SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 148: Finishing Up The Job.

Chapter 148: Finishing Up The Job.

As the gem broke, Hu Tao felt a force pushing him away. He wasnt able to touch or resist against this force at all! The only thing he could do was be forced against the wall as Hao cut down his clones and the weaklings retreated up the stairs. With a disappointed che!, Hu Tao broke the wall behind him, knocked down the wall to the floor below, and then hopped back up through one of the holes his chains made earlier. 

I guess you got me all to yourself now, Pretty Boy. What are you gonna do to me? Hu Tao grinned. 

Kill you. His eyes glared into Hu Taos excited pupils. 

Ahh... You dont know how happy I am to hear that. If Hu Tao could blush, he would but it looks like only Jing was capable of making him blush so far. He loved that psycho bitch. 

Freak... Hao rushed towards Hu Tao with his blade. 

Hu Tao flicked his index finger up and his lightning blocked Haos sword slice. It soon wrapped around it and tried to take Haos sword from his hands. But how could he let himself be disarmed so easily? With a burst of his qi outwardly, he freed his sword from the tight grip of the lightning and shot towards Hu Tao with the tip of his blade pointed at his chest.  

The mad fighter grinned, he couldnt let this sword impale him this time around. There was qi infused into the blade. He was only invincible against attacks without any qi. Qi-infused attacks could still hurt him and probably kill him. Hu Tao wrapped his palms in his lightning and thrust forward to the incoming blade. A wave of wind, electricity, and qi exploded from their clash, sending cracks through the floor, walls, and destroying any objects nearby.  

Not a single drop of blood leaked from Hu Taos palm even though it took the sword head-on. Neither fighter was pushed back but it was obvious who was the stronger of the two. Blood leaked from Haos mouth and Hu Taos grin only grew wider. This bastard was a qi cultivator! His body was weak as shit! 

Got anything else you want to pull out of that storage ring? If you beg good enough, I might let you. Hu Tao teased. 

How can you possess such strength...? Hao was in disbelief.  

Jumping 5 stages to match another martial artist in strength? It was unheard of! Even for geniuses that pop up every once in a thousand years! Hao also could see that this strength wasnt taxing his body or anything. He seemed just as relaxed as he was when the fight started! While he was struggling to keep himself from spitting up blood. None of it made any sense. Unless those chains were a heaven-ranked spirit weapon... Besides that theres no other explanation for how he can raise his strength to such heights. 

Its called not being a weak little shit. Just train every day of your life and that should be a good enough start. Hu Tao answered. 

Such a simple method couldnt possibly be the true reason for his strength. Hao refused to believe it. 

Oh, and fight with every strong bastard you see. You might lose sometimes but hey, just dont die and youre fine. Hu Tao already noticed that the weak noble was digging into his storage ring.  

Pretty Boy asking those questions were simply to distract him while he got whatever he needed to try and deal with him. But he wasnt the only one who play that game. Hu Tao did the same and got some of the treasures that the Old Fossil tried to use against him. He pulled out the Silent Gods Ocarina and tried to play it by blowing into it. A horrific sound infused with qi blasted out all around him. 

What the fuck? That wasnt supposed to happen. 

From the memories he saw of Bo Fai using it, it was supposed to give him control over the sound made by it. Then those sound waves, he could use to do whatever he wanted to his opponents. He could place a sound barrier around him and whoever he was fighting to where they would be fighting in total silence, unable to predict where Hu Tao was if they lost sight of him. Hu Tao could also use the sound waves to attack or manipulate his enemies. But it looks like he actually had to know how to play the damn thing for it to work properly. 

Useless crap. He tossed it back into his ring and pulled out something he was a bit more familiar with. 

Floating green chains appeared behind him and flew towards Hao. Who has long gathered what he felt he needed to defeat Hu Tao. In his hands were several gems that looked similar to the one that blew him away earlier. Since they had different colors, Hu Tao figured that they would have different effects. He wasnt exactly excited to see what they did. This Pretty Boy really was disappointing him. An all-out brawl was what he was hoping for, not whatever was about to come. 

Two clones came from out of Hu Taos body covered in lightning. All three got on all fours like a small pack of wolves. His clones had clones of their own that split from them and then clones split from those clones. Creating an army of lightning Hu Taos. This drained his qi greatly but he planned to finish it in this next move anyway. After that, unless they had another strong bastard hiding upstairs, his job was done. 

I hope you havent shit your pants yet. Cause I still have something a little special to show you. The Hu Taos all talked at once. 

From what Hao could sense, the original had far less qi than earlier while the clones didnt have much either. If anything, it looked like Hu Tao only made himself weaker by splitting up like this. Hao didnt dare assume such a thing though, he crushed all the gem stones in his hand just as the Hu Taos moved. A barrier made by the Ren Familys Youth Head formed around their floor to contain the blast made by the gems. By the time she could feel that the explosion was over, there were only two figures on the floor. 

Hahahaha. You fucking suicidal piece of shit! I was about to do something really fucking cool there! Hu Tao madly laughed as he stepped out of his portal. 

That noble bastard nearly killed him! If he didnt slip inside his portal dimension in time, he couldve turned into dust! Just what the fuck was he thinking? Hu Tao was planning to kill him but that didnt mean he had to try and take them both out! He walked over to the somehow still living boy and turned him over on his front. 

The necklace around his neck shattered. Hu Tao figured it was this spirit tool that managed to preserve his life. Nobles really had some good shit, huh? A blast like that couldve easily killed a 9th stage Qi Consolidator and fatally injured an unprepared 1st stage Core Preparation martial artist. He should find Runt some shit like this to protect himself with. 

Oh well. This shit was fun while it lasted. Hu Tao formed his hand into a claw and aimed to rip Pretty Boys heart out straight from his chest. 

Oh no you dont! He heard a pissed off lady shout. 

Before his hand could reach Pretty Boys heart, Hu Tao felt a nice, smooth, and long leg kick him straight out the building. His eyes caught sight of an incredibly attractive fat assed lady kneeling over the body of Pretty Boy. Hu Tao was all too glad that he attached his chains before he was sent flying, now he could fly straight back and get a better look at this mysterious woman. Which he did promptly, not even giving her the chance to mend Pretty Boys horrible chest injury. 

A core stage elder? He suddenly realized. 

You dare approach me!? Hu Tao was gifted with a hand coated in qi piercing his chest once he arrived. 

Damn, I really dont stance a chance against you... Blood flowed from his mouth. 

Arrogant child. You shouldve already known that you werent leaving this building alive after what youve done. 

I dont know about that one, Sexy. I think I'll be just fine. He smiled with blood all over his teeth. 

Even arrogant in death. She rose her other hand to finish the job. 

Why dont you and I go somewhere a little more private, Toots? A portal appeared on the floor and slowly began to swallow the two. 

Once she noticed, she immediately tried to leap away. Only to be wrapped up in Hu Taos lightning chains. She tried breaking them with her qi but before she could completely snap it, they disappeared into his portal dimension. Hu Tao reappeared on the roof of the Su Familys building and went inside from the hole he made earlier. 

Well? What the hell are you waiting for? Get in there. He suddenly appeared, shocking the Su Family. With a quick bite of several recovery pills from his storage ring, his pierced torso started healing. 

R-Right! Lets attack! Get ready to aid us with formations! When were finished Hu Tao, you dont mind staying around do you? Daddy Su asked. 

I still have to get what I came here for. He answered. 

Su Family! Lets go! Daddy Su leapt out the building with his mighty sword as the rest of the family followed behind him. 

Except for Jie, who Hu Tao swiftly stopped from going anywhere. 

Did you forget what you promised me?  

Of course not... I just wished to help my family kill our oppressors first and then we could settle things between us... A red blush appeared on her face. 

Nah. None of that bullshit. That old man will be fine without you. Youre weak anyway. Hu Tao lifted Jie over his shoulder without her consent. Now tell me where your room is so we can get down to business. After a good fight like that, he was ready to blow off some steam. 

Please. Not like this Hu Tao. Cant we go out to eat first or maybe just talk a little bit before- Ow! Hu Tao shushed her with a rough smack on the ass. 

Top floor... Her voice was as quiet as a mouse. 

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