SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 131: A New Toy.

Chapter 131: A New Toy.

How do you like your present? Jing asked her newest toy. 

In front of her was a delicate young girl with beautiful skin and a cold hard face. A face that made Jing wonder, guess, and hypothesize about what kind of childhood could mold such a girl into the empty and cruel person she is today. Inside of her is nothing but the goal of becoming stronger and a deep hatred for someone or something that Jing has yet to identify. Perhaps her family or clan was annihilated when she was younger and since then has thought of nothing but gaining revenge and pushing herself to the limit to gain the strength, she needs to get that revenge. But that was simply Jings guess. If there was a story to be found inside Ju Ju, it would reveal itself one day. 

Ju Ju stared into Jings eyes. The grape vein growing out of her head softly shook as Jings hand softly caressed her face. Her touch wasnt rejected nor was she repulsed in the manner she did it. Maybe deep down, she understood that Jing could give her exactly what she needed. And if she needed to give up her body for something like that, shed do it in a heartbeat. But there was something that Jing couldnt take no matter how hard she tried, her sense of freedom. It was only thanks to the parasitic lotus that Jing could gain someone like Ju Ju on her side. 

Jing could order her to spill her innermost secrets and desires. But where was the fun in something like that? It would be better to grow closer together as master and subordinate first and only when she felt like entrusting her deepest thoughts to her would she be satisfied. Primarily though, her interest in Ju Ju was solely physical. Which is why she went through the effort of having one of the Wolfeng Gang infect her with the parasitic lotus instead of recruiting her through natural means.  

Jing believed that after having her fun with Ju Ju, shed eventually tire of her and throw her away. It would be easier to do that if she was infected with the lotus. And ever since Wenling and her stopped talking, Jings needs have been growing in the meantime. She thought of using Hu Tao as a release for her sexual outlet but with his personality, it would be impossible unless she sewed his mouth shut.  

Ive returned with my report. Wen appeared behind her. 

Im listening. Jing responded without even looking at him. 

In the Outer Court, multiple skirmishes between the factions and normal disciples have increased. Many deaths have been confirmed and the elders still show no signs of getting involved. He relayed. 

Any important deaths? She asked. 

None from those ranked highly on the ranking board or apart of the three major factions in the Outer Court. He answered. 

Hmm... Continue. 

In the Inner Court, several important events have occurred. The number of deaths in the Inner Court far surpass the Outer Court. The location of the 2nd storage of spirit stones have been found in Elders Mo courtyard. Many disciples are fighting tooth and nail for high-ranked spirit stones while Elder Mo happily watched, not bothered in the least about all the fighting near his home. Hu Tao has been spotted within the Inner Court with several high-ranked stones in his possession. More than half of those in the Inner Court are chasing after him for the stones or to simply kill him. He informed. 

What of the Great Prodigies and the major factions? Any movements by the elders? 

No news of any of the Great Prodigies getting involved but I doubt they could refuse the temptation of high-ranked and supreme-ranked spirit stones. Even the elders would be interested in stones of that rank. The major factions are looking for the stones as well as trying to kill Hu Tao. I couldnt get any news on any elders, my strength is insignificant. I apologize. He bowed his head. 

No matter. I didnt expect you to learn much about the elders in the first place. Take this. Itll aid you in gaining information for me. She took out a mask she refined earlier. 

This mask hid his presence, cultivation stage, and muffled any sounds he made effortlessly. It resembled the old mask she used to wear but this one was an improved version of it. Improved in the sense that it now clouded the soul of wearer as well. Something her old mask didnt have and probably was how that monkey from the Treasured Plains sensed her. 

It was thanks to Li Li that she could find out about such a weakness in the first place. Knowledge on souls is incredibly lacking inside the Golden Serpent Sect or at least for someone of her stage. There was nothing inside the floors shes allowed to go on in the martial pavilion about souls or techniques regarding souls. And none of her followers even heard anything about the subject except old tales they were told when young or about ghostly specters. So, pretty much useless. 

Your kindness is too much. I shall do my best to serve you. He placed on the simple wooden mask. 

Dont act so fake with me, Wen. It takes more that flowery words to get on my good side. Act like yourself and I will treat you right as long as you continue to satisfy my demands. Jing threatened, annoyed by his new fake personality. 

Ah? Was it really that obvious? He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. 

Was that all you needed to tell me? Jing asked. 

Yeah pretty much. The search for the spirit stone is still going strong. Ill tell you if anything important happens by the end of it. He smiled. 

Youre free to go then. Jing waved him off. 

Byeee! He disappeared without a trace that he was ever standing here. 

I suppose, I can save our alone time for after all the chaos and fighting is over. Seeing these greedy, selfish, and idiotic disciples ripping each other apart just for some stones will be very exciting to watch. Jing told Ju Ju. She nodded with a blank look on her adorable face. 

I'm excited to see the expressions and sounds youll make tonight when were in my room. Jing placed two similar-looking masks on herself and Ju Ju. 

You all still have yet to find the culprit? Jinhai asked with a glare. 

No sir. Not even the smallest trace could be found of anyone burying them in the first place! Its almost as if the spirit stones have always been buried underneath our sect and were just waiting to be found this very moment! The elder frantically explained. 

Thats ridiculous... But we both know that is impossible. Not even our Sect Leader managed to sense those spirit stones until the morning of this day. And the only way the disciples wouldve learn of such knowledge would be if someone told them. Which has to mean that whoever buried them intended for them to be found by the disciples. Jinhai figured. 

Why the disciples? 

I cant say for certain. His eyebrows furrowed. 

Maybe he wanted to help the sect without gaining attention? The elder guessed. 

Do you really think a mysterious expert skilled enough to evade detection from the Sect Leader would just gift us hundreds of spirit stones of each rank without some sort of exchange or deal? Jinhai asked if he was the stupidest man on the planet. 

I dont see any other reason Supreme Commander. We could spend centuries thinking about this mysterious experts motives but at the end of the day hes helping us grow stronger through this unexplainable act of his. The elder explained his reasoning. 

I suppose... youre right. I apologize. Jinhai sighed. 

No need to apologize to a lowly elder such as myself! He hurriedly bowed. 

No, no, you were right. I wouldve gone mad thinking about this mysterious expert. But what I should be focusing on isnt his motives but how does his actions benefit the sect. This impromptu event will promote competition and a healthy motivation for strength for our disciples. Those who survive will be better off and those who gained some stones will cultivate to increase their strength in time for the Grand Tournament.  

Thats true! Since the Grand Tournament is coming up soon, all the disciples will do everything they can to build their strength for a good showing at the tournament. Especially with all the lucrative rewards that will be given out this year. It is the year where we compete with the Nine Swords Sect and the Blossoming Water Palace. We cannot have any of our chosen disciples perform poorly and cause us to lose face. And weve gained many impressive talents this year, not even I can tell who will manage to win in the tournament this year!  

The same goes for the Nine Swords Sect and the Blossoming Water Palace. Do you think that we were the only ones growing in strength in preparation for the Meeting of Great Talents? No, they have gained little prodigies of their own as well. Have you heard of the boy that managed to comprehend sword intent in the Qi Gathering stage?  

But... thats impossible... Anyones whos comprehended sword intent has been in the Qi Transformation stage at the very least! He has to be the reincarnation of some sword saint! 

You arent the first to think that. But that monster of theirs doesnt stand a chance against a certain monster we hold. Jinhai faintly smiled. 

Do you mean Zihan? Elder Mos strongest student? 

No. Not him. Jing. The little girl who managed to hide herself so deeply that not even my sources can find any information on her background. Like a child that fell from the heavens only a few months ago. No parents, relatives, friends, a place of residence, where she was born, or anything. Theres so much information missing about her that I cant logically think of any other explanation other than she must have dropped from the sky. He shared.  

Even now, she continues to baffle me and those I placed to watch her. I must get in touch with her soon. That strange bloodline of hers and unexplainable strength... The Sect Leader wasnt exaggerating when we spoke about her. She really will usher in a new age for the Golden Serpent Sect if she manages to live long enough. 

Shouldnt you take her as your student? Or the Sect Leader to protect her if shes so talented? Sir? The elder spoke hesitantly. 

You are right. Completely correct. We should be using doing everything to protect and raise her into the golden child for the sect. But the Sect Leader isnt convinced yet. More information is needed on Jing, her potential, and if shes loyal to the sect. 

I understand... 

You may go now. Continue to inform me of any news within the sect. 

Yes, Supreme Commander. For the Golden Serpent Sect! He made his way out of Jihans office. 

Lets see if you manage to pass the Sect Leaders test... Girl of unknown origins and far too many secrets for my own liking. Jihan muttered. 

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