Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 775 Fame

Chapter 775 Fame

Disembarking at Woodbury station, Klaus was immediately put in a situation he hadn't expected.

As many people on the train recognized him, some took hidden photos of him and also posted about it on their social networks. So, since it was common knowledge that he was studying at the New York campus of the special program, everyone knew that he would be stopping in Woodbury. Students, enthusiasts and even onlookers jostled to catch a glimpse of the face behind the avatar that had conquered the Rise Online community outside and inside the station. It wasn't just curious looks or whispers, it was a crowd waiting for him and shouting his name.

Luckily, someone seemed to have prepared for this. As he left the station and the sea of people seemed about to swallow him and Andrew, several men in suits appeared, setting up a barrier and a corridor for Klaus to cross and at the end of these human corridors a black, luxurious car pulled up. As the door opened, a familiar face appeared in Klaus' vision.

The person in question inside the car was a woman with gray hair and caramel-colored eyes.

"Hello, boys." She said.

"Coordinator?!" Andrew exclaimed, recognizing Isabella Nairn, the Coordinator of the New York Archery Department. "What are you doing here?"

"Please get in quickly. We can't be parked here for too long or causing all this commotion."

When the two of them got into the luxury car, that's exactly when the pressure from the crowd managed to break through the security barrier and, like zombies, they started banging on the car window, begging for photos. Generally, scenes of hysterical fans like this are not common in the United States, because celebrities all the time appear in public places, but Klaus' rise to fame was different from most ordinary celebrities.

"You can go to campus, Roberto." Isabella asked, tapping on the glass that separated the driver's seats from the back seats, whose width made the car look like a limousine.

"Thanks for that," Klaus thanked her.

Isabella smiled. "This is the least we can do to welcome the big star on campus."

Klaus, sitting comfortably in the leather seat of the car, gave a modest smile. "It's a bit surreal, I admit. I never imagined that all this would affect reality so much."

Andrew, standing next to Klaus, put a hand on his shoulder. "And that was just a show, I believe. Considering the national fame you gained at the tournament, and the international fame you got from RO, you probably won't be able to go into public places for a while."

Isabella laughed softly. "Fame has a funny way of finding people, doesn't it? But I think you can turn this attention into something positive for the campus, Klaus, and I hope for the archery department as well."

As they talked, the car turned onto an avenue lined with tall trees, revealing to the passengers a majestic view of the New York University campus ahead. The buildings of imposing architecture stood out against the blue sky, and the academic atmosphere permeated the environment. The place looked a little different from when they left just over a week ago.

"It's good to be back," Klaus murmured as he got out of the car in the parking lot.

Isabella agreed. "There have been some upgrades during the time you've been away. You'll have time to acclimatize before classes officially start tomorrow."

After thanking and saying goodbye to Isabella, they entered the main building through the parallel entrance to the parking lot.

Although it was almost lunchtime and a day off, the corridors were already packed with students who, as Klaus walked, parted like the Red Sea, allowing him to advance with a certain ease. Things seemed so different now. His eyes roamed over the students' expressions, trying to discern between the friendly faces and the envious stares.

When he approached the reception desk, he said goodbye to Andrew, who was going to the dormitory and asked an administrator to take him to the board because Charles Richards wanted to talk to him.

The administrator, a woman in her thirties whose name tag read Mrs. Johnson, led Klaus through the corridors of the main administrative building. The silence between them was interrupted only by the soft echo of footsteps resounding down the marble corridor. As they approached Charles Richards' office, the tension in the air became palpable.

Finally, they stopped in front of an imposing oak door with a polished metal plaque that read "Charles Richards' temporary room". Mrs. Johnson gave Klaus an encouraging smile before knocking gently on the door and entering. She then turned back and said:

"Klaus, Mr. Richards is ready to see you now. Good luck." With that, she walked away, leaving Klaus standing in front of the door.

Klaus took a deep breath. Usually, his conversations with Charles were good and to the point, but they had no ties beyond business, not to mention that to him Charles seemed too much of an opportunist, but he couldn't complain, because since the doctors had given up trying to wake up his brother, Rhyzer Park, Charles was the only one who seemed interested in the matter.

On entering the room, Klaus found Charles Richards sitting behind his desk. Charles was an elderly man, certainly in his fifties, with gray hair and rectangular glasses, wearing an impeccable suit. His eyes bore a serious expression and he beckoned Klaus to sit down in front of him.

"Klaus Park, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person and blah, blah, blah... Please sit down. We have some important things to discuss," said Charles, abusing an informality he rarely used.

Klaus settled into his chair, his eyes fixed on Charles' face, trying to decipher what was going on.

Charles sighed before speaking, as if choosing his words carefully. "Klaus, you must have noticed that your return to campus has not gone unnoticed. Your recent rise to fame has brought significant attention not only to you, but also to the archery department and, by extension, to the New York campus as a whole. I have to thank you for that, after all, you brought a lot of visibility to the Special Program as well, especially by revealing your identity to the world at the end of the tournament."

Surprisingly, Charles bowed his head at this point, showing that he was indeed grateful.

"However, as you may have realized, fame isn't all wonders..."

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