Rosie's Games

Chapter 307: King Emrys Firenze of Rakha Kingdom

Chapter 307: King Emrys Firenze of Rakha Kingdom


Capital of Rakha Kingdom

"Father, I do not think this is wise," Prince Lyssander said when he heard his father's plan. "We are desperate, but not desperate enough to work with sorcerers! Moreover, we have the Blaize Family and other families might even come help us out! Must we accept them just to escape this situation?"

The two were currently in the king's study, located in the heart of the palace, overlooking the once bustling streets of the Capital of Rakha.

Since the beasts started attacking their borders, the streets had become a little suffocating and this had affected the atmosphere of the room. The room once exuded an air of tranquility and order. Now it was nothing but a mess.

Lyssander stared at the man sitting behind the large wooden desk that dominated the center of the room. On the table were cluttered maps and reports from the front lines. The man sitting behind the desk said nothing as he continued reading the reports. Although the furrow on his brow was enough to tell Lyssander his father's level of anxiety about this matter.

"The front lines are losing. It has been proven that the help of one Blessed Individual and countless mercenaries is not enough," King Emrys Firenze said.

"But sorcerers? Are we going to sink that low?"

"Then would you rather die?" The King lifted his head and stared at his son. "Are you stupid enough to think that pretenses and appearances are better than living?" Despite the gravity of the situation, the King remained calmed and focused. His gaze piercing, unwavering with determination. "Do you have the face to say this to the soldiers that have been fighting for their lives on the front lines?"

"Father, that is not what I meant." Lyssander swallowed. The setting sun in the room seemed to cast a different glow on his father, the ruler of this Kingdom, and for the first time in Lyssander's life, he could feel his father's determination to protect his people.

His father had gotten older, Lyssander thought. His hair had become white, his once strong frame had become thin and frail with age. Yet, his brown eyes shone with unyielding intelligence that showed how reliable he was.

"What of the other Empires?" Lyssader asked. He was more worried about the opinions of the Seven Families than the opinions of the people of their Kingdom. "If they hear that we are actively working with Sorcerers, they might"

"Send their soldiers to kill us?" King Emrys snorted. "So they would send their soldiers to people who are only trying to live? We asked for their help weeks ago yet they did not send anyone. It was only the Blaize family who came. How dare they talk about morality now?"

"They have already told us their demands," Lyssander said. He was talking about the things that the seven families wanted. "Perhaps, we could consider their offers."

"Give them access to the Howling Mountains?" King Emrys snorted. "You have lost your mind."

"But father"

"Howling Mountains belong to us. We will not give in to any demands." The King frowned. The seven families expressed their desire to own the Howling Mountains a long time ago. However, Rakha had always been firm with their decision.

Howling Mountains belong to Rakha. They were already sending each of the seven families tribute annually from the relics that they were able to gather in the mountains with much difficulty. However, it seemed that those people were not satisfied with the tribute. They wanted to mine the mountains themselves.

The King would never allow this to happen.

"Send word to Wugari. The Empires have abandoned us. There is no need for us to rely on them anymore. Tell their King, we are willing to pay a portion of our relics if they send us the Duke and his people. Go ahead and call the General. From now on, we are going to accept the help of the sorcerers."

"The Duke of Wugari?" Prince Lyssander frowned. "Do you think he would come and help?"

"He would." The confidence in his father's voice somehow made Lyssander wonder. While Rakha were not enemies with Wugari, they were not exactly on the best of terms.

Clearly, Wugari had been at odds with the Seven Empires for years now. Because of this, Rakha decided to maintain their distance to avoid upsetting the seven families.

"I understand," Lyssander said. Despite his doubts, he was prepared to trust his father, his King. He got up and bowed before leaving.

The moment he walked out, he immediately asked his attendant to bring his paper and ink so he could send a letter to Wugari and another letter to the General. The letters would be requesting the aid of the sorcerers and explaining that the Prince would personally be there when they interviewed the sorcerers who wanted to participate in the fight. After giving his commands, he went to his own study to write the letters.

To be honest, he did not expect a prompt response from Wugari or any sorcerers who wanted to help them. After all, he was aware of how their citizens disliked sorcerers and people who had been serving the Dark Lord.

"General," Prince Lyssander greeted the older General as he arrived at the forefront of the fighting. He looked at the old General Darian. The man was almost as old as his father, yet he refused to stop fighting for his King.

"Your Highness" General Darian bowed. "I received your letter. I have told my men to spread the news that we are accepting the help of those people." Just from the General's expression, Prince Lyssander knew how the General hated the King's decision; however, he would never refuse the word of the King. General Darian would do everything his King told him to do and Prince Lyssander knew that this man's loyalty to his father was even more than his faith in the Goddess.

"So it has come to this," General Darian sighed.

"I believe so, yes."

"General! Your Highness!" A soldier bowed as he approached them. "We received some news! Some people are here to bring a message. It was from the Duke of Wugari!"

"Who?" Prince Lyssander frowned.

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