Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 95: First World: Pass Or Fail This World

Chapter 95: First World: Pass Or Fail This World

It took everything within him to maintain his composure before finally saying, "Brother how about it? It be fine too if you don't agree to my terms. I will just screw the precious young master of your-," but he didn't get to finish his statement when Qie Ranzhe suddenly lunged in his direction swinging his sword with unfathomed agility. 

Qie Anzhie dodged his attack and drew Hei An Zhi with a loud hissing sound. The legendary sword seemed like a living thing as it shimmered thirsty for blood. With that sword in hand, Qie Anzhie's swordsmanship skills seemed to have increased to a whole new level as he could effectively defend against Qie Ranzhe's attacks. The longer this roach breathed the same air as him the angrier Qie Ranzhe got. He ruthlessly intensified his attacks with each swing with every intention to swiftly end this fight. 

Qie Anzhie blocked Qie Ranzhe's attack and took advantage of the blowback to move backwards creating some distance between. Impressed by his own ability to fend off Qie Ranzhe's attacks, Qie Anzhie couldn't help but brag. "Brother, do you know the name of this sword? It's not a legendary sword for nothing. Knowing what it is how do you expect to beat me, huh?" he said showing off the impatient bloodthirsty sword.

"Sloppy seconds," said Qie Ranzhe as he leapt in the air launching another attack. Qie Anzhie instinctively moved out of the way with incredible speed but it wasn't fast enough as Qie Ranzhe slashed at his arm leaving behind an unsightly gushing wound. 

Qie Anzhie staggered a few steps backwards with a grimace on his face chortling in anger with reddened eyes. He tightly gripped the hilt of the sword as an unknown force grabbed hold of him. In an instant, Qie Anzhie was like an entirely different person striking in powerful light steps comparable to Old Chen the Grandmaster of Ye Lang guild. 

Instead of feeling distressed by his brother's amped-up skills, Qie Ranzhe was thrilled with a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, itching to take down an evenly matched opponent. Qie Anzhie's so-called skills could have only come from the peculiar sword that belonged to the crazy bloodthirsty General Zhao. 

The two eventually parted after an eternity of fighting an intense battle with neither of them willing to yield. Of the two of them, Qie Anzhie seemed to be in a much worse state than his brother. Though he had the sword as his cheat code, his body wasn't equipped for such an intense fight. Unfortunately for him, his endurance was light years behind Qie Ranzhe. 

Prince Anzhie was hunching down huffing and puffing struggling to catch his breath but Qie Ranzhe was standing tall like a ramrod mocking him. "It isn't the sword that's has an issue but the person wielding the sword that's the problem," he said looking down at him, "Are you done playing? I have better things to do with my time."

It takes a smart man to know when to give up but Prince Anzhie wasn't a smart man in the slightest. He stood tall and strolled over to his brother with the pin hidden between two of his fingers trying to instigate him. He wasn't worried about pricking himself with it as he had already taken the antidote in advance. "Hahaha, actually l am not done," he said with a sarcastic laugh, "Do you want to know what l did to your little Jin-ge?"

Hearing Lin Jingxie's name coming out his vile mouth, an uncontrollable devastating force suddenly sprung up within him feeding the once suppressed evil root which began to run rampant taking over his entire body. "What the fuck did you do?" he said in a hoarse voice as a horrendous menacing aura surrounded Qie Anzhie numbing his entire body but he didn't stop. This should have served as a warning but Qie Anzhie wanted his brother in such a state so he could take advantage of his insanity. What he failed to realise was how berserk Qie Ranzhe would get when he was angered to the point of losing his mind. 

"I fucked him hard till he passed out. You should have seen how magnificent he looked under me. I am sure brother wouldn't mind having my sloppy seconds," he confidently lied through his teeth. He had found out how intimate Lin Jingxie and Qie Ranzhe's relationship was from Zhao Huangzhi and decided to exploit it. Qie Ranzhe tightly clasped the hilt of his sword till his knuckles turned white with blood seeping from his palm where his nails had dug deep into his skin. Every warning trigger in Qie Anzhie's body was flashing red but the desire to kill Qie Ranzhe was just too overwhelming. This was his chance to be rid of this bastard and wasn't willing to let it go.

With every hair in his body raised and goosebumps protruding through his skin, Qie Anzhie took advantage and swung his sword. As expected his puny attack was blocked by Qie Ranzhe. This opened up an opportunity for Qie Anzhie to pierce his skin. As he celebrated an early victory his wrist was suddenly gripped to the point of breaking as Qie Ranzhe glared at him with his sinister bloodshot eyes. Qie Anzhie didn't even have time to react when he was ruthlessly kicked three meters away dropping the legendary sword along the way.

Like a crazed predator, Qie Ranzhe dropped the sword gifted to him by Lin Jingxie and picked up Hei An Zhi. With the sword in hand, Qie Ranzhe was fully engulfed in his anger pacing towards a grim Qie Anzhie who was curling up on the ground coughing out blood. One look at Qie Ranzhe's murder filled gaze one could tell what kind of fate awaited Qie Anzhie. 

Qie Ranzhe towered above a petrified Qie Anzhie ignoring his plea for mercy and raised Hei An Zhi to deliver the final blow. This moment would be the one to would decide his Qie Ranzhe's fate. Whether he would pass or fail this world was depended on this moment. Without any hesitation, Qie Ranzhe lowered his sword with every intention of decapitating Qie Anzhie as Hei An Zhi imprinted itself on him accepting him as its master.

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