Rosie's Games

Chapter 326: Secrets between the Seven Families

Chapter 326: Secrets between the Seven Families

"Are you telling me that they can make the relics stronger?" Ena Thun's dark blue orbs flickered when she heard Federico's words. "How is that possible?

"How would I know that? If they indeed stole the relics just like what you told me then they must have hidden it in Aster thinking that it would attract the attention of the beasts. However this time, the relics attracted the beasts even when it was daytime. The chaos that it created is too much."

"Do not fret. The rest of us will go to Aster. We needed to know how they managed to create something like that. If what you are saying is actually true then" Ena frowned. "We needed to know how they were able to make them more effective. I am not going to stop until we possess the method of making the relics stronger even if that means I am going to wage war against Wugari."

"That is sheer lunacy."

"Lunacy? The fact that your ignorance is keeping you from doing something that could make us stronger is laughable, Federico. This is the time that we stop looking into the things of the past and focus on the future." Ena shrugged her shoulders before she finished her wine.

In fact, the two of them were quite the same. Both of them wanted power and authority. This was the reason why they could be considered allies and rivals at the same time.

However, while Ena focused on improving their abilities using things that they could create using relics, Federico was too focused on the ruins and history. While Ena believed that there was a way to produce more of them by using the relics. Federico believed that he could attain what he wanted by visiting the ruins and understanding the Goddess's reasons for limiting their abilities.

Their methods were not the same, but eventually, they only had one goal, and that was to rule the continent.

"The Gliss Family are already on their way. I am certain they would be able to help out. The Blaize family, however" Ena added as the crease between her eyebrows deepened as she thought of the mockery that she received from Lachlan Blaize. "That man is a problem." Lachlan Blaize had an ego problem. As someone who could wield fire, the man had a temper as hot as fire. That was the reason why they disliked him.

However, one of these days, she was going to prove that she was stronger than the entirety of the Blaize family.

"Does anyone else know about your involvement in this matter?" Federico asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Only you and the Gliss Family," she answered. Naturally, she did not want to share any secrets that could potentially put the other families at war with her.

In the past, each of the families had done their best to suppress the other, each of them preventing the other from becoming more and more powerful. This led to the stagnant state that they were currently experiencing now.

The only constant thing was the fact that not many people from the seven families would dare involve the North in their petty antics. Each of them steered clear of the Northern Kingdoms because they still honored their ancestor's teachings.

Because of this, Ena chose to have her base in the North. She knew that the other families would not dare to venture into that area. She knew that they would not suspect anything.

"What would happen if they knew?" Federico asked.

"They would never be able to prove it."

"Good," Federico nodded. "That is good. However, this incident in Aster is going to earn some raised brows from the other members of the seven families. You must be more careful in the future. We do not want them asking any more questions."

"As long as they cannot prove it then there should not be any other problems," Ena was confident that they would not be able to prove it. Moreover, if they did try to pin this on her, she could just tell them that this was actually the Duke's plan. She could easily sway their opinions and make the Duke the villain of everything.

"Since they are already coming then I am at ease. The tide will be dealt with if the seven families work together," Federico felt relieved. While he did not completely trust Ena, he knew that she would never risk her progress. To keep the others from discovering the relics, Ena would surely handle this in her own way.

This meant that she would personally join the fight.

As a very strong lightning wielder, Ena could easily turn the battle with just one bolt of her lightning.

"I decided to come here for another matter," Federico said.

"What is it?"

"The black market. The Four Quarter Masters. I want to know more about them," Federico said. How could Mr. Pratt let that woman insult him in front of so many people? While he had no way of knowing that woman's identity, Federico knew about the Four Quarter Masters and he could easily use it to make them tell him more about that woman!

"I heard they are from the south. They have been very mysterious and I am not interested enough to try and dig deeper about them. They are nothing but merchants who want money. Is there a point in wasting my precious time reading about some unknown humans?"

Federico narrowed his eyes. Seeing this, Ena added, "If they offended you somehow then just send someone to kill them. Isn't that a very simple thing to do? If you want to keep everything a secret, I can send one of my trusted aids to solve your problem."

"Thank you, but I will manage this on my own," Federico uttered. "For now, I am going to leave. My Empire is at war with the beasts. I will be expecting you to arrive in Aster very soon."

"Of course." Again, Ena poured herself another glass of wine.

"Stop thinking about Lachlan, he is not worth it."

"You were not there to see it!" Ena hissed at the departing old man. The thing with Lachlan was something that she would never forget. That man gained the confidence to mock her because of the Duke of Wugari.

Everything that had gone wrong lately was because of that man!

Lucas Rothley!

One of these days, she would definitely end that man's life with her own hands!

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