Rosie's Games

Chapter 277: Easier Option

Chapter 277: Easier Option

"Are you certain that wearing something like this is enough?" Rosalind frowned as she eyed her dress. Just like the Duke, she was wearing a simple black dress. However, one should not wear black during a wake. One should wear white.

Or at least, that is how it is done in Aster. She was not exactly sure if that is the same in Wugari.

Although the black dress that she was wearing wasn't as flamboyant as the ones that she had worn before, this one still looked a little too much for a Consort's funeral.

"You look stunning."

She looked at him. She wanted to tell him how good he looked too, but she settled with a thank you. "Thank you, but that is not what I was asking." The Duke did not actually change his clothes, so he was still wearing the same outfit that he used to fight against that woman with the lightning. His posture seemed too casual for the occasion. It seemed like he was going there to take a stroll.

"Do you have to think about other people's opinions?"

"N N. But"

"Shhh let us go," he held her hand and the two started walking toward the carriage. "We have so many things to talk about."

Originally, they planned to visit the palace in the wake of Consort Leona. However, Elias and Valentin informed her about Clinton and they had to deal with him before going to the palace.

Now, the light was about to disappear and they have yet to visit the palace. Of course, Lucas assured her that this was not a problem and that the King would surely understand.

Once inside the carriage, Lucas sat next to her something that surprised her. Usually, he would sit opposite her.

"Is there something wrong?" she could not help but ask.

"Is it wrong to sit with my beautiful bride?"

"We are going to a wake," she grumbled.

"That would not change the fact that I have one beautiful bride."

Rosalind pursed her lips. There is no winning in this conversation.

"They will send more spies," Lucas said.

"To the Rothley estate?"

"To my side," he said.

"That would be very difficult."

"Not when it is you."


"After what happened earlier, they only have three options. The first is to kill you to try and influence my emotions. The second is to send more spies to your side and then try to use you against me. Or they would leave me alone, which has never happened before. I am sure the third option would never happen either."

"So, they would try and make me into their spy," Rosalind said. "From Clinton's memory, that woman with a hood seemed to be working with his father and not him. It was pretty obvious that they were involved with the Thun Family. Do you think it is the same woman?" What was her name again? Lurea?

"Possibly. I am certain that Ena Thun is not that weak."

"You showed them your ability," Rosalind said. "Now they must be thinking that I have some sort of special dark magic that could make you invincible."

"It would be better for them to think that way than for them to think that you receive the dark Blessing."

The mention of the dark Blessing made Rosalind stop talking. She would not forget how he told her that he was the one who killed the person who had the Blessing before Rosalind.

What if. He would kill her too?

What if the reason why he agreed to take her in and even marry her and sacrifice a lot for her was that he wanted to kill her off when he needed to?

It was a bit of an exaggeration, but Rosalind could not help it. She had been betrayed once! Was it really wise for her to rely too much on him?

"What would happen if they discovered the dark Blessing?" she asked.

He turned and met her curious eyes. They were already sitting next to each other and staring at him up close was creating some problems in her chest and stomach. What is going on here?

"Then I would have to hide you away," he answered.

"You are not going to end my life?" she asked.

"That is the easier option," he answered without batting an eyelid.


"But where is the fun in that?"

"Are you going to keep me because you think I am fun?"

"Would it be better if I say it was because I wanted you?"

Rosalind blinked. What did he just say?

"What?" she wanted to hear it again.

"Would it be better if I say it was because I wanted you to live?"

She was almost certain this was not what he said earlier.

"Yes." Her eyelids fluttered as she lowered her gaze. Was she starting to hear things now? She recalled her weird dreams lately, the headaches and flashbacks. Now, she was starting to hear things that she wanted to hear.

She had already escaped from Aster and that fate with Dorothy and Jeames.

However, it seems that another fate was awaiting her in the North.

The fate of losing her mind!

Just thinking about it made her spine tingle.

She would never let that happen.

The interior of the carriage was filled with silence until they arrived at the palace. Since it was the Duke, he was permitted to bring the carriage inside the grounds and up to the door.

Hand in hand, the two immediately went to where the Consort's body had been kept.

To Rosalind's surprise, the Consort was kept in one of the farthest halls from the King's room. There were no decorations and she was already kept in a closed casket.

The only ones in there were maids who clearly served the consort when she was alive.

'What is going on?' Rosalind could not help but ask inwardly.

Was this because the Consort tried to poison her with that cake?

She looked at the man who stood tall and proud next to her.

As if sensing her thoughts, Lucas shook his head and said in a low voice. "Do you really think I could do such a thing inside a harem that is not my own?" he asked.

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