Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 762 Treasures

Chapter 762 Treasures

Bloody Lily advanced down the corridor to the right, her firm step echoing off the gloomy walls. Darkness gradually enveloped her, but as she advanced, small globes of bluish light appeared, illuminating the path in front of her. The air was heavy with a mixture of tension and anticipation.

After a while, she came to a massive door, adorned with mystical runes. With a hesitant touch from her, the door creaked open, revealing a dazzling sight. 

Bloody Lily was momentarily speechless as she stumbled into a vast room filled with treasures that reached to the ceiling. Light emanated from countless sources, highlighting mountains of gold, sparkling gems, ancient armor and enchanted artifacts. A series of luxurious chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the wealth accumulated over the millennia. Blood Lily felt the magnitude of the room, an overwhelming sense of power and temptation.

Maelstrom emerged from behind a pillar with a subtle smile. "Welcome to the Infernal Castle Treasure Hall, Bloody Lily." He said, still holding his hands back.

The player's eyes traveled around the room, absorbing every detail. She approached a pile of jewels, where rubies and emeralds shone like stars. She picked up a handful, feeling the soft, cool touch of the gems against her skin.

All around him, glamorous armor displayed a forgotten elegance. Sharp swords, adorned with enchanted runes, rested in golden holders. Blood Lily ran her fingers along the blades, feeling the pulsating energy emanating from them.

An ornate shield caught his eye. It was made of an apparently very strong alloy, engraved with symbols that seemed to dance in the light of the mystical flames. However, unlike Kaizen, she didn't have much knowledge of items and materials to say which item in this place was the best. She raised the shield, testing its weight with a reflective expression. 

'I could turn my sword into a shield, but having a real shield would be much better, wouldn't it?' She reflected internally. 

Could this be the key to her overcoming the challenges that lay ahead?

However, the treasure room was not limited to utilitarian items. The room overflowed with works of art, tapestries woven with gold threads, and ancient scrolls that seemed to contain hidden knowledge. In one corner, a bookcase of magical books seemed to pulsate with an aura of its own.

Bloody Lily walked further along, finding a pedestal in the center of the room. On it rested a majestic-looking crown, encrusted with gems that shone like stars on a cloudless night. The warrior gazed at it for a moment, wondering what it represented and whether it would be the key to her success.

As she explored the room, Maelstrom's voice echoed softly in her ears. "Although it is a gift, every choice has its price, Bloody Lily, even here. What do you seek in this vast expanse of treasures? Power? Wisdom? Or something else?"

The warrior pondered Maelstrom's question, her mind torn between the temptation of the treasures before her and the responsibility she bore. She approached the center of the room, where the pedestal with the crown stood. As she touched the crown, a fleeting vision appeared in her mind, but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, like a flash of strange memories. 

Bloody Lily stepped away from the pedestal, still staring at the crown.

"You saw it, didn't you?" asked Maelstrom. "That crown shows the future to whoever touches it, but since there's no such thing as fate, it shows a possible future, which may or may not come to pass. Seeing a bad future can help you avoid it, but if you see a good future, just having seen it can make it unattainable."

Bloody Lily stood before the pedestal, her eyes fixed on the crown. Maelstrom's words echoed in her mind, creating a dissonance between the promise of greatness and the shadow of uncertainty. She decided not to touch the crown again, aware of the weight the visions could carry with them.

With a sigh, Lily turned her attention to the vast treasure room. The sound of her footsteps was absorbed by the accumulated relics, while her fingers explored the exuberant objects. The shelves of magical books caught her eye, but since she wasn't a mage, none of these books would be any more useful in her hands than they were standing on the shelves.

So the warrior rummaged through the mountains of gold and jewels, while her thoughts were lost in a sea of possibilities, each item clamoring for attention. It was as if her surroundings were whispering to her.

In a darker corner of the room, Bloody Lily discovered a series of swords wielded by statues of warriors carved from marble. Each blade radiated a unique aura and, for a few seconds, her eyes were fixed on a sword adorned with glowing runes, whose blade reflected the bluish light of the mystical spheres, but, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a singular jewel to her left.

At the end of a trail of gold coins, rubies and sapphires stood another small pedestal with a ring. Unlike the grandiose items around it, this artifact seemed simple at first glance, but it emanated a peculiar aura that captured Bloody Lily's attention.

As she touched the ring, she felt a current of energy run through her fingers. It was as if the object itself recognized the nature of the warrior and responded to her in a unique way. It was a silver ring, adorned with an intensely red ruby in the center. The jewel seemed to pulsate in harmony with Bloody Lily's heart, as if it had found its rightful owner.

"Interesting choice," commented Maelstrom, silently approaching. His scrutinizing gaze followed Bloody Lily's every move. "There's something special about that ring, something that transcends the material. What do you feel when you touch it?"

Bloody Lily looked at the ring, studying it for a moment before answering. "It's as if there's a connection, an affinity between us..."

Maelstrom nodded. "Of course, after all, this ring was forged by a blood manipulator. It intensifies his power."

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