Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 45.2. Emotions and Stuff

Chapter 45.2. Emotions and Stuff

45.2. Emotions and Stuff

What are we even doing, anyway?

I turned to her half an hour later. We were now passing by street merchants [Traders] people selling their wares and goods, shouting and clamoring to be heard over all the noise.

What do you mean?

The Human glanced back at me, holding a necklace up around her neck.

Does this look good?

That looks like a red rock wrapped in metal.

Its a ruby pendant. But do you like the way it matches my hair?

Edithe raised the jewel up slightly, putting it just next to her fiery locks. I nodded slowly.

I yes. I think it looks kind of nice?

I wasnt really sure how to articulate it, however I thought it was pleasing to the eye. She grinned, turning back to the merchant.

Ill take it.

She returned to me moments later and looked at me inquisitively.

So, what were you saying again, Salvos?

What are we doing? Weve just been walking around doing nothing.

What do you mean? We are doing something.

Which is?

Relaxing. Spending a girls day out.

Edithe paused as I cocked my head, confused. She averted her gaze slightly.

Plus, Ive got to teach you a few things about being a girl.


Guys like those two earlier are quite common. Many men think that just because were women, they can push us around. You cant let them do that.

Of course if they push me, Ill punch them back!

No. Not that kind of pushing. Its the kind where they make you do what they want to do. Youve got to stand your ground and do what you want instead.

I cocked my head.


She sighed.

I can see how this is kind of confusing for you. Of course it is. But youve got to know how to protect yourself as a girl. Not as an adventurer and not as a fighter. As a Human woman.

But Im not a Human woman.

Still, Id rather you not do something stupid or something youll regret in the future. You probably wont ever care for it this is more for my own conscience, I guess.

Edithe mused to herself as we sat on the edge of a fountain. I could feel some light droplets trickling onto my face from the constant splashing of the water. Nodding, I smiled.

I think I can understand what youre saying. Its like Lucerna when I met him, he was trying to make Haec and I do what he wanted us to do. He didnt care for what we wanted at all!

Thats not exactly right. But close enough.

She giggled. Not annoyed, not angry. She seemed happy she was enjoying herself. I looked at this and I felt my lips curling up. I found myself laughing with her, not really sure what she found so humorous or entertaining, but finding it nonetheless.

After a moment longer of just staying there, relaxing, Edithe spoke up.

So, Salvos, what will you be doing?

What will I be doing?

Yes. You cant really get to where you want to go for the foreseeable future. So, what now?

I didnt even think to respond.

Ill level, of course.

Edithe shook her head, muttering under her breath.

I dont know why I expected anything else.

I grinned and she chuckled.

Well, if you really do want to level, theres still the Silkfalls Crevice Dungeon. Its not that far, and its a place you already know. It wont be too dangerous for you, plus it's still a good place for you to earn levels.

I nodded slowly as she continued.

Ive spoken around. Talked to adventurers. It seems like that while not a lot of adventurers are swarming to tackle this newfound Dungeon, a few high Silvers are trying their luck. You could probably team up with them if it gets too dangerous.

I raised my head up and down and stopped.

But why would I team up with them when Im with you, Daniel, Mistshard, and Druma?

The Human woman sighed. She looked over at me as her gaze shadowed over. She chewed her lip hesitantly, but eventually spoke out.

Salvos Ill be leaving in a few days.


I cocked my head.

To return to my company. The Valiant Dreamers. Ive already accomplished what I was sent here to do by them and more. But now, with the Iron Champions Company threatening us or at least, Stephen did I need to go back. Tell them about what happened with him. Just in case the company really tries something.

I stared at her, not really processing what she was saying.

I wasnt really sure how to tell you this. Honestly, telling it to Daniel was pretty easy. Were both adventurers, so he simply took it as it is. But you? I wasnt sure how youd react.

Wait but why?

I blurted out, mind racing. Shes leaving? Arent we companions? Why does she have to go?

Why cant you stay?

I told you. Im needed back home. And my team is dead. I have to go back. Talk to their families. Their friends. And we need to grieve. Together.

I opened my mouth and Edithe hugged me. I flinched, reflexively reaching out to push her back. Then I stopped, slowly embracing her.

Im sorry, Salvos. I know its sudden. And I know you wouldnt want to come with me. Its more weird Human stuff you cant possibly understand. But I have to go. Return home.

Let me follow you!

I sputtered, not even knowing what I was saying. Edithe cocked her head.

Are you sure about that? Itll be full of boring Human stuff. We wont be fighting, or leveling, or doing anything in particular. Therell be lots of sleeping and lots of eating. I dont think youd like that.

I uh, nevermind.

I slowly deflated. She sighed, grinning.

Thought so.

Slowly, the Human woman let go of me. I spoke up first.

I good luck.

Edithe blinked. I hesitated, but managed to continue.

Going back its tough. Takes a long time. So, good luck.

She looked at me, perplexed. Then her eyes widened, and a reassuring smile formed on her face.

Its not like your whole ordeal. Its very simple. Ill be back in less than a month, dont worry.

Are you sure?

Of course. Im more worried about you anyway. Just focus on yourself. Dont jump into a Lair of Centinels because you think you can take them all. If theres a Level 70 or 100 Centinel they can get dangerous.

I lifted an arm up.

Ill only do it if I know I can take them.

That does not inspire any confidence in me, but I do trust you. So Ill take your word for it.

I smiled. But I still felt uneasy.

When will I see you again?

Whenever you want, Salvos. Just come visit me at the Valiant Dreamers headquarters at Viechester. Its a large city west of here in the Sunmere Republic not the Capital, since thats where the Rising Veterans are located.

The Sunmere Republic?

Yes. Salvos youve only been in the Mortal Realm for a few months. And youve mostly stayed around Falisfield. But this place is much bigger than you can imagine. Go explore it, and find a way back to your friend. Well meet again in the future, I promise.

I nodded, looking at the red haired woman one more time. She had the pendant she bought around her neck and it really did suit her. She shook her head and chuckled.

Anyway, thats enough of that for now. Its not like Ill be leaving immediately. Its still a few days. I need to go to the temple and send a relay message back first


And yet, a few days came quickly. It passed like the wind carried by the breeze not like an unmoving, static rock. It came and went, and so did Edithe.

Daniel and I bade her farewell. She left through the gates of Hazelbury with Mistshard by her side. I had already spoken to Druma the [Yaksha] hadnt evolved yet, but he was close. I hoped he would be a Greater Spirit the next time I saw him.

And as for [Elemental] she nodded my way and I nodded back. That was more than enough for the two of us.

I watched as Edithes figure disappeared as the night did with the sunrise; she waved at us on the back of a horse, until she was no longer in view. I stayed there by the gates until it was noon, and Daniel returned to usher me away.

Shes gone, Salvos. Come on, lets go.

For now.

I spoke softly, following the Human man as he led me away from the city gates and the staring guards.

But Ill meet her again. Just like how Ill meet Haec again. I know it.

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