Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 834: Three Scariest Women & Benefits

Chapter 834: Three Scariest Women & Benefits

What woman wouldn't feel better to hear that the man of her wishes and dreams, valued and thought highly of her?

Tang Li wasn't much different, even though she had spent most of her life in cultivation and had left her fate in the hands of her father and family, she had created a sort of connection with Tianlong Yun.

It could be because he took her first time, or it could be the chances and help he gave in the last few days or the fact that he kept his promise, but she had actually created quite a connection with him.

For that reason, the moment that she heard the first part of that sentence Tang Li couldn't help but create some terrible and dangerous thoughts.

In an instant, she started thinking about ways how to trap Tianlong Yun's heart, and completely make him hers.

It was incomprehensible how a woman's brain worked, but even more so what kind of woman wouldn't want her man to be hers alone.

Especially a proud and charming peacock, like Tang Li, who vied to have the whole world under her feet. She would do and try her best to make Tianlong Yun hers and only hers.

As if reading and hearing her thoughts, Qin Bao took a deep breath and then said in a cautionary tone,

"I know what you are thinking, but if I were in your place I would give up immediately. While I don't know what importance and worth you hold for him, it will surely not be enough to defeat those three!"

"Huh!? Those three!?"

Qin Bao's words were so shocking that Tang Li couldn't help but get out of her stupor and ask back, while Qin Bao continued with a weird but deep expression on her face,

"Yes, those three! Husbands, three wives!

Each of them has appearance, abilities, talent, and potential beyond our imagination. Each of them is a proud phoenix in and of its own, but most importantly they possess a great place in his heart!

Especially the first one, she is his claimed Empress, and her words are of the same value as his! Whenever she is not around heaven and earth bow and responds to her!

If you ever try to do something that will threaten their bond, you won't suffer only that woman's retaliation, but also Tianlong Yun's anger and rage!

Trust me, it's better to accept whatever comes your way than try to antagonize him and everyone around him!

Don't get me wrong but if he were to instruct me, then I and my Qin Family would come put forth everything we can, including our lives!

And just remember, I am but one of the many, there are a lot of ladies which are crazier, stronger, and much scarier than me. 

All the people who have received a taste of their abilities would offer their souls to the devil for a chance to undo the moments that they actually got to see such devils.

Don't take it as me trying to scare you, I am just giving you the facts and an opportunity, as for the rest, you decide yourself!"

While the two ladies were talking, Tianlong Yun had actually prepared the White Snake for what was coming, as he looked her in the eyes and asked,

"Are you ready!?"

The White Snake beauty didn't know how to answer, and she didn't even want to answer that question, as she just looked him confidently in his eyes.

At the same time, Tianlong Yun sent a mental message to Qin Bao and Tang Li saying,

"Undress and come join us, this will be greatly beneficial to you!"

Qin Bao's gaze was a bit weird, as she couldn't help but have a look at Tang Li. It took only one look to understand that Tang Li had been invited as well, but she didn't bother to say anything else.

Without wasting time, she quickly started taking off her clothes and approaching Tianlong Yun and the White Snake beauty, that was trying to melt her body into Tianlong Yun's.

She was unable to actually notice the arrival of Qin Bao, and her crazy lithe and beautiful body, as she was more concerned about the dragon under her that was about to blast his way through her secret cave's entrance.

Noticing her anxiety, and expecting a painful moment, Tianlong Yun started kissing her whitish red lips, while caressing her rear mountains, and letting her soft melons crash on his chest.

Those slow, sweet, and smooth moves helped the beautiful White Snake relax quite a bit, as Tianlong Yun finally took the last step the moment that he saw Qin Bao reach them.

In fact, he was a bit disappointed with the fact that Tang Li didn't approach as well, but he could understand her thoughts and reasons.

The truth was that even though this was an unplanned situation, it still served as a good way to reveal the truth to her.

After all, he would never allow anyone, anyone, to take from him the life he had, the power he possessed, the women in his life, and especially those three women who were carrying his children.

Especially Tianlong Xia, that woman had actually seen and experienced death to be by his side. The connection, feelings, and understanding between them were at a level that no other one could reach.

At least this was true for Tianlong Yun. That was why she was his Empress, that was why she was the first priority in this new life of his.

Well, now wasn't the time to think about that, as he could feel that the White Snake's secret cave walls were closing tightly upon his dragon.

It felt like those smooth and wet walls were trying to squeeze him out just like someone trying to suck the last drops of juice from his glass.

Her Great Boundary Ascension Realm beast physique was showing its great prowess at this moment, and if it weren't for Tianlong Yun having opened the 8 hidden gates, his dragon would have probably been cut off.

Just the thought of that would make him tremble in fear, as that part was a man's greatest, proudest, and strongest point and his sorest and weakest part.

Well, the truth was how it was, and he didn't have to suffer that, while he stood without moving, letting the White Snake to actually have a moment to adjust to the new feeling and situation.

Another reason why he stopped for a few moments, was because the moment that he had popped the White Snake's cherry, he could feel a great amount of Yin Qi, and energy break its way through his dragon.

It was the White Snake's Yin Essence that had accumulated for a long time, it had a cold and fresh feeling to it, that helped him slowly recover his body, Qi, and Soul Power.

It was such a great opportunity and feeling, that he even felt his prior loss of blood essence that he had given to the White Snake had actually recovered in that instant.

He wasn't the only one to benefit from that though as Qin Bao was the same. In fact, for her, it was even better because she hadn't lost any ounce of energy or suffered any damage until now.

To her, this was nothing but a sudden great source of energy that was helping her build another floor to her stable foundation building, at a rate that she had never thought possible.

It wasn't just one floor either, she actually managed to experience several successive breakthroughs in a short amount of time and reached the peak of the Soul Formation Realm.

As long as she willed it now, she would be able to break through the Boundary Ascension Realm without any problem.

"Don't do it! Concentrate on solidifying your current cultivation, don't break through!"

As if knowing what the beauty was thinking, Tianlong Yun immediately told her to not take a wrong step and solidify her current standing.

With the hope, love, and trust that she had in Tianlong Yun, Qin Bao didn't even think twice about his words and did as she was told.

Whatever new Qi and energy were coming her way, was used to actually temper and solidify her current standing, while her body finally closed down on the White Snake beauty in Tianlong Yun's arms.

Her supple and soft melons crashed on the White Snake's back, clearly startling her, and before she could react, or say anything, Qin Bao's lips landed on her own.

The whole situation startled her so much that she couldn't help but lose concentration on what she needed to do, which was to refine the Qi and energy that Tianlong Yun gave to her.

Her slight loss of concentration almost caused the three of them their lives, as the energy inside her started running amok, trying to destroy everything on its path.

Fortunately, Tianlong Yun was quick and careful enough to detain the problem before it ran out of control, and at the same time he actually pinched the White Snake's rear mountain while saying in an angry voice,

"Don't you dare lose your concentration again, otherwise I will kill you before you explode!"

"But Master"

"Was I clear!?"

"Yes, Master!"

Even though it felt a bit wronged the White Snake couldn't help but agree with Tianlong Yun's words. The look in his eyes when he ordered her like that was terribly scary.

It felt like he would actually rip her scales one by one, and then torture her more! She felt terrible afraid of that Tianlong Yun.

As for Tianlong Yun himself, he just looked at her coldly

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