Rosie's Games

Chapter 290: Darkness Blessing

Chapter 290: Darkness Blessing

Rosalind frowned when she heard the deafening cries and the screams of pain the moment she opened her eyes. She immediately got up.

She was currently wearing a simple all-white sleeping gown and was standing in what looked like a tall watchtower.

The sound of bells interrupted her stupor.

Then there was the sound of chaos.

From afar, Rosalind watched the chaotic war unfold before her eyes. The humans clashed against the darkness, or beasts that were made of black mists.

What was this?

Another dream?

Rosalind swallowed as the stench of death filled the air. It was the brutal reality of war.

Rosalind watched in horror as the beasts tore through the humans as if they were treating them as paper. Their sharp claws and teeth tore flesh and bone alike.

However, the humans did not falter. They fought back fiercely, their swords and spears clashing against the tough hides of the beast.

It was a gruesome sight.

"My Lady, do you need us to go down there and tear those beasts?"

A voice came from behind her.

She turned around and discovered a woman with dark blue hair. She stood tall and proud, dressed in the garb of a fierce warrior. Her clothing was made of tough leather and chainmail, decorated with intricate patterns that spoke of her victories.

She placed her helmet that was made of shining steel on her hip as she looked at Rosalind with a soft smile on her face.

"My Lady?" the woman asked.

"I" Rosalind frowned. The voice that came from her was not exactly her voice. It was it was of someone else. Someone familiar, yet a stranger at the same time.

"Are you alright?" The woman continued asking. She took a step towards Rosalind probably wanting to touch her, but Rosalind was quick to make a step back. "Is something the matter?"

"No nothing." Rosalind was holding her throat.

"We are waiting for your orders, My Lady," the woman said. However, this time, before Rosalind could answer her, she felt a sudden pull from behind her. She felt her body fall from the watchtower.

"Young Madam?" Milith's voice rang through her ears.

She was awake!


"It is already time for dinner. Do you want to have dinner in this room or your own"

"In my room, please." Rosalind got up. Then she walked out of the small study and went down to her room. The dream was still fresh in her mind and she could remember even the smallest of details.

'This is because of the arrow," she said. The dagger and the arrow seemed to have awakened something inside her. She needed to talk to Lucas about it.

'But what if they were just hallucinations? Perhaps, it was nothing but a product of the memories of the people who had died from those weapons in the past.'

Still, the memories and even the voices were bothering her.

She made her way inside her room. Then she stood by the window and stared at the vast snow in front of her. Until now, she could still remember the shivers that she had when she saw the war. It felt real so real, she could even feel her own sweat and hear her racing heart.

"I think I am losing my mind," she muttered to herself.

"Was it because of how I look?"

Rosalind flinched. She did not need to turn around to know that it was Lucas.

"I did not notice you walked in."

"I was here before you arrived," he answered. She could feel him standing just behind her. Was he also looking at the snow? Or the darkness?

"I did not see you," she said.

"You were not looking close enough."

She pursed her lips and crossed her arms across her breasts.

She expected him to start asking about the clothes or Miss Monoroe. She expected him to try to engage in some type of conversation. He did not. Instead, he just stood behind her saying nothing. The silence between them stretched on, and each passing moment felt like an eternity.

At first, the silence was uncomfortable, stretching out like an uncomfortable barrier between them. It made her feel conscious of everything. Her hair, her clothing, and even the way she smelled.

This did not last long.

As moments ticked by, a sense of calmness watched over her.

His presence was somehow reassuring.

At that moment Rosalind knew that he understood her need for quiet, for peace.

After what felt like an eternity, she turned to face Lucas. Their eyes met and what she was a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"I want to ask you something," she said.

"Go ahead."

"The one who had the dark Blessing" she started. "You killed him, right?"

"What of it?"


"What do you mean why? Do I need a reason to kill someone?"

"Well" he did not need a reason to kill someone. She seemed to have forgotten that they were different. The man that looked peaceful just a few minutes ago was a killer that would not hesitate to kill someone without any rhyme or reason. "Was it because the one who wields the darkness started to lose their mind?"

His eyes narrowed at her, his gaze penetrating. It was as if he was trying to see beyond the surface and into the depths of her being. At one point, she started to think that he was trying to read her mind.

"Some Blessing is not meant to be given to humans," he uttered as his eyes bore into hers, studying every detail as if he was trying to search for some hidden truth in her orbs.

"One day when I I start to lose my mind are you going to end my life too?" she swallowed. His gaze was so intense that she felt exposed, as if all of her secrets were laid bare before him.

"That is not going to happen," he said.

"You sound too confident." She did not know if he was only saying this to appease her or if he was completely lying to her face.

To her surprise, he took a step back. "Tonight, meet me at the walls. I will start teaching you how to use your darkness."

He took another step away from her,

The next thing she knew, she was left standing alone in the dimly lit room.

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