SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 135: Hu Tao's Antics.

Chapter 135: Hu Tao's Antics.

Hu Tao!!! Youve gone too far taking my sister as hostage against me! Hong Long shouted with his mighty golden sword pointed at Hu Tao. 

Hahaha. How is it my fault, this hot piece of ass was just hanging around while we were fighting? Hu Tao laughed as he viciously groped a beautiful young girl while holding his arm around her neck, slightly choking her. 

Hu Tao was not looking as well as he usually does. His body was covered hundreds of cuts with his own blood flowing out of him. This Great Prodigy really wasnt a pushover. That fucker Manchu wasnt kidding when he said he would die if he tried to fight one of these bastards head on. If this dumb bitch wasnt hanging around, he would probably be buried 30 feet under by now. 

I will rend your flesh from your bones and feed it to wild dogs! He promised with tears running down his eyes. 

One look at this adorable little bitch was enough to make my dick hard but that promise of yours just made me even harder! Now shes got a nice thick rod poking at her back door because of you big brother. Hu Tao cackled with his tongue sticking out. Said sister was nervously trying to move her behind away from the crazed mutts rod but with her current position, it was impossible. 

Agh! Hong screamed as the boiling rage overtook him. 

Ah, ah, ah. Calm down, Mr. Great Genius. Hu Tao waved his finger as if Hong Long was a naughty misbehaved child. I might have accidently just stabbed my hand into your little sisters chest, and if my fingernails go even one centimeter deeper inside her, I might just pierce her wittle heart! He teased with a high-pitched voice. 

Now we wouldnt want something like that, would we? He smiled with great big pearly whites while his hand was dripping with blood. 

Hong Long stopped directly in front of Hu Tao. Just centimeters away from decapitating him with his blade. The fury he felt at the fact that he couldnt stop a situation like this from happening despite having so much strength was nearly overwhelming. His only family member in this world was being assaulted right in front of him and he couldnt do a damn thing about it. Unless, he wanted to lose her forever and truly have no one in this world but himself. 

What is the point of being this strong if I couldnt protect the things that mattered most to me!? He stabbed the ground with enough force to split the ground apart. 

I can see this whole taking your sister hostage is really eating you up inside. And I had a real fun time fighting with you. I didnt stand a chance against a strong bastard like you even after I just had a super tough training session. You dont know how happy that makes me. Hu Tao laughed. 

That cruel, demonic, and mad laugh weighed heavily on the minds of both Hong siblings and those watching this horrible battle. How could a man be so obsessed about fighting that he foregoes all morals and any sense of ethics and honor? Everyone always wondered how a cultivator such as Hu Tao was even raised to become the person he was today. Even for despicable scums across the world, he took the cake for one of the most awful. 

Hu Tao wasnt always like this, believe it or not. He was once a mild-mannered child with such pure curiosity and innocence that no one would believe he is the person he is now. As a baby abandoned by his parents in a dangerous forest, it was a miracle he even survived at all. A baby crying its heart out in the middle of the woods would attract any hungry predators with decent hearing. And it did attract one such predator, one of the most fearsome and deadly spirit beasts in the entire forest in fact. It was a Mad Rainbow Dragon that stumbled upon the crying Hu Tao. 

This dragon has long proven its strength in this forest as the king of all beasts. There was nothing to challenge it or hope to escape from it. The mad dragon long unlocked its intelligence through decades of cultivation. It understood exactly what race Hu Tao was and what happened to him. For this reason, it took pity on the infant human child. Something of its size and power wouldnt be able to sate its hunger even if there was 100 Hu Taos in front of him. 

So, it stared into the childs eyes and he stared back. And he giggled! Infant Hu Tao laughed at the sight of the most ferocious predator in a 10,000-meter radius. But that wasnt all, he also reached out with his very tiny little baby hands to grab at the multi-colored dragon. Laughter from any other creature directed in the mad dragons direction would immediately be burned to ashes from its multi-colored flames. However, Hu Taos innocent and pure soul lit something inside the spirit beast.  

The dragon let the human infant grab hold of its fingernail that has pierced more beasts than this child could probably ever imagine. Its first instinct was to try to put that dragons claw in its mouth, something that the dragon didnt allow the child to do. But by now, he was already infatuated by the human child without his knowing. His heart and soul were captured for the first time since he was born and soon he found himself raising the human child. 

May I go out into the woods today Father? 7-year-old Hu Tao politely asked. 

Have you finished your training? The Mad Rainbow Dragon questioned. 

Yes, Father. Not a single one of them were spared. Hu Tao responded. 

You may. His Father gave his permission. 

Hu Tao turned away and happily skipped into the forest. Once he made it out of eye sight of the dragon, he suddenly got on all fours and broke into a full sprint with a wild smile on his face with his tongue hanging outside his mouth. He broke through the forest at a speed no ordinary child at the age of 7 could dare compare with. Not even some spirit beasts held a candle to the mortal child! 

Im going to fuck your shit hard this time Diamond Head Gorillas! My old man wont need to save me this time around! He laughed. 

Seven years of being raised by a spirit beast at the top of the food chain meant that Hu Tao was not given a normal childhood by any stretch of the word. At the age of one years old, he was expected to fight wild beasts equal to him in age. Normally, this was impossible for any human infant. Even those raised by clans with unbelievable wealth and power. 

But the Mad Rainbow Dragon wasnt an existence those clans could compare to. He captured a spirit beast with the most nutritious milk in the continent and fed it to Hu Tao days after he found him. Increasing his rate of growth to something that was incomparable to normal humans. With this skewed and unbelievably growth, Hu Tao was capable of fighting in life-or-death battles just at the age of one. This still wasnt enough to make him become obsessed with fighting like he is today though. 

Back then, Hu Tao fought because he was forced to by his father. He absolutely hated fighting for a long time until a certain event changed his mind about it entirely. The mad dragon wasnt pleased that his adopted son disliked fighting so much when he had to go through much worse from his own mother. How was he going to survive with such a weak mentality?  

Hu Taos father nearly lost his life against a group of cultivators who managed to sniff him out through several high-level spirit tools. Hu Tao almost died just by witnessing this battle! This battle was something that forcefully opened his eyes and with it, imbedded something deep into his brain as an absolute truth and fact of this world. 

Throughout the entire battle, his father had a smile on his face even when he was moments away from death, that smile never left his face. He watched as his father enjoyed every minute of the fight. Being overpowered, overwhelmed, outsmarted, and bested in skill. He adapted, overcame, and prevailed against it all! Hu Taos mind was like a sponge, sucking in everything his father did in that battle to survive. His crazy growth through the battle, the many desperate plans to survive, and just how much fun he was having during the battle. None of it was wasted. 

I never seen Father look so happy before... Is fighting really that much fun for Father? He questioned as blood dripped down his lips from the aftershocks of their attacks. 

Maybe if I... learn to love fighting as much as Father does, I could make him proud of me again. Lately his Fathers eyes have started to change in the way they looked at him. 

When he was younger, he could feel the love in his Fathers eyes even when he was doing nothing. Eating, sleeping, waking up, he would be able to feel the warmth and love within them. Maybe all this time he was thinking about what a great fighter Hu Tao would become. Something that Hu Tao didnt mind trying to come to love if it would make his Father happy. His only family member. 

You stupid crazy fucking mad dragon! I will refine your core, avenge my fallen wife, and tear that brat apart limb from limb that youre trying to hide from us! A muscular cultivator screamed after being forced to kill his lover just to land a fatal wound on the dragon. 

All is fair in a life-or-death battle Human. Next time find a mate that isnt so weak that she could be captured in the first place. He mocked. 

IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU! He flew towards Hu Taos father with a mad look in his eyes. 

This was the hardest fight the Mad Rainbow Dragon has ever been in and that man with the twin blades was the strongest human he ever fought. His crass, vulgar, and inappropriate language throughout the battle was something that managed to infect Hu Tao later on. This development wasnt stopped by the mad dragon as he respected the powerful human who nearly put an end to its long life. As Hu Tao started to gain an interest in fighting for the increasing affections of his father, his previous sweet and calm personality was being distorted and replaced. 

Replicating the fighting tactics of his father along with the cultivators of that day, his body, senses, and instincts for fighting were all improving greatly. The cruelty in his fighting style, vulgarism in his language, and obsession for making his father proud. He was becoming more different by the day. Soon, the old Hu Tao would be completely replaced by this new Hu Tao who was raised believing that his behavior was completely fine and something to be praised! 

Eventually, he would learn that he was quite different from other humans once he reached puberty. At the age of 13, the mad dragon sent Hu Tao away. Never to return and to find his own path in this world as an adult. Hu Tao went into his first human town and was immediately set for execution by the people inside only an hour of arriving the town. Of course, he managed to escape and killed everyone who planned to kill him. 

Then he went to the next city nearby and learned a bit more of how humans like him were before also getting set to be executed in that city for various reasons. This continued for a few years until he was wanted across several towns, villages, and cities. Until he was found just inches away from being beheaded by an executioner. An elder from the Golden Serpent Sect crushed the axe chopping downwards towards Hu Taos neck and picked up the boy, declaring him his new disciple. He was impressed by the boys decisive nature, and unparallel fighting skills. A boy like him would be perfect to pass down his martial arts to. 

After declaring Hu Tao as his student and taking him to the Golden Serpent Sect, he was assassinated while out of the sect. Leaving Hu Tao alone inside a sect that didnt care for mortals or untalented disciples that couldnt take care of themselves. For years, Hu Tao was stuck as a mortal working as a servant inside the Golden Serpent Sect. Being bullied by Qi Gatherers, used as a sexual outlet for many females and sometimes male cultivators for his looks, and not receiving any help whatsoever from anyone.  

A person of Hu Taos temperament could only handle so much before snapping. One day, he managed to get his hands on a cultivation technique along with a generic combat art after satisfying a negligent female cultivator in bed. For the next several weeks, he did nothing but stay inside his home to cultivate and practice. Once he left his home, it was as if he was an entirely different man. 

Everyone that has ever used him and abused him were killed in the most gruesome fashion. This quickly rose his reputation within the Outer Court and since he was no longer a mortal, he was allowed to rent martial arts from the library. With Hu Taos monstrous talent for combat, bred by the Mad Rainbow Dragon, he quickly rose to the top of the court by mastering the mortal and stellar-ranked martial arts with ease. Challenging any and every one within the Outer Court that dared to think he was just some pushover. Sometime after that he became one of the strongest disciples in the Outer Court, bringing him back to the position he was in when he was a child. His strength and talent being praised while no one was saying anything above his behavior. At least, no one with any power inside the Golden Serpent Sect being able to convince him that his personality and his actions were wrong. 

My gut feeling is telling me that if anything happened to your sister here, you would spend every single moment trying to get revenge on me. Bringing yourself to the brink of ruin and destruction for a chance at getting at me. Dont you think that would be so much more of an interesting situation than just letting her go and you only being upset at me for doing something like this? Hu Tao asked. 

If you release my sister, I promise to give you a painless death. There is no other outcome for daring to touch my family, I apologize. Hong Long took a deep breathe. 

Hahahahaha! Are you an idiot?! Just for saying something so fucking stupid, this bitch has to die now. Hu Tao pierced the girls heart and slowly started to get away with a portal by SCP-106. 

He roughly tossed her dead body at Hong Long while he got away. Hong Long wanted nothing more than to eviscerate Hu Tao into bloody chunks but he couldnt just let his sisters body get violated any further. The Great Prodigy caught his sisters body as tears of blood flowed down his eyes. Vowing in his heart to kill Hu Tao at any cost.  

Even a Great Prodigy was helpless against Hu Tao... 

Hes a menace... Someone needs to put an end to him... 

There are limits to how vicious one needs to be. 

If my life was in danger, I probably wouldve done the same. 

Hong Long wont ever be able to recover from this. His future as a cultivator wont progress with a heart demon like this. 

As the sorrowful ending to this relatively normal battle came, a handsome figure with dark blue hair wrapped up in a ponytail arrived.  

Excuse me, junior martial brothers and sisters. Have any of you seen a man named Hu Tao? Im looking for him. Jig asked, completely unaware of what just transpired. 

Ooh... You might not want to... The random Inner Court disciples words were cut off as Hong Long glared daggers into Jigs soul. 

Hatred was flowing off of him and nearly visible at this point. 

Who are you? What is your relationship to Hu Tao? Hong Long demanded with a thick presence of killing intent clouding around him. 

You can call me Jig. And I dont have a relationship with him. Never even met the guy yet! He smiled, ignoring the killing intent. 

Im not right in the mind right now. Please leave before I unleash this pent-up rage inside me on you for no good reason. 

But have any of you seen Hu Tao? Or knows where he went at least? Jig had to try. It seemed like they did know but just werent telling him for some reason. 

Hes not here anymore Senior... 

We dont know where, but not here. 

He was here a moment ago but then he vanished somehow! 

Yeah, he went into some black stuff on the ground that sucked him in and disappeared! 

Thank you all for being so honest with me. Farewell. Hope you all have good fortune while cultivating! Jig waved goodbye before looking for Hu Tao elsewhere. Wonder what their deal was... The mood was pretty weird back there. 

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