Rosie's Games

Chapter 360: Untouched, Untainted Women

Chapter 360: Untouched, Untainted Women

Vitalium was a relic that could make her stronger even stronger than all of them combined. She was not referring to physical strength, but rather mental fortitude. However, there was a small side effect, and that was the fact that it could alter her behavior.

Vitalium was a powerful relic that bestowed the ability to eradicate all feelings of tiredness, pain, and sleepiness in the user. When consumed or used, it instantly revitalizes the individual, providing boundless energy and keeping them in a constant state of high alertness

The user would feel an incredible surge of vitality and become impervious to fatigue or physical discomfort, enabling them to push their physical and mental limits to extraordinary levels.

It would also boost the user's confidence, making them more assertive, decisive, and willing to take risks. It can also amplify their positive traits such as courage and determination.

The only downside was the fact that once Vitalium loses its effects, it would have a potent psychological effect, inducing a state of euphoria and heightened confidence. Moreover, prolonged use of Vitalium could lead to dependence and addiction.

Vitalium worked on both Blessed Individuals and normal humans. In the past, she had tested it on a few people and deemed it a useless relic that did not do much other than make someone feel good.

To her, it was not worth it.

So... why would she decide to use it now?

Aside from the fact that she was injured, and lacked sleep and focus, she was also dealing with concerns that required her to come up with answers that she was not prepared to give. She took the relic and held it in her palm. Almost immediately, a cooling sensation started to spread from her arm to her whole body. After a minute, she put it back in the box. It was now smaller than it was earlier.

Vitalium was something that her father found in the Howling Mountains. When he arrived, he had more Vitalium than the other relics as he thought it would be more effective. He was wrong.

Thinking back, her father must have taken the relic because of its otherworldly appeal.

She closed her eyes again, giving the relic a few minutes to take effect. When her eyes fluttered open, the exhaustion that had plagued her was gone.

She straightened her back, her gaze sharp.

"Someone!" she called. The woman who gave her the box walked in and bowed.

"Your Blessedness"

"Take the Vitalium back," she said. Calmly, she walked towards another floor of this hidden building.

After a few minutes, she walked into a dimly lit, stonewalled chamber with high ceilings and shelves filled with ancient books and potions in glass vials. The air was thick with the acrid smell of various potions and the faint smell of burned flesh.

The flickering illumination from the candles cast enough light to reveal the instruments of experimentation scattered on the table that was found in the corner of the room.

The table was large, adored with various metal tools, some sharp and gleaming, others twisted and contorted.

She eyed the large cage that hung above the table. The creature inside was a cross between a human and a bat. Sadly, it had been dead for a long time now.

In another corner, a large glass tank held a swirling concoction of bubbling liquids that emitted green mists inside the room.

"Where are you," she said, her voice cold.

"Do you need something?" a man, hunched with age and draped in tattered robes that hung off his once robust frame, revealed himself.

He looked at her without an iota of respect. All Ena could see was the marks of relentless pursuit in the man's face that now looked like a withered skeleton. His sunken eyes gleamed with unnatural intensity as he looked at her from head to toe.

"You took Vitalium?"

"I had no choice." The man's stinky smell made her frown. Sorcerers always have that smell around them that they could not remove. This was the reason why it was very easy to identify them.

"Go on" the man chuckled. "So you would end up at my table. I would love to dissect you like an insect."

"I did not come here to be lectured."

"Of course."

"I still cannot track Lurea."

"Then perhaps she died. She is a failure. There is no need to think too much about it."

Ena's lips twitched. The man before her only had two things on his mind. His experiments and his subjects. If you were not one of those two things, then you were not going to be enough to attract his attention.

"Did you bring anything?" he asked.


"The relics that you promised"

"There had been problems."

The man frowned, clearly unimpressed. "If you want me to continue then you must give me more."

"The Duke of the North intervened."

The man's lips pursed.

"But I am still planning to go to the Howling Mountains very soon."

"Good. We need those relics."

"This is why I came here."

"What is it?"

"I want you to come with me."


"I have suspicions that the Duke of the North found some relics that we do not know. Perhaps something that made him stronger than even Blessed Individuals."

"There is no reason why a relic like that would not exist."

"The Duke has someone that can sense relics."

This immediately got the old man's attention.

"I am planning to find out who it is so we could take them to the Howling Mountains. However, I cannot reveal myself. This is why I need you. I want you to identify the one who could sense the relic and take them out of the Duke's Estate." A sorcerer like him should be able to identify something like that.

Despite having the option to seek his assistance, Ena refrained from doing so due to his demanding nature and the compensation for his assistance.

"So you are going to use me."

"This is a cooperation."

"Something like that requires a hefty compensation. After all, I do not want to visit that place, especially when the Duke is there."

"How many?"

"Twenty-four untouched and untainted women. Ten to twelve is the right age. They must be born in the colder months."

Ena's lips thinned. This was the reason why she hated asking him to do anything.

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