Rosie's Games

Chapter 375: Resemblance

Chapter 375: Resemblance

"Run...." a woman's voice echoed inside her head. Rosalind immediately frowned. This is... a dream?

The woman's voice was exactly like the one inside her head. It had been telling her to run when there was a demon around.

Rosalind's frown grew deeper as she got up and looked around. The tents were missing and so was everyone else.

Why was she having this dream now?

Seeing that this was all a dream, Rosalind started walking forward. She could hear a loud roar nearby yet she ignored it. Unaware of what she was looking for, she continued walking.

That was until she thought she heard waves of laughter.

She stopped and listened carefully. Sure enough, she could hear faint laughter coming from somewhere in the distance. Rosalind's curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to follow the sound.

As she walked, the laughter grew louder and more distinct.

Then she saw it.

A group of people was huddled around a campfire. They were talking, laughing, and joking around.

They looked around her age.

What attracted her attention was the man that looked exactly like... someone.

Rosalind's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the man who looked like Lucas.

She approached the group cautiously, unsure of what to say. As she drew closer, she could see that they were all dressed in strange clothing that looked like it came from a different period.

Soon enough, she realized that the group cannot see her.

'This was a dream,' she reminded herself.

The group consisted of ten individuals, including six men and four women, gathered around a campfire.

"You should eat more," Lucas said, his gaze gentle as he handed a wooden bowl to the woman next to him. As the woman kept her head down, Rosalind was unable to make out her face.

The woman lifted her eyes and smiled at Lucas. Rosalind was immediately taken aback when she saw the woman's face. It was almost as if she was looking at a mirror image of herself. "Thank you," the woman spoke.

"You should have asked for help," Lucas said, his gentle gaze seeming to irritate Rosalind. She couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the Lucas she knew. He had never looked at her this way before.

Was she feeling jealous?

"And let the monster destroy the village? If I hadn't fought against that demon, more people would have died."

"So you chose to exhaust yourself. You almost got killed," Lucas said.

"My life would be nothing if those humans were killed," the woman whispered. "You already know that."

Rosalind felt a strange ache in her chest as she watched the interaction between the two. It was as if she was witnessing a different version of herself, living a different life with Lucas. She couldn't help but wonder if this was just a figment of her imagination or something that would happen in the future.

Either way, she did not like feeling this way.

"I just wish...I wish things were different," the woman said, her voice breaking.

Lucas placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The group of ten sat around the campfire, their faces solemn. The man with the long red braid spoke up, "We must find a new home for the humans. This land is no longer safe for them to live in."

A man with striking blue hair chimed in, "What about the other continent you mentioned? Can we make a home there?"

"I am not sure. I tried to see, but my abilities are not strong enough." The woman that resembled Rosalind answered. "But that place was a home for beasts- thousands of them."

"If this goes on... the demons would enslave everyone. There will be no place for humans to live," said another woman. Her hair reminded Rosalind of the Lux Family's hair color.

The group fell silent.

"We cannot let that happen," another woman spoke firmly. "We will find a way to protect the humans and find them a new home."

Rosalind listened intently to their conversation, feeling like an outsider looking in. She couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and connection to these people, despite never having met them before.

Suddenly, the dream began to fade away, the voices becoming fainter and the figures starting to blur. Rosalind tried to hold on to the dream, to stay with these people a little longer, but it was too late.

Rosalind sat up and looked around, feeling disoriented.

She was back in the clearing, surrounded by the others who were still asleep.

"You should get more sleep," Elias spoke. He was not that far away from Rosalind.

Rosalind said nothing.

"It is not time yet," Valentin added. "Two more hours and it will be your turn."

"How is it?" Rosalind asked, ignoring their words.

"Well... it has been quiet," Elias said. "Just like earlier."

Rosalind nodded. She got up and stared at the darkness around them. She did not know if she should be thankful for the quietness or worried over it. How could a quiet place like this exist?

"Are you worried about him?" Valentin asked. "I mean, the Duke."

"Yes," Rosalind's mind was consumed with thoughts of Lucas.

The dream she had earlier, coupled with the woman who resembled her, had left her feeling vulnerable and exposed. It was as if a dull knife had been plunged into her chest, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy that was gnawing at her from within. Valentin's question only served to bring her back to reality.

She wanted to shake off the feeling of jealousy, but it lingered like a heavy weight on her chest, making it hard to breathe. How could she be jealous of someone who looked just like her?

This time, she chuckled. She had no right to feel this way.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Valentin asked softly.

She shook her head. "No. I just this is giving me too much anxiety," Rosalind said.

"Wherever he is... I am certain he is safe," Elias said. "He is not like us."

It was true, Lucas was not like them, he was strong and capable. With a nod, she silently agreed with Elias.

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