Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 577: Agarus

Chapter 577: Agarus

577. Agarus

[The Great Agarus] attacked me once again. It was a Primordial Demon and it was high-leveled for one too. Just based on the level differential alone, it was far stronger than even the [Basilisk] I encountered near the Gate of the Netherworld.

And I had nearly died in my brief meeting with the [Basilisk]. Fortunately, [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] saved me back then. It was a Grand Skill that gave me a temporary aura of invulnerability. It had saved me from many precarious situations. Just like right now as the purple beam from [The Great Agarus] struck me once again.

This time around, the wild Primordial Demons attack was far less destructive. In fact, it was more like it was a blade. It cut through the lava without exploding. It sliced the earth in half, creating a crevice that dug far deeper than even the cracked earth of Revelation.

But [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] protected me. Even as I was sent flying once more, crashing into a nearby mountaintop. The aura of invulnerability held up. The gray flames flickered they sparked and hissed. However, they never extinguished.

Unfortunately, it wouldnt last forever. I raised my head as I spotted [The Great Agarus] raising its tendrils my way. It was still dozens of miles away from me. But it was getting closer fast.

Despite its bulky size, it was nimble in its movements. I was pretty sure that it was moving faster than the [Hellabomination]. And that wasnt a good sign. I gritted my teeth as I raised my clawed hands. Space began to distort right above me as I picked myself up and beat my wings.

I began to ascend into the sky, watching as [The Great Agarus] drew closer, its tendril raised to the sky. And I began to weave my claws together as I reached for space itself. The world began to unveil before me, creating a pocket space with [The World Of My Mind].

I had to get out of here. I couldnt face the Primordial Demon alone I couldnt even face it with an army! I was pretty sure it would have completely annihilated the entire United Coalition of the Human Lands.

Well, maybe not if it was the whole coalition. At least, I didnt know for sure. That was a lot of Humans to kill. And there was a possibility that with enough time, [The Great Agarus] could be whittled down and killed.

But whether or not it could destroy the army that was present in the final battle? Certainly. Not unless Clayton Skyshredder had a secret Grand Skill that could have nullified the Primordial Demons Skills. Perhaps the [Antimagic Field].

Either way, facing off [The Great Agarus] was suicide. I couldnt fight it. I had to escape. So I tried to flee into my pocket space I summoned [The World Of My Mind]. But before I could reach the edge of my created reality, I saw a flash of light.

I blinked as [The Great Agarus] pointed at me with its tendrils. And the sky above me flickered, before tearing open. My eyes grew wide as I saw the flash of familiar dark light. I knew what was coming even without [Angelic Premonition] warning me.

But it still blared in my head regardless as the streaks of black lightning fell from the sky. All at once, a dozen of the dark blasts crashed down towards me as I recoiled.

It ripped straight through [The World Of My Mind] before the pocket space could even fully form. I watched with wide eyes as fractal shards exploded in all directions, and a shockwave washed over the nearby space. I could sense reality itself distorting for a brief moment, before the world itself was scarred with a white glow.

Just like the tears in the sky overhead.

I barely took this in before I was sent flying back from the blast. I yelped, however I remained unhurt. Once again, my aura of invulnerability protected me. It withstood the destruction of [The World Of My Mind]. Even the black lightning could not pierce the gray coat of flames.

However, [The Great Agarus] was not finished. Far from it. I steeled myself as I saw the wild Primordial Demon approaching over the horizon. Finally, I could see it even without [Manifestation of the Old Gods]. And its gaze never left me.

I stared back at it, watching as it drew closer. As its maw hung open, and its tendril-like limbs aimed towards the sky. Somehow, it was able to manipulate the black lightning of Revelation. Just like how Helena Warshade was able to manipulate the clouds in the sky of the Mortal Realm.

And [The Great Agarus] unleashed its wrath upon me, raining down a tempest of black lightning my way.


I asked myself as I swerved out of the way of the falling sable pillars. They ripped apart the ground beneath me even as I soared over wild Demons of all shapes and sizes. [The Great Agarus] paid them no mind.

Its focus was solely on me.

How did it notice me? Why is it attacking me?

I cursed as the wild Primordial Demons mouth glinted with another purple glow. I dove out of the way of a black lightning bolt, before raising my hands to cover myself as another piercing beam from [The Great Agarus] intercepted me.

[My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] flickered once more as I was sent flying back. I knew that I couldnt keep this up. I had to escape somehow. But without [The World Of My Mind], I didnt know what I could do.

I took in a deep breath as I flew into the air, emerging from a smoldering crater. The gray flames wisping off me shimmered brightly, before glowing with an iridescent color. I activated my [Divine Essence of the Angelic Devil Princess] as I held the gaze of [The Great Agarus].

Thats enough!

I pointed at it as I conjured up my magic, before expelling it at the wild Primordial Demon.

[Sacred Hellfire]!

And even over a great distance, I felt the Skill travel. It didnt shoot out like a beam, nor did it launch like a fireball. Instead, I sensed the threads of mana weaving through the Netherworld ripple as my [Sacred Hellfire] reached [The Great Agarus] moments later through my vision alone.

It was one of my greatest Skills. And I had combined its power with my [Divine Essence of the Angelic Devil Princess]. So I was more powerful than I had ever been. I had never felt as strong as I did at this very moment.

It showed in the explosion of my [Sacred Hellfire]. Normally, my target just partially burst into flames. But I watched as the head of [The Great Agarus] combusted into the gold and black fire.

I bared my teeth back at the wild Primordial Demon as I spread my arms wide.

Take that!

My counter attack finally began. I watched as [The Great Agarus] was quickly engulfed in the effects of my [Sacred Hellfire]. The flame which burned until there was nothing left but ash. It couldnt be extinguished. It could never be snuffed out not even by a Grand Skill.

It would keep burning the wild Primordial Demon. It would obfuscate its vision maybe distract it for long enough for me to escape. At least, that was what I thought. That was what I hoped for. And unfortunately for me, my hopes were dashed in an instant.

My eyes grew wide as I watched [The Great Agarus] open its mouth and began to suck in the [Sacred Hellfire].

It continued lumbering forward, unscathed by my attack. And the black and golden flames were pulled into a vortex that had formed in its maw. I blinked a few times, before looking down at myself. I saw the aura of invulnerability flicker as the realization settled in.

My counter attack failed, and time was ticking.

I had to get out of here or die.

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