Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 27: The Truth and fear (3/?)

Chapter 27: The Truth and fear (3/?)

Tianlong Yun was lying beside the body of his lover and watching her beautiful and calm face while sleeping, it was a really comforting view that made all his worries and preoccupations disappear as if a magic was casted on his soul. He couldn't hold himself back anymore and just got closer to that face and kissed her gently and warmly not wanting to destroy the beautiful dreams she could be dreaming.

Feeling his lips over her own Tianlong Yue woke up with a happy and cute smile and said with a pouting voice,

Tianlong Yue:" Again the same dream, I wish so much it could become true one day."

Hearing her words stupefied Tianlong Yun for a moment and then he started laughing lightly and kissed her lips again and then continued with her eyes, nose, ears and every place he could think to plant his kisses and said tenderly,

Tianlong Yun:" Sleepy cat this is real, you are not dreaming love." Tianlong Yue was startled awake and was like someone had stepped on her tail, and then she felt the naked body of her lover and a little soreness between her legs and then remembered what had happened before she fell asleep and she turned red like a tomatoes and she covered her head with a blanket due to being extremely embarrassed but she was really happy inside, finally her dream had become reality.

Seeing her act so cutely made Tianlong Yun even more happy and he again laughed lightly and kissed her hands holding the blanket and said with a fake sad tone,

Tianlong Yun:" It seems you don't want to see my face anymore after what happened, I guess I will leave you alone then." And he pretended to leave the bed, but at this time he got hugged by a warm body and two skinny arms that hugged him like pincers of a scorpion in a fear of losing him.

Even though Tianlong Yue knew he was just pretending and wouldn't leave her for real she couldn't take the chance even if it was a nano chance of him leaving the bed, so in that moment all she could think was to hug him like crazy and feel him beside her.

Tianlong Yun felt a little bad about his teasing and lovingly said,

Tianlong Yun:" I am not leaving love, I was just joking earlier, you are mine for eternity now and nothing can separate us love." Saying that he started plating small kisses on her face and then finally kissing her small pink lips that were so sweet that he thought he had become addict to that sweetness now.

It took some time and a lot of kisses for Tianlong Yue to finally release her hug and stare at his eyes and she was so happy now that she had become his, she could feel he was really serious about her being only his for eternity and that he would never leave her or treat her badly she could feel his love and care in his gaze. She thought he might not be satisfied with her service before falling asleep and said timidly,

Tianlong Yue:" hus..husband if wa..want we ca..can con..continue."

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled at her words, but he quickly could recollect himself and said to her lovingly,

Tianlong Yun:" You don't have to force yourself love, this was your first time and you must be really tired and hurt so we don't have to do that now, we have a long life ahead of us to continue." Even though Tianlong Yun had the bloodline of a dragon on his bloodline mixture and was lustful and really hard to satisfy he wasn't a beast, he would hurt his lover just to satisfy his needs.

Furthermore this little woman was so cute and adorable that he couldn't even think of hurting her, she was his and they had a long life ahead so he continued,

Tianlong Yun:" For now it's enough for me to hug you and feel the warmth of your body love, and we must talk about some serious stuff love and I don't want secrets between us so I will tell you everything, I just hope you don't hate me in the end."

And then Tianlong Yun started telling her everything including his previous life and how he had come to this world and his relationship with Tianlong Xia and all his plans he had for his future and his revenge.

At the beginning Tianlong Yue was a little a bit exited at hearing that her lover was going to tell her everything and she didn't know what to expect and honestly hearing about his life and everything else she felt he was telling her was like one of those Wuxia novels that people read for fun, but seeing his solemn and serious look she knew he was honest and true in everything.

She was lost in thoughts for some time but she finally realized something and asked to reassure herself,

Tianlong Yue:" Then my stepbrother..?" Without hiding anything Tianlong Yun told her about his suspicions of him being poisoned and died together with their aunt.

Tianlong Yue was startled and she couldn't make sense of everything but then she felt the warmth of her man's body and she remembered all his loving gazes and his care and all his actions and she found out that she didn't care if this person was really her stepbrother or not, she had found her love in him and also a new sister because of him and she finally had found a place she could call family and feel safe and secure and happy.

It was really strange how fast the brain works sometimes and how it cooperates with the heart to uncover all the desires and loves of the heart and make a decision.

Seeing Tianlong Yue lost in thought Tianlong Yun thought that saying to her everything right now was a bad idea after all and he was really discouraged and didn't know what to do now because he told her everything because he could feel that they truly loved each other but right now perhaps he did a mistake and he must have waited a bit. He was truly scared of her rejection.

This was the second time he had been so scared after his relationship with Tianlong Xia, he hadn't felt so scared even when he thought he would die and disappear from the universe, it was so crazy and strange a Royal Dragon like him who had even the bloodline of a Royal Phoenix, two of the noblest bloodlines and he was scared of the rejection of a little girl of 15 years old. Truly a case of not knowing if he had to laugh or cry, he was just staring at her eyes in fear as if trying to learn her thoughts.

Tianlong Yue woke up from her reverie feeling the fearful gaze of her man and she felt so warm in her heart this legendary being that had extraordinary power and knowledge was afraid of her rejection she finally could find her answer and said lovingly looking at his eyes,

Tianlong Yue:" Truth to be told I still can't make total sense of all of what you said but I know that to me it doesn't matter anymore if you're aren't my stepbrother and have just possessed his body, all I know and can make sense is that, I Love You and I can feel you love me too so everything else comes after that, furthermore we will have an eternity to live and know each other better."

Hearing those words to Tianlong Yun was like hearing that he was innocent after unjustly judged to death, in other words it felt like his life had come back to him again, he couldn't control himself in happiness and just hugged her hard like she had done before and kissed her passionately, it was really touching to him.

Feeling his love and warmth Tianlong Yue didn't stop him at all, in fact she became even more secure of her feelings and decision. She felt like for the first time in her life she had taken a decision that would make her happy and loved for all her life.

They continued hugging and kissing until they felt the traitorous sun rays hit their face and announce the end of their happy time and Tianlong Yun said lovingly


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