Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 383: Boatman’s Inheritance

Chapter 383: Boatman’s Inheritance

Elder Boatman took Jack and teleported a thousand miles away in an instant, easily escaping everyones perception.

As soon as they came to a stop, the Elders hand left Jacks shoulder, and he took a step back. Greetings, Master, Jack said respectfully.

I am not your master yet, Boatman said in his hoarse, aged voice. Below his hood, red eyes shone dark. His elderly voice carried some energy now. You were forced to accept before. Now, you can speak your truth. Do you really desire to learn under this old man?

Jack hesitated for a single instant. He considered how he didnt really know anything about Elder Boatman, barring his obvious relation to the Dao of Death and his unyielding attitude. But those were enough. He decided to accept.

In that instant of hesitation, however, Boatman spoke again.

You are an outstanding cultivator, he said. A prime genius, with a soul tempered in adversity and a body tempered in life. You have already become one with your Daoas long as you dont fall, your achievements will be limitless. Any A-Grade would jump at the opportunity to take you as their disciple. As for me, while I am stronger than most, what you should consider is not your masters strength, but your compatibility.

Jack remained silent, letting the Elder speak.

I cultivate the Dao of Death, Boatman continued. Life and Death are two sides of the same coin. It is the cycle we cultivate, the balance. Through my tutelage, you can take your Dao of the Fist in a direction that approaches this duality, achieving union between your bodyLifeand your intentDeath. I can sense both of their seeds inside you. This path of duality suits you most.

Thoughts warred inside Jack's head. This was possibly the most important conversation of his life. He didnt dare speak before thinking it through.

My temperament, you have already witnessed, Boatman continued calmly. However, if you do choose to become my disciple, know that it will not be easy. I will help you increase your powers in every way possible, but I will not help you survive. Your battles will be your own. Only by overcoming all obstacles through your own power will you possess the qualifications to strive for the peak. There will be no way out, no way back. You will rise to the heavens or fall into hell.

Jack took a trembling breath. Visions assaulted his mind; he envisioned a future where he fought his way through bloody battlefields, used his power to ruin the stars. Life and death were a duality he wielded, everything balanced within his fist. But his enemies were even stronger. And only by surpassing them could he survive.

Elder Boatman saw his struggle. If you do not wish to become my disciple, I will not force you, nor will I hold this against you, he added. I will even help you find a more suitable master. Heavenstar likes helping young cultivators, and his methods are softerperhaps he could be a better fit.

Jack snapped out of it. He looked at this terrifying, black-robed, red-eyed man, this avatar of death, and he only laughed. The sound was booming and true, coloring space with rampant life. Suddenly, Elder Boatman did not seem like death anymoremore like a strict but wise old man.

There is no need, Jack replied. Ever since I became a cultivator, I have lived my life on the razors edge. I have struggled against powerful enemies and survived all sorts of impossible situations. I have made enemies all over and carved my own path into the heart of my galaxy. I have clawed for my current strength one fist at the time. This constant battle you speak of, this crucible, is where I already live. It is where I thrive. This resolve to reach the top or die trying, I already possess it. That is already my path. And as for life and death, that is the road I have been traveling since the very start, my body holding life and my path filled with death. You speak of the compatibility between us, but what compatibility could be greater than this? His eyes flared fiercely. Elder Boatman, it would be my honor to become your disciple!

Elder Boatman smiledand despite his pale skin and red eyes, despite his unfathomable power and strict exterior, Jack recognized that smile as similar to his own. The two of them were peas in a pod. In truth, ever since Jack understood Boatmans temperament, he had admired him and wanted to study under him.

Good! Boatman exclaimed, his voice heavy with approval. No hesitating, just like a disciple of mine should. Very good. Jack Rust, let me formally accept you as my disciple. There is little time, but it is enough.

He stretched out a pale, boney finger. A dark light shone on a yellow nailand instantly, that light beamed into Jacks forehead, drilling deep into his brain. Jack screamed. The pain was too sudden.

What was that? he exclaimed.

Elder Boatman grinned under his hood. My inheritance! Have at it! A cultivator like you would never stay put for too long; an inheritance that can follow you around is the best way to teach you. I have transformed the core of my insights into a seed and planted it inside your brain. You can freely meditate on it; it should accelerate your progress, completely making up for any deficiencies in your Dao and letting you advance quickly without ruining your foundation. Of course, that is only raw knowledge; whether you can turn it into true power, or whether you die in the hidden realm, that will depend entirely on you.

Jack was still holding his head. It felt like someone had poked their finger deep inside his brain, leaving a wound. Only now was the hellish headache receding, but he had heard Boatmans words clearly.

He was excited.

Thank you, Master, he said through gritted teeth. I will study hard.

As you should. Take this as well. Elder Boatman flicked his finger, tossing a beam of light at Jack. He grabbed it instinctively. It was a dark cube. Black smoke wafted off it in thin streams, and it seemed to carry an aura of death so intense that a mortal would die on sight. On closer inspection, its surface was covered by extremely thin lines, blending into the darkness so perfectly he almost hadnt noticed them at first.

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What is this? he asked.

A material formed of pure death energy. After all, my Dao is my own interpretationit is not necessarily suited to you. This cube will be your main study material for the Dao of Death. The experiences I inserted into your brain can only serve as practical exams and something to contrast against. When meditating, you should focus on using your Dao to perceive the mysteries of this death cube, then comparing it against my insights to refine your understanding. That will give you the best foundation of the Dao of Death. As for the Dao of Life, you are already on its path. You will naturally progress even if you dont do anything. When the two are of similar levels, you will be able to combine them, take them as the twin foundation of your Dao, and then pierce your fist into the sky. After that, the direction you will move in will be your choice.

Jack did not understand all that, but he suspected it would become clearer after a while. Thank you, master, he said, putting the death cube into his space ring.

One more thing, Elder Boatman said. That cube is a very precious item You should not reveal it to anyone, or even A-Grades might covet it. Moreover, I have left a wisp of my aura with the cube. It cannot perceive anything, but I will be able to sense its location anywhere, regardless of distance, even in space rings or hidden realms. If you perish, I will make haste to the site of your death and destroy everything in my path to retrieve the cube. Otherwise, I will not use your location in any other way, nor will I disclose it to anyone.

Oh, wow, Jack thought. Elder Boatman uses cookies.

Thats fine, he replied. Thank you. I will take good care of everything.

I certainly hope so. Boatman returned to his calm ambience. After you exit the hidden realm and have made some progress, come find me. I will help you take your cultivation to the next level.

Thank you, master, Jack repeated, bowing his head.

Mm. Boatman nodded imperceptibly. Let us return.

Space warped around them. Before Jack knew it, they were back at the entrance of the hidden realm, where everyone was staring at them. Brocks gaze was filled with pride. Min Lings, curiosity, and Baron Longforms, envy. As for the Hand of God cultivators, all of them seemed indifferent.

Sorry for the delay, everyone, Jack said. I am ready.

Good, Spacewind replied. Lets go. Elders, we respectfully bid you goodbye.

Boatman remained still. Heavenstar nodded lightly, while on the other side, the Hand of God people went through a similar ritual. All the B- and C-Grades flew into the egg-shaped opening. Jacks world was covered in colors. Soon, he was floating in a multi-colored space, surrounded by all the other cultivators. Excitement and tension were thick in the airnobody knew whether they would emerge stronger from this hidden realm or die inside.

The transition lasted for some time. Jack felt a weird sensation, as if he wasnt gliding through space but ratherfalling into it? His Dao of Space was nowhere near advanced enough to decipher the feeling.

Through this strange transition, however, a subdued voice reached Jacks mind. Kid, it said, who the hell was that?

Mm? Jacks brows rose. Turtle!

Its Venerable Saint Thousand Shell, damn your pathetic memory. And you didnt reply. Who the hell was that!?

You can speak to me?

Jack hadnt seen the turtle since he convinced it to let him make more life stones a year ago. He wasnt aware that it could reach him without him being inside the Life Drop space, nor did he know it could perceive the world around him.

Though it seemed pretty obvious in hindsight.

Master Boatman. An A-Grade, he replied, not hiding anything. He took me in as his disciple.

The turtle stayed silent for a moment. That was a High Demigod, it finally said. A late A-Grade, in the Systems language. Idid not expect you to meet such characters so early.

There was regret in its voice. Almost guilt. Did he sense the Life Drop? Jack asked.

I am not sure. I activated the Supreme Bloods defenses as quickly as I could He should not have sensed us. At most, he felt something was off, but that shouldnt be enough for him to take his disciple apart.

I dont think he would do that, Jack replied.

He would if he knew. The Supreme Blood is not as simple as a Life Artifact.


That doesnt matter. Not yet. He let you gothats the important thing. And he gave you significant benefits, too That bundle of insights inside your mind is not simple to create, even for a demigod. He sacrificed a part of his own cultivation to give it to you. And that cube He certainly thinks very highly of you.

Sacrificed a part of his own cultivation!? Jack drew a sharp breath. Elder Boatman had mentioned hed help Jack with all of his powerbut he thought it was just a figure of speech. Who knew Boatman would be so crazy as to go all-out for someone he just met?

In fact, it was even a bit suspicious. Could it be that Boatman discovered the Life Drop and this was all a masterplan withsome sort of goal in mind?

Im thinking too much, Jack thought, shaking his head. Ill be careful, but being paranoid will just mud my Dao.

You should avoid people of such power in the future, the turtle spoke again. My own power is very far away from theirs. I can use the sanctity of your soul and the Supreme Bloods defenses to hide our presence, but even the Blood is not omnipotent. If you spend enough time around that master, he might catch on.

Ill be careful, Jack promised. On one hand, he felt scared nowon the other, extremely excited. The Life Drop was more than a Life Artifact? Wasnt that great news for him?

Plus, if a late A-grade used part of their cultivation to give him something, how precious would that be? How helpful? And that was without mentioning the death cube, which even A-Grades might covet.

He had grown so strong, yet he wasnt even close to the end of the road. He couldnt wait to start exploring all these possibilities.

Suddenly, the colors around him were torn away. Jack and the others emerged into a new space, and a loud roar welcomed them. This placewas not what they expected.

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