Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 756 The Darkness of Anger

Chapter 756 The Darkness of Anger

Belial's cruel revelations made anger burn inside Og'tharoz. His head turned downwards, darkening his face with a shadow, and he began to walk towards Belial. Every step he took was enough to make the ground tremble, and the black flames around him danced in frenzy with the gale that was now raging throughout the area.

The sun that was beginning to rise over the horizon was suddenly covered by large clouds, which gathered over the sky of the Mibothen region. Thunder began to rumble, tearing through the sky.

Og'tharoz's eyes burned with a fury that would make anyone tremble just to look at him, and the battlefield seemed about to shatter at the intensity of his emotions.

"You won't get away with this, Belial," muttered Og'tharoz, but his words sounded as loud as the thunder in the air. Each syllable carried the weight of centuries of pain and his demonic body was enveloped in a dark aura. The ground cracked with the mere passage of his angry feet.

The air vibrated with energy exuding from Og'tharoz, and the skies quickly became as dark as night itself.

Belial, sensing Og'tharoz's growing strength, tried to provoke him further, but with a nervous smile this time. "You strive to deny the truth, Og'tharoz, but it is right before your eyes. Your beloved has always been destined to wander in the lowest circles of perdition, where even the shadows are afraid to venture. Did you really think that Surtr would leave her well enough alone even though she had a relationship with you?"

Belial's words hit Og'tharoz like sharp blows, but he refused to give in to the emotional pain. Instead, he channeled all his anger into revenge. Every step was a seismic convulsion, opening cracks in the ground, as if everything around him was responding to Og'tharoz's inner turmoil. Each step was an affront to the very fabric of reality, distorting the environment around him.

Belial, sensing the change, stepped back slightly, a shadow of concern crossing his burning eyes. "That's it, Og'tharoz. Show your true demon nature! That's what I've always wanted to see! Try to kill me with all that rage and feel the power you've been holding back!"

Og'tharoz, now completely engulfed in fury, replied in a voice that echoed like thunder. "It's not a wise decision to make me so angry if you want to win."

With a primal scream, Og'tharoz unleashed an explosion of demonic energy and advanced like a whirlwind towards Belial. The black flames around him merged into a hellish spiral around him and the world shook as if it were ending, giving the impression that the heavens were going to collapse.

However, at the height of his fury, just as Og'tharoz was about to strike a final blow, a presence emerged from him, grabbing both his hands and halting his advance. A man with black hair and small eyes, with a calm and serene countenance, intervened at the last moment. Og'tharoz gritted his teeth, but when he raised his head he saw that it was Kaizen and all that fury seemed to disappear from his face for a moment.

His gaze met Og'tharoz's, conveying a mixture of sadness and compassion. He was holding Og'tharoz with his feet planted on the ground. He wouldn't back down an inch. 

"Og'tharoz, stop. Don't let anger blind your heart. Revenge will only bring more pain, you don't want to carry these feelings that you've denied so much."

Kaizen's words were spoken so calmly, in such a gentle tone, and yet they stood out in the storm. The expression on his face was clean, there was no anger, no pain, just compassion for his friend.

The demon, still enraged, tried to resist him, because all he wanted to do now was to make Belial into a mincemeat. The ground continued to shake beneath his feet. "Kaizen, you don't understand! They... they tortured Luna, the woman I loved so much! I saw her die of old age in my arms, I thought she would go to a good place! She deserved it! I can't let them get away with making her suffer!!!"

Kaizen remained calm, his expression unwavering. "I understand the pain you're feeling, Og'tharoz. But giving in to anger will only perpetuate the cycle of suffering. Remember who you are, the demon you chose to be. You are different from them, you always have been. Don't let Belial turn you into something you won't recognize when you look in the mirror."

Og'tharoz faltered for a moment, his eyes burning with a mixture of conflicting emotions. The dark clouds that obscured the skies became lighter, revealing some of the sunlight that was trying to break through the barriers created by the storm.

Belial, surprised by Kaizen's sudden appearance, tried to provoke him once more. "What's the matter, Og'tharoz? Is your friend trying to protect you? Do you really think that changes anything? Nothing can be undone, your beloved has already suffered at my hands and will continue to do so until the end of time!"

Kaizen stood firm, not taking a step back, except that holding Og'tharoz was like holding a bullet train. Despite this, he continued to look directly into Og'tharoz's eyes. "You're stronger than that, my friend. Don't let Belial manipulate your pain. The truth may be painful, but revenge is not the answer. There are other ways!"

Og'tharoz took a deep breath, fury slowly giving way to reason, but he was still early.

"What other paths, Kaizen?!! There's no way to go back in time and stop Luna from falling into their hands!" he replied and, for an instant, his strength increased, dragging Kaizen along.

"Yes, there is no way to go back in time, but we can go to the end of hell and save her, get her out of this torment!"

At that moment, Og'tharoz looked Kaizen right in the eye and saw the sincerity with which Kaizen said those words. Kaizen was serious about invading Hell and that was something almost unbelievable.

"Are you serious? Would you do this for me?" Og'tharoz asked, as the storm slowly calmed down.

"Without even hesitating," smiled Kaizen. "You're a great friend to me, Og'tharoz, and you've told me as much as it's possible to learn, I have to repay you somehow." 

"Kaizen..." murmured Og'tharoz, a mixture of sadness and gratitude in his voice, finally lowering his hands and calming his posture.

His tense muscles relaxed and the black flames surrounding him began to subside. 

Kaizen stepped forward, placing his hand on Og'tharoz's shoulder. "Darkness obscures the best in you, and anger always reveals the worst within us, but what we do in anger is never our true side. You're not you when you're angry, don't forget that."

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