Rosie's Games

Chapter 296: Sorcerers

Chapter 296: Sorcerers

"Do not touch her!" Elias hissed as Atior tried to approach Rosalind for the umpteenth time. They were now in the shed where Clinton Moller succumbed to his death thanks to Elias's fire.

"Would you lower your voice!?" Atior responded. "Why would the Goddess have someone like you around her?"

"You dare"

"Alright that's enough," Valentin said. "We are curious about why you called her the new Goddess."

"Because the Goddess can use both the light and dark Blessing. She is someone from the Lux Family but she can use the darkness. If my guess is right she should be able to use the light Blessing, too."

"The Goddess is"

"Is not as omnipotent as what the others wanted you to believe, fool."

"You I will burn you"

"Do you think your fire will work on me?"

"So, you are calling me your new Goddess because I can use a dark Blessing?" Rosalind asked.

"Every sorcerer who receives my wonderful news will soon come here to worship the Goddess."

"I am no Goddess."

"You are wrong."

"Please stop," Rosalind said. This is not amusing at all. "Please just stop."

Atior stopped moving. At this point, he still looked like he was floating even when he was sitting on the chair across from Rosalind.

"The one true Goddess can use both light and dark Blessings. The one true Goddess"

"Please do not call me a Goddess again," Rosalind said. She was no goddess. "I am not comfortable with that."


"If you see her as your Goddess then you must listen to her words." Valentin chimed in.

"I understand," Atior said. "But "

"There are no buts. Please do not call me Goddess again and please do not sneak into my room."

"I apologize. There seems to be a misunderstanding. I did not come inside your room to harm you."

"Walking into a woman's room is rude! Where did you come from? Isn't this basic etiquette?"

Out of nowhere, Atior removed the cloak that covered his face, revealing a youthful face to everyone. The face in front of them has striking features that easily blurred the lines between masculine and feminine beauty.

"We are a woman too."


Rosalind blinked. She looked at Valentin, and Elias who were equally speechless while staring at Atior. To be honest, Atior had both masculine and feminine face. She has a chiseled feature that was normal for a masculine face yet there was a softness to it that seemed to suggest she's a female. She had a petite nose, slightly upturned, with full lips that had a subtle curve that hinted at a natural pout.

She had large almost shaped eyes that seemed to shimmer with different colors. It was shifting from blue to green and gray then into complete black.

"We have no gender. We can be a man and a woman or both." Atior said. "If you are concerned about a man walking into a woman's room, then think of me as a woman."

"You still do not understand," Elias said. "Going into another people's room without their permission is rude!"

"Then I would like to apologize to the Goddess. Please spare"

"Please stop that," Rosalind interrupted her when she was about to bow. "As I said"

"The fact that you do not acknowledge it does not change a thing," Atior said. "Once my brethren arrive, they would start worshiping you and"

"What would stop you from doing that?" Rosalind asked.

"Nothing. Not even death."

"Should I just kill her?" Elias asked.

"You weak human cannot kill us! We are stronger than you!"

"Do you want to give it a try?"

"Alright, Elias please calm down," Rosalind said. This was giving her a headache. A powerful sorcerer like Atior could be both an asset and a liability at the same time.

"Tell me about the reason why you think I am your Goddess?"

"Our Goddess can use both the light and the dark Blessing. She was born one. You are an enigma. There is no one else in this world like you."

"So even if Elias and Valentin try to kill you you will not stop at all?" Rosalind asked.

"Not even death can"

"Then work for me."


Rosalind sighed. She was already planning to gather stronger people anyway. There was no harm in letting Atior work for her, right?

Moreover, it is always better to keep people like her close than make them her enemy.

"Work with me," Rosalind repeated.


"Are you really going to let her work with us?" Elias grumbled.

"I am not working with you. I am working with the Goddess!"

"First, you have to stop calling me Goddess and start calling me My Lady."

"How could I disrespect the Goddess"

"My Lady," Rosalind said firmly. "And that is not a request."

"I see" Again, Atior got up. "Since this is what My Lady wants then" she gave Rosalind a low bow. "From now on, I will be serving My Lady with"

"Please go back to your seat and tell us about the other sorcerers," Rosalind said.

"I informed the other sorcerers about your existence before I came here. The news of your death delayed me. I had to go back to where you disappeared and found some traces that you were alive. I traced you to the North and was able to confirm that you and Miss Rosalind Lux are one. After that, I sent them another letter telling them to come to the North. They should arrive in a few days."

"How many sorcerers are we talking about?"

"I know more than five sorcerers are coming to pay their respects. I am not quite sure about the others."

"That would be a problem, wouldn't it?" Valentin looked at Rosalind. "The presence of Sorcerers around Blessed individuals Do you think Ena Thun and the rest would notice?"

"We just have to keep them away from each other."


Rosalind narrowed. She could actually use this opportunity to build her own strength. Sorcerers were not exactly weak creatures. They had abilities that could not be explained by humans and Blessed individuals alike.

All she needs is a place for them to stay and hide.

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