Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 832: The Third One's Terrible Outcome & Opportunity

Chapter 832: The Third One's Terrible Outcome & Opportunity

The White Snake could feel the danger of this situation, but it had no intention of backing down. After all, this was a matter of great importance to itself, so it couldn't let it happen.

For that reason, the White Snake was ready to go all out as well, as it opened its mouth and sent it slithering towards the enemy.

Due to the great difference in power, and Realm, the Royalist's guy was unable to move out of the White Snake's tongue attack, but he didn't seem to worry much.

After all, while he was really captured by the tongue, the White Snake was under some greater danger than himself, as the poison had already reached its close surroundings.

As the White Snake was trying to strangle the enemy with its own tongue, it suddenly felt that its bad premonition came to reality, as it felt that it couldn't move its tongue any longer.

What's more, its slithery tongue had lost all its strength and started to loosen up and slowly fall down due to the gravity.

The poison had entered the White Snake's body and had spread through its body, its tongue was just the first stop. Soon its whole body would be paralyzed and unable to move.

The enemy was truly sly, devious, and underhanded! Not like the White Snake could blame him for doing so, as this was a battle for survival.

Survival of the fittest didn't mean survival of the strongest. Just like right now, the White Snake was in a terrible situation that would most probably end with the loss of its life.

It had yet to grieve enough for its lost companion, and even less of serving Tianlong Yun according to their contract or reaching the fabled Realm of Gods.

Due to all of these reasons the White Snake was extremely unwilling to die, as it started thinking of a way to survive his current predicament and kill his enemy.

No matter how much he thought and tried, it was impossible for its body to produce the antidote to the paralytic poison in time, so he had to find another option, another way.

In its most desperate moment it could only think of his powerful Black Ray attack, even though the current him didn't have enough energy to launch that attack, he could only find a substitute.

The only substitute it could think about was actually his own vitality. The White Snake was at the prime of its life which coupled with his current Realm, gave him quite a great amount of vitality.

Not to mention that it had received quite a bit of Tianlong Yun's vitality while Tianlong Yun was captured by the weird ability of the Yin-Yang Celestial Pond.

Still, even then, the vitality he was about to use, and waste would cause him quite significant damage to his body, and reserves.

That was due to the power and consumption of that Black Ray attack, whenever it used that Black Ray it would need to expend more than 60% of its Qi.

For that reason, it would take quite some time to actually charge the Black Ray attack and release it. 

Today the White Snake had already used the Black Ray attack twice, and after it had fought with the Parasitic Worm.

Its Qi reserves were totally empty, and even its Soul State was extremely troubled. For that reason, the amount of momentum and energy it needed exceeded 50% of its current vitality reserves.

Not to mention that he needed to burn an extra 20% vitality from his body to temporarily lift the paralytic poison on his body, making its situation worse.

That great loss of vitality would certainly damage its body, its cultivation in the near future, and even more so his potential and future achievements.

Still, without hesitating in the least, the White Snake started burning its vitality like crazy. It's white scaled skin turned even whiter as its eyes started turning a mix of red and yellow color.

At the same time, its black spot on the head started shining weirdly, before it finally released the dense energy attack that had a prowess close to a black hole attack.

The poor Royalist's masked guy had just launched his next attack, as his large needle was directed towards the White Snake's heart when it was hit by something that was out of his imagination.

Even in his worst nightmare, he had never thought that something like this was possible, that dense energy attack not only killed him, but it even extinguished him at an atomic level.

Tianlong Yun could tell that even the guy's soul had been extinguished and perished with no trace of existence left.

Tianlong Yun felt that it was a pity to have completely extinguished him like that, as even his weapon, and all his possessions had been extinguished at this moment.

Well, that was a matter of the past, as the most important thing at the moment was the condition of the White Snake, who was extremely weak and feeble.

After that loss of vitality, it wasn't a wonder, but if something wasn't done after this the White Snake would probably lose all hopes of advancing ever again.

In fact, it might even suffer and start losing its cultivation. This was certainly not something that Tianlong Yun wanted to see, not after doing so much to subordinate him.

With these thoughts in mind, he quickly appeared in front of the White Snake's mouth, looked him deeply in the eye, as he said,

"You better remember this moment for the rest of your life, because from now on your life, and existence belong to me!"

With that said, he quickly bit on his wrist, and let his valuable blood flow down due to gravity and fall in the White Snake's mouth.

The weak, feeble, and dispirited White Snake's eyes immediately shined at the taste of the metallic and aromatic blood of Tianlong Yun.

It had never tasted such an elixir, even the liquid of the Yin-Yang Celestial Pond wasn't as tasty and good for him as what it was having now.

It was nothing short of receiving a second life, a boon that it had never thought possible. 

The incoming vigor, vitality, and reactions were strong enough to not only reverse its situation but also close its deepest wounds and give new life.

Every drop of blood it received from Tianlong Yun it brought new vigor, energy, and vitality. Stuffing it and making it feel like it was about to explode from everything it received.

It was fully obsessed with absorbing as much of this blood as it could. In order to do that, even its weak and powerless tongue started finding its way to Tianlong Yun's wrist subconsciously.

The moment its tongue reached Tianlong Yun's wrist it started licking and trying to open the wound on Tianlong Yun's wrist larger.

It was slowly growing crazy due to its greed and temptation, but before it could go overboard, Tianlong Yun actually pressured the White Snake with his own aura, and then took his hand away.

He had no intention of letting the White Snake fully devour his blood and vitality, as he had already given around 7% of the total to the White Snake.

Of course, that might not sound like much, and it might even look useless knowing that the White Snake had already wasted 70% of its vitality.

But one has to know that the White Snake was after all a snake still, while Tianlong Yun was a dragon, the great Ancestors of all snakes.

How could their vitality, and bloodline strength be the same? That 7% that Tianlong Yun gifted to the White Snake, was the same as giving him more than 70% than the White Snake had lost.

For that reason, at the moment the White Snake seemed just like an extremely dangerous time bomb that might explode at any moment.

The energy, vigor, and vitality carried in its body had surpassed the limits that it usually could abide by, and if he wasn't able to refine it soon and make it its own, he would explode into nothingness.

Of course, since Tianlong Yun dared to give the White Snake that much, was because he was confident in helping the White Snake refine all of it and make a run for the next Realm.

While Tianlong Yun wouldn't want his subordinates to enter the God Realm here on Earth as the restrictions were extremely heavy, and the foundation wouldn't be solid enough for the Immortal World, he still wanted to make an experiment.

Since this Secret Pond was actually a sealed space, he wanted to know whether the restrictions worked in this place as well, or not.

At the same time, there didn't seem to be another option for the White Snake. It was either that, or heavy damage, and potential waste.

Leaving all these thoughts to the back of his head, he immediately went to the White Snake's head, so he could reach its conscience sea easier, and then made contact,

"Refine your energy through this cultivation manual and calm your heart! I will help you through the whole process!"

Without waiting for a question or greeting from the White Snakes Soul Avatar, Tianlong Yun said his part which seemed to calm down the White Snake by quite a bit.

At the same time, the Cultivation Manual he gave to the White Snake was the main Cultivation Manual of his Royal Dragon Race.

If the Imperial Palace of his Royal Dragon Race, and those old fogies that had forgotten to die learned of this, they would most certainly mark him as a traitor and use all means to kill him and the White Snake.

Well, it wasn't like he had any intention of returning peacefully there anyway

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