Rosie's Games

Chapter 309: Kill the Duke's Bride

Chapter 309: Kill the Duke's Bride

"Your Majesty, I don't think this is the best move," Isadora said. She walked towards the King and sat opposite him. "The Duke of Wugari is I do not think he would come here without any other goal in mind. He must have wanted to have the Howling Mountains just like those people!" Isadora said. As the Princess of the Kingdom, she thought it is her job to tell the King the womenfolk's thoughts about the news of the Duke of Wugari's arrival.

"And why would the woman called Isadora the Wise think that?"

"Father" she pouted. Isadora the Wise was something that the ministers came up with after she created some laws that would help the citizens of Rakha. She had been very active in helping her brother with his policies and had been doing a lot to change the rights of the women in the Kingdom.

While many called her wise, some people called her incredibly stupid because of how she stood up against them when it comes to women's rights. However, Isadora thought that she was only doing the right thing especially when it came to how their society treated women. She was only fighting for her right.

"Tell me," the King said.

"The Duke has been known for his cruel ways. Hethe other Empires dislike him. Moreover, he killed all of his brides in the past. I do not see any healthy interaction with him."

"So this was about the woman who died."

"No. Of course not. This was about the war. The beasts."

"You do understand that the Empires have abandoned us, no?"


"Since they abandoned us. I do not see any reason for us to hold back. If the Duke would give us a better offer then I am going to work with him."

"What could he offer? He is but"

"But a what?"

The two people inside the room stopped talking as the door opened, revealing a smiling Lucas. He was wearing a mask that covered most of his face, yet it was not enough to hide the bloodlust from his eyes. Isadora shivered inwardly.

She heard stories and songs about the Duke's cruelty. Yet, the people still love and respected him.

"Your Grace I did not hear " the King got up, panic-stricken.

"No need for formalities, Your Majesty. It is I who would like to apologize for my sudden arrival. As you know, I have been very busy. Wugari has received the same attacks from the beast in the past couple of days. I came to have a private conversation with you. I did not mean to overhear the young lady's words about me."

"This is my daughter, Princess Isadora. While she has a very sharp tongue, she is only thinking about the Kingdom. Please forgive her."

"There is no need to talk about forgiveness for she did nothing wrong," Lucas said. "Now shall we find a place where we could talk in private?"

"The Wugarian Duke is in Rakha?" Ena Thun's face turned ugly when she received the news. "Why?"

"The King sent a letter to the Duke. Our spies were able to confirm this. It seems that he was asking for the Duke's help."

Ena was already in a terrible mood because of what happened in Wugari. Now, she had to hear this news the moment she woke up from a nap! Naturally, this only worsened her mood!

"It seems that the King is hell-bent on not allowing the seven families to touch the Howling Mountains" Ena hissed. "Let us show them what we have. Increase the number of relics in Rakha. Since they wanted the Duke's help then they can rot in that place together."

"Your Blessedness, we have already placed a lot of relics in that place. If if we increase them then the beasts would flatten Rakha in one night."

Ena narrowed her eyes. She intentionally wanted to spare Rakha because of their knowledge about the Howling Mountains. So, when they asked for her help, she quickly told them that she wanted access to the Howling Mountains as a way for them to show their appreciation for her help. It was supposed to be an easy agreement between two parties.

Who would have thought that the King would actually do something so annoying?

"No. We are not going to let the beasts destroy Rakha. We are only going to show them that working with the Duke is a terrible decision. The only ones that could save them are us. Call a meeting with the other Blessed Families. Tonight, the beasts will attack Rakha and just as they are about to lose their hope we will arrive."

"We will save them." Ena smiled. "Also bring Lurea to me. It is time to make her do something."

"Yes, Your Blessedness."

Not long after, Lurea arrived. As always, she was wearing a hood to hide her unpleasant face. She had her head lowered after she bowed at Ena.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, Your Blessedness," her voice had become hoarse, but this did not bother Ena.

"The Duke is someone that you cannot touch, however, this does not mean that we are going to just let everything go," Ena said. "I want you to kill someone for me." She narrowed at the large map of the north on her table.

When Lurea said nothing, Ena continued. "The woman who was with the Duke that time she is working with a sorcerer. I want you to isolate that woman and kill her. Kill the Duke's bride."

"Yes, Your Blessedness."

"I want you to make her suffer, to burn her skin until she is unrecognizable."

"Yes, Your Blessedness."

"Then the sorcerer that is working with her I want you to kill it too! Punish them for their mistakes. There is no need to hold back. I want you to let the world know that it was someone who can wield lightning who did it. Let this be a lesson to the ones who wanted to become our enemies," Ena started laughing ominously. "Do you understand me? My daughter?"

"Yes, Your Blessedness," Lurea answered without an iota of emotion in her voice.

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