Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 816: Tang Li’s Strength and Eloquence

Chapter 816: Tang Li’s Strength and Eloquence

While Tang Li had been instructed by Tianlong Yun to take her time into slowly descending levels, she was by no means inferior to these guys.

After all, she had secured a quota to this Secret Pond even before Tianlong Yun arrived, and she had done that through her own abilities and strength.

Of course, these idiots of the Yao Family and other deep backgrounds, that considered their selves to be the next Jade Emperor wouldn't easily believe that.

Or to be more exact their machoism wouldn't accept that a frail and feeble woman would actually reach their level, and perhaps even more.

For that reason, they couldn't help but feel superior to her and even delude that they could take her down with their thoughts.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that in their eyes Tang Li was most probably nothing more than a chicken on the chopping board.

For that reason, Tang Li's sudden movement, speed, and attack coupled with the startling feeling was beyond the poor victim's comprehension as it sent him swim-flying towards the wall.


Even though his crash was actually smoothened by the water resistance on his way, he still didn't manage to escape unscathed, as there was quite the commotion and noise spread with that.

It wouldn't be a wonder if that guy was fully pissed off at that moment, and would forget about his lewd thoughts upon Tang Li, to fully concentrate on killing her.

Fortunately or unfortunately for him, Tang Li didn't seem willing to waste her time with him, as she had something much more important to do right now.

Even she herself didn't understand why she was diving like that towards danger, because the truth was that she didn't have much of an impression or relationship with Tianlong Yun.

They had been married, and she had handed her body to him, but their mutual love feelings were basically inexistent.

In fact, more than a marriage their current relationship was a paid family contract that bought each of them what they wanted.

Tianlong Yun had a need for her physique and potential in the future, while she needed someone to properly guide and teach her in her cultivation path.

With those thoughts in mind, her current actions were weird to say the least and extremely stupid to say the worst.

Unfortunately now wasn't the time to think about that, as she was in a hurry to find Tianlong Yun as fast as she could, as he was in grave danger.

'Man proposes, Heaven disposes~!'

While Tang Li immediately tried to escape the place immediately and get lower in order to find Tianlong Yun, that Yao Family guy wasn't alone.

What's worse, that guy didn't seem to have even the tiniest shame. In order to no not lose any more face, and at the same time to administer his heavy punishment for her transgression.

"Heheheh~! Beauty where are you going, we brothers have been looking around for you, for quite some time now!

Don't you think it's bad manners to slap our youngest cousin like that, and then run away!?"

Surprisingly the newcomers didn't seem to care much about the fact that their youngest had been slapped across the face, as they were more focused on Tang Li, and blocking her path.

No matter how much these guys liked to act as if they cared about their people, in reality, they were also the first ones to lower them.

After all, even though they were blood-related among them, one day they would fight for who stood over the other.

Chances like these were rare to come across, so they would do the most of it. The two people who didn't like those words were Tang Li and the guy who had just been insulted.

For Tang Li that was not only a waste of time but also a waste of brain cells. Furthermore, right now she had something urgent to do, and she couldn't afford to waste it.

"Are you going to move out of the way, or will you force me to lose precious time in here!"

"Hehehe~! Just because you slapped a little trash of our esteemed Family on the face, don't think that you can act so presumptuous in front of us!

In fact, shouldn't you already be on your knees sucking us off, and seeking an apology!?"

"Hmph~! A little bi*tch like you isn't worthy of my apology!"

"Youu What did you just say!?"

It was clear that Tang Li's words had fully enraged the guy who had just said those words, as he couldn't believe he was getting that treatment.

It was so unbelievable, that he felt that he had misheard Tang Li's words just now. Unfortunately, Tang Li didn't seem to care about his disbelief and feelings, as she said,

"What happened to you poor thing, not only do you lack in your mouth skills, but you even seem to have lost your hearing!

It truly makes this Grandaunt of yours worry for you!"

If she were to fight this guy head-on Tang Li felt that she had more than an 80% chance of bringing him down fair and square, but that would take quite some time and effort.

Which were two things that she couldn't afford to waste right now. With those thoughts in mind, she decided to use the best counter-strategy possible against these guys.

Provocation and shaming!

Like that she would infuriate them into attack and take advantage of the created flaws to take them down. It wasn't a lie when people said that an angry mind is a narrow mind!

"You bi*tch die for mee~!"

Her plan seemed to have worked perfectly as the idiot jumped toward her with the intention to kill her in one fell swoop, or critically injure and torture her later.

No matter what, the idiot seemed to be fully decided on making her pay for her mistakes, while Tang Li who was expecting this dodged ever slightly to the left, and then kicked the guy behind his head.

'Baaanngggg, Booooooommmmm~!'

One more guy was sent crashing towards the inner walls of the Secret Pond, as Tang Li didn't waste time with him and turned around to leave.

Unfortunately, the two reverberating crashes were enough to pull the attention of the other geniuses towards her, as the remaining 3 idiots appeared around her.

"I don't know what's with my bad luck today, only attracting idiots wherever I go! So, tell me Young Masters are you going to fight and end as your predecessors, or will you stay out of my way and save yourselves from pain and humiliation!?"

Hearing those words, these guys immediately placed a solemn expression on their faces, as they didn't know what to do for a moment.

But seeing as they were 3 vs 1, and the other two were showing signs of waking up, the solution was becoming easier and easier for them.

"Hahahahah~! Tang Li who the fu*ck do you think you are? You think that you can scare us in retreat!? Wishful thinking.

You better strip and get ready for when I devour you! The more you resist the more painful it will be for you!"

"Hoho~! Finally, someone with a backbone appeared! Unfortunately, you don't even seem like a man, you are just a half-one at best!"

"Tang Li~!"

"Don't get me wrong, you seem better than the first two, but you still are nothing more than a halfling at best! You should work harder if you want to impress some old woman in the future."

One would have to accept that despite not having much time, place, or situation Young Lady Tang Li had quite the talent for enraging and infuriating her opponents.

She was scary!

On the other hand, how could a Young Master from a big family, accept these words from a lowly bi*tch that had actually married someone like Tianlong Yun?

With those crazy thoughts in his mind, he wasn't able to control himself any longer either, so he immediately jumped into an attack toward Tang Li.

Different from the previous two though, this guy had taken out his weapon, which was a one-sided blade, just like a katana, and was a precious treasure.

Seeing the attack approach her life Tang Li was much more calmer than she had ever thought she would be, as she just did the same as previously by dodging to the side.

The problem this time though was that the attack actually connected to her clothes, and it left behind a cut right under her soft melons.

"Hehehehe~! This was just my warning bi*tch, now tell me are you going to plead and beg to me to keep you alive, or should I continue and give you a much more lasting treatment!?"

"Hehehe~! You think too highly of yourself Young Master! Now it's my turn to show you my strength!"

With that said, Tang Li didn't waste any extra seconds before she disappeared from her previous location and appeared right behind him.

Her intention was clear, she wanted to knock this idiot out, and then continue toward her goal. There was no weapon on her hands at the moment because Tianlong Yun had advised her against it.

He wanted the beauty to build a perfect foundation for her weaponless fighting skills, as he had all the intention to tap into all the potential of her physique.

The poor guy was completely dumbfounded and didn't expect something like this to happen, so one could say that his life was now in the hands of Tang Li.

But that was until she was reminded that there was another guy inside the room

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