Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 90: First World: The Protagonist's face-slapping moment

Chapter 90: First World: The Protagonist's face-slapping moment

"I will tell them. I will tell them everything," said a trembling shabby looking woman kneeling at the centre of the hall. Everyone's gazes fell on her, some sympathetic and others ready to see a good show. Wen Qinxi was busy scratching his head occasionally shooting glances at Qie Ranzhe while conversing with the system. 'Did he do this?' he asked wishing he had a coat to cover up the empress' exposed skin. He didn't care for her but neither could stomach seeing a woman exposed like that.

According to the information he received when he first entered the game, Empress Da-Xia had something to do with Shao Meili's death but her crimes never saw the light of day. It seemed as though things had changed and this could only be Qie Ranzhe's doing but why didn't he do this when he was stuck in the endless loop of the plotline before? Why was it when he interfered Qie Ranzhe suddenly got inspired to take revenge?

'He did it not only for revenge but eliminate anyone powerful enough to challenge his authority in the future. He wants to fulfil his promise to you," said the excited system eating invisible popcorn. It found this live dog blood drama fascinating.

'What promise?' asked a confused Wen Qinxi.

'Protection. Don't you remember what you said to him when he asked why you were being nice to him? You said that you wanted him to be powerful enough to protect you. That's why he's eliminating anyone powerful enough to challenge his authority and Empress Da-Xia is one of them. Now, shhh l want to watch the protagonist's face-slapping moment,' replied the system planning on ignoring Wen Qinxi if he asked any more silly questions.

At the mention of the word protection, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but feel pleased. As always this CEO was extremely reliable and kept to his word. Unknowingly, Wen Qinxi let out a subtle smile directed at Qie Ranzhe the kind of sincere smile that one wouldn't notice unless they looked closely. Being smiled at like this with a gentle gaze, Qie Ranzhe's heart almost leapt out of his chest with his face gradually heating up. This kind of look was too dangerous so he abruptly turned away not daring to look at Lin Jingxie ever again. 'What the fuck did l do to him now?' thought Wen Qinxi feeling wronged. He decided not to pay him attention any more choosing to watch the show that was more dramatic than the real housewives.

Emperor Qie's heart sank when he heard his wife mention his concubine's name. When Shao Meili disappeared he searched everywhere for her and only gave up after four years assuming that his lover had crossed the border to either of their numerous allies to hide from him. He yearned for her night and day hoping to see her again but that hope shattered when he heard Qie Ranzhe's story. Shao Meili was the type of person who wouldn't even abandon a mere squire in the army let alone her child. There was only one possibility which was Shao Meili had passed away right after she gave birth to Qie Ranzhe. He just didn't expect that his wife was involved in his concubine's sudden disappearance. With reddened eyes and a slight tremble at his fingertips, Emperor Qie commanded, "Speak," in a dead voice.

Empress Da-Xia crawled to her husband and spilt the beans, "She left you so what right did that bitch have to come back. I was the one who helped you piece your broken heart together yet she came back and ruined things for me...Ah!" she burst out in a loud screamed while crawling backwards as though being chased by a poltergeist that only she could see. 

"Bitch get your filthy hands off him!" she yelled with terror-filled eyes but she didn't dare move closer to her husband anymore. She lifted her trembling finger pointing at something besides the emperor and everyone followed her gaze but there was nothing. "I stabbed your belly so many times so how did that bastard of yours survive? What kind of witchcraft did you use to bring this bastard to haunt me? Tell me l want to know?" she said with the last part said as she cried hysterically.

Pa! A loud resounded in the silent hall when the emperor suddenly slapped the Empress with the back of his hand. How could he have possibly shared a bed with the woman who murdered the love of his life in cold blood trying to kill his unborn child? With his rage concentrated in his hand, he slapped her so hard that she passed out. His chest heaved violently while looking down at this vile woman with disgust. He wanted to strangle her to death but restrained himself as death was too simple of a punishment for her. No, she had to slowly pay till she begged him to kill her.

Without glancing sideways, he walked out of the main hall with the guards following behind while dragging the unconscious empress like a dead animal. Even more, guards came in and apprehended all her servants dragging them out as well. 

After being dismissed by the emperor's head eunuch, the people left the main hall as quickly as possible so they could retell tonight's events to those who weren't lucky enough to witness such an interesting show.

Master Lin instructed Lin Mingxu and Lin Jingxie to take their mother home before walking towards the direction that Emperor Qie headed off to. Madam Lin naturally understood and walked beside her children heading for the palace gates but they soon stopped when they heard someone calling out, "Lin Jingxie!" in voice pitiful voice.

It was none other than Qie Ranzhe standing behind them with an ashen face and bloodshot eyes his demeanour undoubtedly shaken with grief. Wen Qinxi peered at him unable to discern whether he was being genuine or acting since he was the mastermind of this whole plot. Before he could even respond, Madam Lin beckoned him to go comfort his friend in a forceful manner leaving Lin Jingxie with no chance to refuse.

"Your friend needs you right now. Go take care of him. I will go home with Ming Ming," she said giving him a gentle nudge when she saw that her son remained unmoved. Lin Mingxu wanted to protest on behalf of his brother's but his mother pulled him away causing him to swallow his words.

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