Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 8: A Handsome Face is all you Need?

Chapter 8: A Handsome Face is all you Need?

'I swear, this kid is aware of what he's saying. He really wanted to piss everyone, huh.' Edora just sighed.

She just gave up and watched how this one would turn out. Even if she was a famous knight, the Royal Knight Captain, she was still far from the standing of a prince. A prince, especially a crown prince, is just a step below a king. He had much more power than her that he can scold Princess Alisera about her doings and maybe punish this kid who came out of nowhere.

"A... farmer?" Prince Harold looked at Edora for confirmation which she showed an expression of not knowing it.

He then looked at Avion from up to down and saw that the kind of outfit he was wearing was something that couldn't be afforded by a simple commoner.

"You dare lie in front of the royalties?" Princess Harold then glared at Avion which Avion didn't give attention to but someone else did.

"Prince Harold, would you mind not blocking the path of my guest?" Princess Alisera wouldn't have this kind of behavior near her.

Getting antagonized by the princess, Prince Harold shrank a little but seeing the dumb expression on Avion's face made him not give, "But, Princess, your father will surely not accept this and you will be punished." he said with a tone weaker than before.

Edora shook her head at this, 'So even Prince Harold couldn't do a thing about the princess, huh.'

"Let him try to punish me, then." Princess Alisera took a domineering stance.

Realizing what he said, Prince Harold thought, 'Ugh! Of course, King Karan wouldn't do anything to his daughter. Why did I say that?!' unable to fight back, he then glanced at Prince Julio.

'Me...?' Prince Julio pointed at himself before intervening with a sigh, "Princess Alisera, I think Prince Harold is ri-"

"Shut up, fatass!" Princess Alisera shouted.

"Ack-!" Prince Julio then holds his chest in pain.

'What's with her attitude?' Avion thought, 'She's so funny.' he exhaled hard through his nose.

Prince Julio's attendants, on the other hand, had purple faces. From birth, they, men knights, had been taking care of the fat prince due to his perverse character. They knew how snobby this prince is. Except for women, he could get everything by being persistent in it.

This arrogant prince doesn't like disrespect towards him, of course. However, out of all the words you can insult to him, there are those forbidden words you should never say to him:

Fat, chubby, elephant, and so on. worse of all, pig!

Prince Julio was very insecure about his appearance but is too lazy to change anything about it. Being arrogant, perverted, and a brat, he had offended many individuals with high standing. Some of those who got offended didn't take it too well as they retaliated.

Prince Julio was unmoving but when the forbidden word was said, he went on a rampage, ordering the one who said it to be executed on the spot!

Prince Harold knew the character of Prince Julio so he knew Princess Alisera already stepped the line. He didn't expect things to escalate so quickly...

"Here's your room, princess. For you, Edora, your room is my room as well."

Meanwhile, Marquis Eran was showing the building, their mini castle in the Trading-Hills Capital not knowing that no one was following him and he was talking by himself all this time.

"I'll take the silence as a yes then. Hm-hm."

He was so senile he still didn't notice that he was all alone...

"Princess Alisera, you should apologize to Prince Julio for you have stepped over the boundaries and hurt his feelings." Prince Julio then advised on the back but Princess Alisera took it as the opposite;

"What could this large piggy with a crown do? Eat?!"

Clutching his fist, Prince Julio's face darkened, "Yo-you...!"

"What? Want me to get executed, the Princess of Karan? If you can't shut your fatty mouth then just put food in there as you always do, you fat pig!" vulgar words came straight out of the princess's mouth as if she had known Prince Julio for a very long time.


Of course, he couldn't do anything. Even if Prince Julio was not as bright nor have a good character, at least, he wouldn't put his feelings first if his home was on the line. If he ever antagonized this princess then it would ruin the relationship between the Karan Kingdom and the Hansheles Kingdom.

Seeing the silence, Princess Alisera crossed her arms under her chest. Even in front of this delicious treat for the eyes, the perverted prince only had his head drooped down, darkened.

"Hmph, yeah, that's the only response I expect from a creepy pi- Pak*"

Princess Alisera suddenly stopped on her words. Without warning, she was slapped crisp on left her cheek.

Everyone's eyes widened as their jaw fell. Edora's blade was unsheathed, preparing herself if the matters will escalate.

Prince Julio looked at the princess getting slapped and stopped his tears from falling.

Her hands trembled as she held her reddened face while her eyes were teary. Princess Alisera then looked at Avion who was not smiling anymore.

"W-why?" the princess asked while she was about to cry.

"It's funny at first but you stepped over the line. You shouldn't say something harsh like that, Princess Alisera." Avion shook his head as he scolds the princess he just met.


A smile then appeared on Edora's face when she heard this. It was of relief, 'The spoiled princess finally got what she deserved and later, this Avion will get executed by me on the spot when the princess orders.' she said while holding her sword, still preparing. Even after seeing Avion's capabilities, she was confident in killing him before he even notices. The only problem was: No word about this should go to the Karan King's ears. Although Edora also has a plan for that.

Princess Alisera looked at Avion. This was the first time she got scolded, much less slapped crisp by someone. Even her parents hadn't hurt her yet.

"Don't do it again, okay?" Avion lightly frowned and said with a soft voice.

Princess Alisera was about to open her mouth which made Edora completely unsheathe her steel sword;

"I-I'm sorry..."

Edora, as she expected, sprinted to Avion as she disappeared from her position with a sword in front of her... but...

"Eh? Sorry?" thud* she tumbled on the ground, showing something an image a Royal Knight-Captain shouldn't have when she stopped.

However, she did not realize the position she was in neither do the people around her as they were focused on Avion caressing Princess Alisera's head while saying with a light smile;

"That's good, that's good."

"Your slap hurts..."

"Ow, I'm sorry. Let's go in and find some ice to soothe the pain."


The two then followed the old man's trace, leaving the people stupefied once more.

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