convinced but he knew that he had no other choice so he took the red portion and drank it in one gulp.

Arwen knew about these healing portions; a high-tier portion was so expensive since it could even heal a person who is on the verge of death. Obviously, Arwen didn't know what tier was the one he just drank but soon as he drank the potion, he felt a hot wave surging in his body and he looked at his bruises on his hands to see them disappearing, the healing speed was visible to the naked eyes.

"This is a high tier healing potion!" Amaryll said.

Astonishment and shock were written all over her face. Arwen was also shocked to see the effect of the potion and he couldn't believe that someone would waste this precious potion on someone like him. This was a life-saving potion that normally in the human cities, high tier healing potion like this would cause a riot but Don just gave it to him like candy.

"Thank... thank you and how do I address you"

"Just Don would do".

Don knew Arwen and Elrond gave their loyalty to him when he had nothing so he would treat and view them as friends rather than subordinates. The elf trio thought Don didn't want any honorifics because he has neither kingdom nor throne so admitted to calling him Don, so they won't make this an awkward situation.

"What about others, Don what are we gonna do?" Knight questioned Don while looking at the elves. Arwen and Amaryll gazed at Don as they expected his response.

" Since they are people of Arwen, Amaryll, and Elrond, they can follow me for a year. I will make sure that no trouble find them but after a year if they don't trust me" he paused for a moment before continuing,

"they can do whatever they want and I won't hold them back".

The meaning of this statement was very clear to the elves. He clearly meant that "I will give my protection to you for a year after that you can swear allegiance to me or get lost"

Of course, Don knew one year was more than enough to obtain the loyalty of the elves and he was certain about that.

The elven trio was happy to hear that Don would protect them for a year. After this time, in the very least they would relocate the tribe to a more secure place. They didn't know about Don's future plans so they had to make arrangements for their fellow elves.

Since Don and Knight had nothing to say for now, they stepped aside and let the elf trio and other elves make arrangements for the funeral of their fallen brothers and sisters. Initially, hundred and thirty elves were living in this tribe but after the bandit attack, twenty elves have died including Elrond's parents. 

If not for Don and Knight, the casualties would have been higher and many remaining elves would be captured and sold as slaves to the highest bidders in the slave market. Elrond couldn't control his tears when he saw the lifeless bodies of his parents.

Normally the funeral ritual would take about seven days to complete. The family gathers either just after or near the day of the loved one's death. The body would be washed and wood would be gathered for the pyre. The arrangements had normally been done at the same time. For larger families, the immediate family members were given a little longer to mourn and the more distant family members gathered the wood and prepared the body.

After the body was washed and the wood gathered, The pyre was built. The size of the pyre depends on the family and was up to the people who built it. Normally the pyres were rather small and made for one or two bodies at a time.

The body was then wrapped in cloth. At sunset on the following day, a torch was lit at the pyre site as the body would be placed onto the pyre an hour before the pyre had to be lit. The people that wished to watch the proceedings gathered then. When the sky was dark the fire would be lit. The family would stand near the pyre until the fire burns out.

But because of the threat of the mysterious mage, Don asked Arwen to hurriedly finish the ritual, the elves were stricklers to the rituals but they knew about the threat and did as he asked grudgingly.

When Elrond's parent's pyre lit, Don went near him and stayed with him.

"Elrond remember this, as long as you remember your parents and make them proud, they'll live within you"

Little Elrond was still looking at the fire when Don talked to him,

"Yes, and I will honor them by making sure that no one would feel the pain that I'm feeling now " a determination and purpose rose within his little heart and Don nodded in approval.

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