Rise of the Strongest War God

Chapter 46 Leaving the city [2]

Chapter 46  Leaving the city [2]

Luke then turned to look at the group behind him and said, "Remember not to eat anything in the wild, no matter how hungry you are. The chances are high that you'll die if you do, understand?"

"Yes, sir." Rio and others nodded seriously.

"Good. Now…" Luke glanced at professor Nina, Rio and Julia, and said, "Prepare yourselves. You'll need to fight and kill zombies in a while."

"Um, Sir Luke, can I have a sword? I can't use this iron bar efficiently." Julia asked, lifting the iron bar in her hand.

"That's right, Sir Luke," Rio nodded in agreement. He cast a brief glance at the iron bar he held. While it was true that he possessed the strength to crush a normal zombie's skull with it, wielding a sword would undoubtedly be far more efficient as it would allow him to swiftly slice through a zombie's neck, killing it.

"Luke… I don't have a weapon." Professor Nina softly chimed it.

Luke glanced at the trio and then Lori, Alice, and Shadow. None of them were carrying any extra sword.

Sighing, he turned to Lori and asked, "How much mana do you have?"

Since there weren't extra weapons for professor Nina and others, the only option was to open the treasure boxes that were sitting in their backpacks.

However, the problem here was, he, Alice and Shadow couldn't open them since opening treasure boxes consumed mana and they couldn't afford to do it because they needed to save it in case they encountered a strong zombie, who they couldn't kill without activating their spells. If they wasted their mana on treasure boxes and then encountered a strong zombie, things might become ugly for the group.

So, the only one who could afford to use their mana on the treasure boxes was Lori, since she currently didn't have any skills that needed mana to activate them. In fact, she didn't have any skills at all.

'Hopefully some zombie would drop a skill suitable for her before we leave the city.' Luke thought.


Lori's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

He looked at her in surprise and asked, "How much did you say? 25?"

"Yes." Lori nodded, smiling. "My other stats are just average, below 10, but for some reason my mana is so high, almost three times more than others." She wanted to tell him about it yesterday, but didn't get the chance.

"That's… great." Luke smiled, "You can become a healer or a mage type warrior with such high mana."

He then took out 10 treasure boxes, handed them over to her. "Open these up."

"How do I do it?" Lori asked.

"Put your hand over them and just think about opening them."



As Lori put her hand over three boxes, light flashed, the boxes disappeared, and two green gems appeared. They were mana gems.

"Continue." Luke ordered, disappointed.

Lori obeyed and in just a few seconds, she had opened all ten boxes.

From the remaining seven boxes, they got two stamina gems, a pair of level 3 velocity boots and two level 3 swords.

Luke gave the stamina gems to Kean and his mother so they could use them when they feel tired. Although one stamina gem each wasn't too much, it was still better than nothing. As for two mana gems, he pocketed them.

After giving the velocity boots and a sword to Julia and the last sword to Rio, Juke took out another five treasure boxes and handed them over to Lori, who gladly opened them. She was happy to be of use to the group, or rather, to Luke.

This time, they got a sword, an iron bar, and another stamina gem. Since the iron bar was of no use, Luke threw it away, gave the sword to professor Nina along with the stamina gem.

"Should I open a few more? It would be good if we can get some more stamina gems." Lori asked, seeing that Julia didn't get any stamina gem.

"No." Luke shook his head. "You only have 10 mana remaining. Exhausted more of it may negatively affect you."


"You can open more after you recover some," Luke said, interrupting her.

"I understand." Lori nodded upon hearing this.

"Alright. Let's go," Luke ordered as they marched toward the city wall.

But they had just left the street and approached the main road when they encountered a large horde of zombies. There were at least a thousand of them in the horde.

Everyone felt chills run down their spine upon seeing them. Fortunately, the group was out of their detection range.

"I'll lead them away." Shadow spoke up.

Luke glanced at the horde before saying in a grave tone, "There might be some level 10 or even first order zombies among them."

"Don't worry. If there are, I'll run away." Shadow chuckled and ran toward the horde.

As they watched him enter the horde without any zombie noticing, Rio glanced at Luke and said,

"Sir Luke, although I don't know why you allowed him to join us, but we should be careful of him and shouldn't rely on him too much. I'm sure he won't hesitate to desert us, just as he said if something went wrong or it benefits him."

"Yes, Sir Luke. I agree with uncle Rio." Julia chimed in. She didn't have a good opinion of Shadow for the reason none other than that he was Derek's subordinate who almost defiled her.

Luke didn't immediately respond and continued to watch Shadow weave through the horde with light steps. He then nodded. "I understand your concerns. But…"

He glanced at the duo, his voice getting slightly colder as he continued.

"Since I've accepted him into the group, he is one of us now. Unless he betrays us, I don't want to hear any of you complain or talk behind his back. If you hate him, that's your problem, but don't bring that negatively into the group. Am I clear?"


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