Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 388: Bro to Bro!

Chapter 388: Bro to Bro!

The volcano stood in a blackened land, smoking from its top. In the distance behind it, one could faintly make out a colossal templethat was the realms core area. They were very close.

Fifty miles away from the volcano, the C-Grade expedition members plotted their invasion.

The volcano holds an early B-Grade dragon and several of its C-Grade children, Arkenstal explained. I couldnt take a good look before, but the C-Grade children must be a dozen and all at the peak C-Grade.

So strong!? someone exclaimed.

Yes, Arkenstal replied without hesitation. Whatever resource lies at the bottom of that volcano must be beyond extraordinary. He then returned to planning. Besides the dragon and its children, the area is filled with D-Grade Draconic Twigs. Their individual strength is nothing to worry about, but they could be dangerous if they swarm you.

Jack looked at the blackened area around the volcano. No plants grew there. The only exception were ferns that were actually draconic twigs in disguisehe and Brock had fought a few of those back at the tree dragons lair.

These draconic twigs were thousands upon thousands, but contrasted with the lush jungle beside them, they really did make the area seem lifeless.

Is that all? Min Ling asked.

As far as I could tell. However, there may be more protectors at the bottom of the volcano or around the treasure. We should take things one at a time.

What if we distract the dragon while someone sneaks through to steal the treasure?

Impossible. The volcano is completely packed with draconic twigs. Not only will they swarm anyone who enters, but they will also alert the dragon to the intruderand, if someone gets trapped inside the volcano, they will not be able to survive the dragons fire breath.

Okay. Then, what is your plan?

We kill everything, Arkenstal said simply. First, we roam the ten-mile area around the volcano and kill every draconic twig we find. Then, we assault the volcano itself, using area attacks to kill the twigs packed inside. The two of us join forces to hold back the B-Grade dragon while everyone else kills its peak C-Grade children. Finally, everyone joins us, we slay the dragon, and search the volcano for any treasure.

Most people nodded. Min Ling, however, did not seem satisfied. Is there any scout in our group? she asked. If we can map out the inside of the volcano, that would be best. Maybe we can teleport directly to the treasure, take it, then teleport out.

Everyone looked at each other. Their qualifications for coming here were decided by battle strength, not auxiliary skills. There were no scouts.

I may can, came a voice from the group. Everyone looked at its origina young, shoulder-high brorilla barely at the three-fruit boundary.

You? Arkenstal snorted. Dancing to distract them is not scouting. What could someone of your cultivation achieve?

I can control a dragon plant to scout the inside, Brock replied calmly, registering the insult and remembering it for later.

Dragon plant?

A draconic twig, Jack explained.

Everyone glanced at each other. Min Ling stepped forth. Brock and Jack are very capable. Since Brock says so, there is a chance he can do it. Lets let him try.

Fine, Arkenstal replied, not seeming too convinced. Do your thing, monkey.

Jack closed his eyes, reining in his temper. This was no time to act out. However, he would remember this mans tone.

Brock casually flew to the ground. He approached the edge of the blackened area and walked towards a draconic twig. As soon as he came within a hundred feet, two wooden eyes opened between its roots, staring at him.

Hi, Brock said. Can I speak?

The draconic twig remained still. Brock took that as a yes. A golden book materialized in his hands, flipping to a certain pagea little dragon was displayed on it, petted by a kind brorilla. The page shone. The little dragon stirred. Its head rose from the page, then it unstuck its wings. Finally, it shivered, throwing off imaginary dust, and yelped in joy.

The little dragon was ready to fly.

The draconic twig was still watching, its thoughts unknown. Brock let the little golden dragon sit on his forearm for a bit, petting its little head and whispering something in its ear. The dragon nodded as if it understood. Its wings unfurled, and it flew to the draconic twig, finally entering its head as if it was only an illusion.

Jack, who was watching, raised his brows. He had no idea Brock could do this. In fact, there were many things he didnt know about Brocks current powers.

Brock closed his eyes, and so did the draconic twig, slowly, as if falling asleep. In the next moment, Brock and the draconic twig both appeared in a mental space that resembled a forest gym, with handmade instruments lying around. This was the brorilla forest gym from back in the Forest of the StrongBrock had chosen it as it was a place of nature.

Hi, he said, more relaxed this time. Welcome to brohood.

The twig shook its dragon head. It looked around with suspicion. Finally, it said, Where am I? Ah. I can talk!

Though its voice was bass, its speaking manner was more like a child. It leaped around excitedly, proud to develop speech.

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I know the feeling, Brock said. You doing great.

Who are you? the twig asked, piercing him with its wooden eyes. I will not trust you just because you helped me speak.

That is fine. I do not want to harm you. I want to help.

Help how?

The people with me are evil. They want to kill you all and then attack your friends inside the volcano. I can help you survive.

What!? the twig exclaimed. Kill us all?


They cant! Well bite them to pieces!

They can, Brock explained calmly. They are very strong. Even the big dragon cannot stop them. Trust me.

The twig lost its vigor. Its wings fell, its eyes grew dispirited, and it coiled around itself. I know you it finally said. My kin has spoken about you and your friend. You are not like the others. You are good. I believe you. But, how will you help us? it asked with sadness.

I will tell you the truth. There is no way to stop us; all you can do is let us peacefully take the treasure at the bottom of the volcano.

Its eyes shook, then it lowered its head even further. There is no treasure in the volcano, it said.

Isnt there something that can make dragons grow?

There is, but it is not a treasure. It is our mother.

Your mother? Brock was surprised. Okay. Tell me about her.

She is very pretty, the twig admitted. Her crystals give life to all of us. Father eats themthat is why he is so big.

Your father eats your motherscrystals?


Okay. Is your mother strong?

No Father is strong. Mother is very weakbut pretty. Please dont kill her, the twig begged with its wide eyes. In this space, it could sense that Brock was telling the truth; and he really was!

Brock had lied to the cultivators. He wasnt going to invade the twigs mind. He was going to have an honest chat with it, bro to bro!

I want to help you, he said. Tell me more.

Getting an explanation out of the childlike draconic twig was difficult, but Brock eventually managed it. Apparently, the father of these twigs was the B-Grade dragon that ruled this part of the hidden realmhundreds of thousands of miles around them. Their mother was an entity that the twig couldnt describe for the life of it. All Brock understood was that this mother was weak, not a dragon, and produced crystals filled with some kind of power that was very beneficial to dragons. The big dragon ate these crystals, which was how it had reached the B-Grade.

However, the relationship between those two entities was not harmonious. The twig called them father and mother, but Brock slowly realized that the big dragon was the overlord, and the crystal-producing entity was just its slave.

And why doesnt your father eat your mother? Brock asked. If her crystals are so useful, surely the mother itself can make him even more powerful.

Mother is not that, the twig replied in a low voice. Mother can produce us and the crystals. Eating her would mean no crystals and no us. It would be bad.

Okay. I understand.

Gradually, a plan was beginning to form in Brocks mind. Do you like your father? he asked.

No. He eats us too sometimes. We fear him.

Okay. And are there any crystals right now?

There are! the twig replied proudly. Mother makes crystals everyvery long timeso Father eats them slowly. There are eleven crystals now. And a half.

Brock nodded. I know what to do, he said, and you must help me.

Save us, and I will! the twig replied honestly.

Good. Then, listen closely

Brock explained his plan. After making sure the twig understood, he then used their connection to speak to Jack, confirming the plan with him.

I hope it all works out, bro, Brock said, petting the twigs head. They had become friends by now. The twig arced its back like a cat, letting him pet it.


In the outside world, everyone waited. They had seen Brock sink a golden dragonling into the twigs head, then both went still. It had been a few minutes already.

Will it take long? Arkenstal asked.

I have no idea, Jack replied calmly. In his mind, however, he listened to Brocks message. His thoughts sharpened. He ran the calculations in his mind, then made a suggestion which Brock accepted. Finally, without turning his head, he sent a telepathic message to someone else.

Hey. This is Jack. Dont change your expressionI have a proposition for you.


Brock spent ten minutes perfectly still and conversing with the draconic twig. Just as everyone began to grow impatient, he finally awoke, flying back to meet the others.

Well? Min Ling asked. What happened?

Good news, Brock replied. The plant dragons are not friends with the big dragon. If we do not attack them, they will not attack us.

Even the ones inside the volcano? Arkenstal asked.

Yes But, if we take the treasure, then they will attack.

So we can attack the B-Grade and peak C-Grade dragons, kill them, and only then exterminate the twigs inside the volcano.

Yes. However, the twigs are connected. If we harm one, all will attack us, so we have to absolutely avoid them until after the dragon. At that point, whether we kill them or not wont matterthey are too weak.

Jack admired Brocks coherent and grammatically correct speech. Everyone else nodded in affirmation. They suspected that Brock might hide something, but they would never in a million years imagine that he was allied with the draconic twigs.

Are you sure about what you said? Arkenstal asked.


Then, we should not exterminate the twigs in the surrounding area, or we will raise the ire of all of them. This is good news indeed. If we are only facing the stronger dragons, I am ninety percent confident we can succeed with minimum casualties.

Everyone rejoiced. As for the weaker people present, who were likely to be those minimum casualties, they did not consider turning backthey were here precisely to risk their lives for treasure.

There is no need to wait, Min Ling said, or more people might show up. Lets storm the volcano as soon as Arkenstals injuries are healed. What do you say?

I agree, he replied. A Hand of God healer had already tended to him while Brock spoke with the twig. I need half an hour to return to my peak state. Everyone, adjust your minds. We attack soon.

Half an hour was nothing to these cultivators. It passed very quickly. Nobody new had showed up, and no movement had been observed on the volcano or the surrounding area. Arkenstal opened his eyesthey shone with deep awareness.

Lets go, he said.

Seventeen powerful C-Grade cultivators flew out as one. Their might tore the clouds and shook the earth. They were not hiding their presence, but just as Brock had told them, no reaction came from the thousands of twigs below. They really didnt seem hostile.

That laid many of their worries to rest. Not everyone had believed Brock, but everyone believed the facts when they saw them.

The group stopped one mile away from the volcano. DRAGON! Arkenstal roared, fusing his Dao into his voice so that it echoed for hundreds of miles around. COME OUT TO DIE!

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