Rosie's Games

Chapter 362: The Tomb

Chapter 362: The Tomb


"If you wanted us to summon the Duke, you need better evidence than knowing that Federico wanted to visit him that night," Jean Hydran said. Her gaze was as serious as Martin's. "If he could easily do that to Federico, then there is simply no stopping him from doing it to us."

"Unfortunately, we do not have any other proof. For now"

"Then we need to find one!" Jean said. By now, the others had already left the meeting room, leaving behind only Martin, Jean and Myra Gliss. The two women wanted to talk to Martin, and it was not just because of Federico.

Just like Martin, the two other members of the seven families were alarmed by the things that the Duke had shown them. His prowess was so astounding that their families were starting to understand that he had the capability to kill them. Because of this, they were treating him as a threat, and all threats had to be eliminated.

It was that simple.

However, they could not just eliminate a hero.

While the three of them were busy scheming on how to make the Duke come back to Aster so they could demand answers, Federico Lux finally started to wake up.

As Federico slowly regained consciousness, his senses returned one by one, bringing with them a wave of confusion and disorientation.

He frowned as his head pounded mercilessly. His throat felt parched, as if it had been scorched by the desert sun.

He tried to move, but his body felt weak, his limbs heavy.

His vision gradually adjusted. He found himself lying on a rocky floor, bathed in a dim reddish light.

The air seemed musty, and he could smell earth around him.

Again, he tried to sit up, but his body protested.

Looking around, he realized he was chained to a cave. The fact that he was chained to the walls of the cave struck him like a hammer blow, shattering the flicker of hope that had briefly ignited within him. The walls were rough and uneven with a low ceiling that seemed to close in on him. What was more noticeable was the red stones that were scattered around him. Each of them emitted a faint, eerie glow.

'What is happening?' He thought inwardly.

He wanted to call out for help, but his throat screamed for water, his stomach gnawed with hunger. He must have been unconscious for days!

He tried to think of the last thing that he could remember, but everything seemed so blurry.

How did he get here?

Federico licked his cracked lips, desperately trying to produce some saliva as he tried to access his Blessing.

It did not work.

Soon, he started drifting in and out of consciousness, each time, he tried to access his Blessing but for an unknown reason, he could not seem to do it he could not seem to use his Blessing!

For a moment, he began to panic.

His memories remained hazy. He couldn't recall how he ended up in the cave or why he had lost his Blessing.

"Ah you are already awake?" A woman's crisp voice came out of the darkness and alerted him that he was no longer alone. He opened his eyes but could not seem to make out the woman hovering in front of him. "To be honest, I was quite surprised that the relic has brought you perilously close to the brink of death," the woman continued. "Ah I brought water."

Federico felt a sodden rag against his dry lips. The sensation of water on his lips stirred him awake. He eagerly sucked on the fabric as if his life depended on it.

"Slowly slowly this is all yours. You can have everything."

Federico heard the woman mutter.

After what seemed like an eternity, the cloth became devoid of any moisture. The water had dissipated, leaving Federico wanting more.

He lifted his eyes and this time was able to make out of an unfamiliar face.

A woman with an ordinary-looking face welcomed his gaze.

"You Who are you?" Federico managed to say despite his aching throat.

"I am the one who took you!" The woman beamed. "Do not worry, I have no plans of ending your life. I could not do that. So, let us save each other's time and tell me where the tomb is." Again, the woman had a brilliant smile on her face as if she was just talking to a friend that she had known for decades.

"You cannot use your Blessing, you have no sustenance, you are weak. The relics around you will slowly remove all the remaining strength in your body until you die."

"What What do you want?"

"Is it possible that you're suffering from a hearing impairment?" The woman frowned. Then she shook her head. "That is impossible. You must have heard me."

"What What tomb?" Federico asked.

"Did you not hear what I said? If you will not tell me the location of the tomb you will die here. Tell me its location and I will let you go. This would be very beneficial for both of us, no?"

Federico stared at the calm expression in the woman's eyes. Despite this, he could seem to feel the darkness coming from her. The woman was not human. However, Federico could not seem to tell what she really was.

"Go on, think about it I will come back when you finally decide to cooperate." The woman got up. "Do not waste your time. The relics can nullify your ability. Save your strength and think about my proposition instead of trying to escape this place."

Federico said nothing as he stared at the woman departing into the darkness.

Tomb? He thought inwardly.

What tomb?

He frowned. Was he talking about the tomb where the Dark Lord was kept? Or the rumored tomb of the one who gifted them their abilities? The rumored tomb of the dead Goddess?


Please add Eve's Gambit to your library! The setting is in the same world as Rosie's Games, just a different continent.

Thank you!

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