SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 119: Hu Tao's Pocket What?!

Chapter 119: Hu Tao's Pocket What?!

Hu Tao looked at the loud-mouthed bastard who seemed like the strongest out of these nobodies and grinned. Those pills he was gobbling sparked an interest in Hu Tao. He believed that they were pills bought from the underground market made explicitly for the purpose of increasing ones strength at the cost of their own lifespan! There was no way he was letting anyone else take a piece of this cake! Hu Tao let the pissed off muscled freak charge straight towards him and held out his palm. 

Unfortunately for him, On Park had no interest in hitting his palm. He wanted to slug Hu Tao right in his stupid smug face! Those Berserker Pills, he swallowed directly increased the size and density of all the muscles in his body. There was a chance hed be horribly crippled by the time the pills wore off but the only other option was to die without giving his all. This outcome at least would let him feel satisfied by the end of it. Killing these pricks that had the nerve to flirt right in front of them as if they were no threat to them at all! 

Hu Tao swayed his head out of the way of the mini-giant's fist and wrapped him up in his chains. A smile was still on his face as Park tried breaking free. A black puddle appeared underneath the two cultivators and slowly dragged them down. He wasnt kidding when he said no one else was taking this fight away from him. He also couldnt let the druggie run away after he realizes hes outclassed. 

Ill be back in a minute! Hu Tao told his allies. 

Everyone watched as he and On Park disappeared from Dead Immortals Cliff with black sludge as the only trace that they were ever there. The two found themself in an alternate dimension all for themselves. Hu Tao stood upon a red throne and looked down on the confused Park with a wild glint in his eyes. This was the first time hes ever brought someone else inside his pocket dimension. A voice was screaming at him to torture, play around, and toy with his first victim but Hu Tao knew that this voice wasnt his own. It was the person whose bloodline hes taken for himself. Their inner desires spilled out whenever he came here and sometimes whispered to him when he was back in his normal dimension but Hu Tao wasnt weak enough to let some vague bodiless voice tell him what to do. 

No one will interfere in our fight here. Lets get started! Hu Tao disappeared from his throne and whipped his leg towards Parks face. 

Park caught his leg without much issue and tossed him to the other side of his throne room. Hu Tao caught himself before he could smash into the wall and got down on all fours. Looks like he wasnt as weak as he thought. He didnt hold anything back in that kick either. Was this bastard stronger than him? 

I dont know what fucking strange illusion this is, but I'll still kill you just as painfully! Park vanished and appeared over Hu Taos crouched figure with an overhead punch heading straight down towards him. 

All that muscle and size didnt lower Parks speed but instead increased it beyond his usual limits! Hu Tao separated into multiple Hu Taos as Parks fist hit nothing but stone. The clones created from his movement art, The Wolf Pack Hunts Together, all attacked the small giant simultaneously. Their claws slashing across On Parks figure before speedily dashing away. Picking him apart piece by piece with their attacks. 

But just as Hu Tao was thinking this, the 2nd stage Qi Consolidator he was fighting suddenly grabbed one of his speed clones and slammed it into the ground. Hu Tao appeared on his shoulder and clicked his tongue. 

Close one. You almost had me there. Park quickly reached for the annoying cultivator on his shoulder and grasped him by the neck, immediately crushing it. 

That one was even closer. But dont tell me thats all you got? Hu Tao reappeared in front of him completely fine. 

Hu Tao could see the stupid bastards brain turning as he tried to understand what the hell was going on. 

Just because you swallowed those pills doesnt mean you cant practice your martial arts. Show me your true skill and stop fucking around and wasting my time. 

You want to see my martial arts? Fine. Dont regret this. He brought his fists together before bringing one high and the other one low. 

Now this was what Hu Tao wanted to see. He accepted Parks challenge and threw a simple punch. Park matched his punch and their fists collided. Hu Tao was actually sent sliding backwards from their clash. This made him very happy. It was starting to be a challenge to find cultivators physically stronger than him near his stage. 

On Park followed up his attack with a sliding punch that distorted the wind around his fist. Hu Tao moved his head to the side from the mighty attack, his lion mane-like hair got blown back by the wind, and he struck his elbow deep in Parks ribs. But just as his elbow made contact with Park, it was like his body hardened into diamond or something. He struck again with his fist only to notice that the bastard was using a defensive body martial art! 

You sly bastard! Lets see how many more times you can surprise me! Hu Tao exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around the big fuckers waist and jumped into the air with him. 

This wont work against me. Ive already seen it before. Park stated, remembering how Hu Tao killed those others from before. 

Lets see how fucking tough your body is after this! Hu Tao shouted. 

On Park refused to play along with the mad fighter and instead utilized his auxiliary art. 

Earthly Scripture: First Body of the Mortal!  

Hu Tao suddenly felt himself dropping to the ground with Park! Whatever he just did just made him feel 100x heavier! They couldnt stay in the air with him weighing this much! He was forced into letting go and latching onto the walls with his chains to escape being squished to death by the heavy bastard! On Park crashed into the stone floor in his throne room and got up without looking injured in the slightest. 

He charged after Hu Tao getting back to his feet, prompting Hu Tao to do the same. Hu Tao leapt towards his face with his hand stretched out only to be punched deep in his gut. Spittle flew from his mouth but his smile never faded away. On Park didnt just allow Hu Tao to fly away after being punched, he caught him before the laws of gravity could properly function and smashed him face first into the ground. Over and over again, he kept his grip on the back of Hu Taos skull as he brought his face to meet the ground repeatedly. 

Once he released his grip on the mad fighters head, he rose his large foot to crush his head like a grape. His foot crashed into the ground and pieces of the floor exploded underneath his shoes. But there was no blood anywhere... 

What the hell? On Park questioned as a familiar figure appeared in his vision and kneed him straight in the face. 

He shouted out in pain as he clutched his face. Hu Tao spun while in the air and gave Park a sharp kick to the face that dropped him on his ass. The piece of shit gave him quite a good beating back there. Now it was his turn to give an ass beating in return. Hu Tao kicked the muscular cultivators vulnerable chin with his foot as he was recovering off the ground. This launched him straight into his throne, head first. With an audible smack of his skull against the stone wall, Hu Tao jumped through the air and landed a fierce kick on Parks face adding to the damage hes already sustained. 

Park was more than just dazed at this point taking all these blows to the head. He didnt even process himself falling down to the ground until Hu Tao picked him up by his head. 

Hey now, dont tell me youre done already? I was just starting to have a little fun, you know? Youre not that weak but your technique sucks total ass. If this guy wasnt screaming in my ear right now to kill you in the most painful way possible, I'd probably leave you alive just for the fun of it. Hu Tao casually chatted while lightly slapping his face. 

Whose done with who?! Park slurred as he attempted to punch Hu Tao. 

Hu Tao let his weak fist tap his cheek before almost slitting his throat with his finger nail. 

Wait! He yelled to himself. Who are you!? And why did you come after us?! Hu Tao nearly forgot he was supposed to interrogate the bastards that he fights for Jing. 

Im mrphmhuhm... He was losing it. His eyes werent even here anymore. He was falling unconscious. 

Hu Tao definitely wasnt going to get any answers out of this brain-damaged hulkling. He tossed him out of his throne room and left him inside one of the many different alternate rooms present in his pocket dimension. Maybe once he had time to recover, hed feel like giving some answers. Hu Tao returned back to the main dimension. 

Oi! What the hell is this!? He shouted as he saw the scene that laid before him. 

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