Rosie's Games

Chapter 314: Milith

Chapter 314: Milith

Rosalind looked at the bustling capital of Aster.

When was the last time she had visited this place?

In the past, she seldom visited this place without Jeames. She missed a lot of things that she liked as she only wanted to cater to Jeames's wants and needs. She sighed.

Was she going to keep on blaming Jeames and Dorothy for everything that she had experienced in the past? People who only cared about themselves and were willing to do whatever it took to get what they wanted were everywhere. These people would not hesitate to hurt others to get what they want.

This was a bitter pill to swallow.

Yet Rosalind knew that she was partly to blame for everything that happened in her past life. She had been so naive, so trusting, always assuming that people had the best intentions.

It took her years to realize that this world was a cruel and a very brutal place. It took her years to see it.

Never again, Rosalind thought as she immersed herself in the streets that had been filled with the cacophony of sounds. Merchants were shouting about their wares, horses clattering over cobblestones, and the chatter of the people around her.

She eyed the large towers from afar. That was the palace, where the Emperor lived. It gave the empire a different, more sophisticated vibe that she had not seen anywhere else. She could see different banners fluttering around, street performers were everywhere, everything around this merchant district was very eye-catching.

She smiled.

"My lady, I am done." Atior's voice made her flinch.

"You already put it around the area?" Rosalind asked.


"Then we shall depart." There was no need to stay here any longer. Once night fell, beasts would try to attack Aster's walls.

"Shall we go back to Wugari?"

"Yes," Rosalind did not want to go to Rakha. She knew that the Duke could easily handle everything. Moreover, Valentin and Elias were already on their way home. They did this to avoid Lachlan Blaize. After all, there was a possibility that Lachlan could sense them.

Soon, the two made their way into the black market. Rosalind purchased a one-time teleportation scroll that would lead Atior to the walls of Wugari while she went back to her room to teleport back to Wugari.

In just a few minutes, Rosalind arrived at the Rothley estate. She smiled as she went out of her room to look for Milith. She had used her abilities and she needed food!

Walking down from her room, Rosalind could not help but look forward to the food that Milith would give her. The latter had been learning from the chef of the palace and everything that she had made lately was already very good.

"Milith?" Rosalind told Milith to just stay inside the tower when she was gone. She wanted to let everyone think that she was still in the tower.

When no one answered, Rosalind frowned. Did Milith leave? Perhaps she went out and talked to Captain Gaudy?

That's right, Captain Gaudy chose to stay here with Milith. Captain Gaudy was well aware that his skills were not as good as Valentin's and Elias's. So, instead of slowing them down, he stayed with her to create the facade that everyone else was still there.

"Captain?" Rosalind called out as she walked out of the tower. She looked around and could not sense anyone.

Strange, she thought.

"Milith? Captain Gaudy?" Rosalind called out. Where would they go?

She looked at the house where the Captain was staying and used her ability to sense if there were people inside just to avoid any embarrassing situation. However, it seems that no one was also there.

"Young Miss!"

"Huh?" Rosalind turned around and saw Milith running towards her. She was taken aback when she saw the large wound on Milith's chest.

"Run!" Milith's mouth as blood trickled down her lips. "Run!"

"What?" Rosalind felt all the blood leave her face, fear gripped her as she realized that Milith no longer had her right arm.


"Milith what"

There was a loud bang and she saw Milith's body crumble into small little pieces like a piece of paper. She was burned.


Rosalind jolted up on her bed. She was dreaming?

Relief came as she realized that the frightening scenario was not real. She was safe in

On the floor?

Rosalind got up. Why was she sleeping on the floor? She frowned and looked around. She was currently in her room, still wearing the same clothes. Meaning, she was able to teleport to the black market, but somehow, she fell asleep and could not remember anything about it.

'This was becoming a problem,' Rosalind thought.

"Milith?" This time, Rosalind made sure that she was not dreaming by pinching her own skin. The pain was enough proof that she was already wide awake.


Rosalind found some cold tea and downed it. Her throat felt so dry, all she wanted was to drink something. After she finished the tea, she walked out of her room.


Just where is Milith? She recalled telling her not to leave the tower for anything. After walking down the stairs, she immediately went to Milith's room to check on her. Once there, Rosalind realized that the bed had been fixed and it did not look like she had been there since Milith woke up.

With this in mind, she walked towards the kitchen.


Rosalind walked inside the kitchen and grabbed some cookies that Milith must have made earlier.

And that was when she noticed it.

The kitchen was a scene of utter chaos. Pots and pans had been knocked to the ground, there was food spilled across the floor. The fire on the stove had gone out, leaving the room cold and damp.

"Milith?" Rosalind slowly walked closer to the open door that would lead her to the shed where the wood was stored. Just as she stepped outside, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Milith's body in the snow.

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