SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 135.6: The Masked Man's Trickery.

Chapter 135.6: The Masked Man's Trickery.

A fierce oppressing aura released from Tangs figure that momentarily halted Bingwens momentum. From Tangs body, a golden flame could be seen around him. This was his only sky-ranked martial art in his entire arsenal. It was one of the rarest cultivation arts as it also gave combat techniques that he could practice. Not that he needed to use any of those techniques on someone like this but he would be using its power in combination with his primary qi, acceleration qi. 

Bingwen slashed out with 5 slashes and everyone stood witness as Tang unleashed 25 slashes with the sword sheathe. Bingwens attacks were overpowered by Tangs and entirely nullified. This feat completely blew Bingwens technique away. The manner he performed the superior technique looked as if he was just trying it out to see if he could. He didnt look at Bingwens movement to try and copy him or anything. He just struck out with normal sword slashes so fast that they looked like a martial art! 

Impossible...! Bingwen cried as he was sent flying backwards with injuries to his chest. 

How did he get cut? 

Does Tang have unique qi that cuts anyone who gets touched by it? 

Are you all stupid? Havent you heard that a master swordsman can pick up a blade of glass and use it just like a sword? 

Wow! Has Tang already reached that level of swordsmanship?! 

A sword sheathe isnt a blade of grass but it's just as impressive! I know if I tried that, I'd only make myself look like a fool! 

Tang slowly walked over to Bingwens downed body with a smirk on his face. 

You couldnt even handle something that weak? That was my first casual strike in this entire fight. Something really wasnt adding up. 

Bingwen could only angrily grit his teeth. He had nothing to respond to that but he wouldnt dare give up and throw away the position he was just given. Getting this position took everything he had, there was no way he could just lie down and accept defeat. That would be the same as throwing away any face his clan had by refusing to give it his all. 

Tell me who you really are. Tang threatened. 

His killing intent was like an executioners blade hanging over Bingwens neck. Feeling this crushing presence made Bingwen realize that Tang really wasnt using his full strength in their battle. He wasnt taking him seriously in the slightest and didnt have a reason to either. With what he could feel right now, he was starting to regret picking a fight with this rarely seen genius. 

Im Huan Da... The real Huan Bingwen is out of the sect on a task right now. His body was shivering uncontrollably. 

So, I wasted all this time I couldve been using for something meaningful. All because you decided to lie to me? Tang asked. 

Yes... Da could feel his life would come to an end soon. 

No one would save him or interfere in Tangs actions. He didnt have the influence, power, or looks to match up with someone like him. Tang pointed his sword sheath at Das throat.  

In your next life, consider living life with more humility. Trash. Tang Wuyings scabbard sliced open a gash on Das neck with a simple stroke. 

And that was the end of that. He flicked the blood off his unimpressive sheathe and began to walk away.  

Tell one of my servants when Huan Bingwen returns to the sect. Tang told the crowd who were completely stunned. 

They were all dumbfounded that Tang just murdered one of the Huan Clans top members and walked away scot free! There were multiple Huan Clan members in the crowd right now but none of them had the courage to go up against a genius of that level! All they could do was run back to the head and tell him what happened here. Fearsome Garden and the Wolfeng Gang were delighted to see this type of thing to happen. One of their rivals had invited a dangerous threat that could weaken them severely! Perhaps their reign would come to an end soon and they would make sure to do everything they can to take whatever remaining pieces they could grab. The top members of Fearsome Garden and Wolfeng Gang were on Tangs side. They would be the first ones to let him know when Bingwen returns. 

You say hes at the second stage of the Qi Consolidation realm? Jun asked for clarification. 

Thats correct Prince Jun! Weve already sent the letter for the duel. Now were waiting for his response. One of Juns lackies clarified. 

This might not be as easy as I thought it was. But I cant just give up because it's difficult. If that masked man is correct then someone has managed to come between me and Liu without my knowledge. I thought I took care of all nuisances but apparently someone managed to get one over me. Huan Chaun, I apologize for what I must do to you but my own troubles trump those of strangers. Juns new sword shined in his personal quarters. 

His swords break so frequently that he has to keep more than a dozen of them inside his storage ring. However, this sword is no regular blade. It was a stellar-ranked spirit weapon he gained from the Treasured Plains. It boasted of impressive length, terrifying sharpness, and its visage resembled that of a mighty tiger. What made this blade so special out of all of the other mortal and stellar-ranked swords in his storage ring was that once it was broken, all it took was some blood to repair itself. 

Thanks to that useful ability, he filled his storage ring with the blood of multiple spirit beasts blood. The inside of his storage ring had his dozens of swords bathing in the blood of spirit beasts. Because of that, he carried a second storage ring that would be used for items that didnt need to be covered in blood. Such as spirit stones, spirit tools, food, martial arts manuals, and more. 

Prince Jun! Weve received a reply on the letter! A follower of his shouted as he knocked on the door. 

Slide it underneath the door. Jun commanded. 

He did as Jun said, and Jun read the reply for himself. He wanted to meet him at Dueling Ring 5. Jun was quite pleased to see how fast Chauns response was. For some reason, he expected the reply to take a week at most. His opinion on the Huan Clan wasnt the fondest. To him, they were pathetic cowards. 

Despite the leader being in the 5th stage of the Qi Consolidation realm, he continues to play around in the Outer Court instead of doing the wise thing and ruling his faction in both the Inner and Outer Court at the same time. But no, he stays in the Outer Court and because of his strength that dwarfs those of any in the Outer Court, no one can challenge his power there. Huan Leng isnt a fool either. He makes sure that his clan avoids offending the wrong type of people and if they do, sucks up to them with everything he has. 

I should head out then. Jun began making his way to Dueling Ring 5. 

On his way there, a number of people began following behind him for some reason. Maybe they were able to somehow sense that he was on his way to a fight. Or they were just admiring his looks again. But there werent as many female disciples, so that couldnt be it. Did one of his followers speak about his duel with Huan Chaun? 

Its true! Prince Jun is really going to face off against someone from the Inner Court! 

A 9th stage Qi Gatherer fighting against a 2nd stage Qi Consolidator! The outcome should be obvious but Prince Jun is a prodigy! How will it turn out!? 

Is he really going to fight against Chaun? I always thought Prince Jun wasnt the type to needlessly get involved in fights. Maybe his arrogance has gone to his head. 

I heard that this was a normal spar. Prince Jun wanted to test his skills against someone from inside the Inner Court to ready himself to enter the Inner Court. 

Wouldnt someone at the 1st stage of the Qi Consolidation realm be better to duel against? 

Prince Jun is a prodigy. You cant guess what people like that consider reasonable. They live in a different world from normal people like us. 

Gong Jun made it to Dueling Ring 5 and saw that his opponent was already on the stage with the referee.  

I apologize if I made you wait long. Would you like to begin immediately? Jun asked with a kind and gentle smile. 

Are you really willing to bet 100 mid-ranked spirit stones on this duel? Chaun asked, not sure if this was just a joke. 

Thats correct. If you win, I'll hand over 100 mid-ranked stones. Jun smiled. 

What do you get out of this? Why are you willing to bet so many stones on this? Weve never met before. He questioned. 

Trust me, I have many more elsewhere. This wont even put a dent into my reserves. Jun inwardly scoffed. 

I would like to prepare myself for the Inner Court. Jun lied. 

Chaun looked at him as if he was a freak. 

We will fight until the other surrenders or is rendered unconscious. Is that fine? Jun asked. 

I accept... Still confused about this entire situation. 

Begin! The referee shouted. 

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