SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 156: The Return.

Chapter 156: The Return.

[Mission Completed!] 

[Host has taken over the Outer Court through the superior strength of the hosts followers.] 

[Rewards: 3 Epic Tickets, Soul Lantern, Restriction on Qi Gathering Realm has been unlocked.] 

[Mission Completed!] 

[Wan Qing has successfully killed Kun Lao, the person of fate that nearly ended her life!] 

[Rewards: 5 Epic Tickets, Sky-ranked blacksmith manual] 

[Mission Completed!] 

[Wolfeng Gang has been strengthened enough to the point where they have matched the Huan Clan in strength!] 

[Rewards: 10 Rare Tickets, Berserkers Rage] 

[Mission available for host!] 

[Take over the Inner Court through numbers of supports, superior strength, or influence.] 

[Rewards: 1 Legendary Ticket, Coffin of Undying, Restriction on Qi Consolidation Realm will be unlocked] 

Jing was more than happy to accept all those fantastic mission rewards upon returning to the sect. She planned to use the tickets later on tonight as right now, there were a few things she had to accomplish. Especially one that required her immediate attention by the end of the day. Or she would find herself being locked out of her system possibly forever. At the moment, Jing was patiently waiting inside Jigs home with Li Li. You see, he was one of the reasons why Jing had died in the first place.  

A question that came to her was if Jig or his master knew if Xun Liuxian got on the bad side of someone at the Earthly Immortal stage. And if so, did Jig willingly refuse to tell her this information? Was it his plan or his masters plan to try and get rid of her this way? Questions upon questions but no answers... Jing already prepared herself to kill him if he did know. 

The house was placed with several formations just waiting to be activated on Jings command. She was sure someone as talented as Jig would be able to force his way out but not without some suffering. He would have to suffer through terrible physical, mental, and spiritual pain before he could free himself. Jing expected by the end of it, he would be completely drained of energy and his life would be ripe for the taking. However, if he wasnt aware at all of the trouble his junior brother was in, then Jing would go on her way as it was just an unlucky situation.  

Ah, it seems hes finally come home. Jing could sense Jig coming towards his door from outside. She wasnt hiding her presence in the slightest. Her reason for coming here was for answers. It might be a little funny to see if she could scare a Core Stage disciple but this situation didnt warrant something like that. He immediately realized someone was in his home as he stopped in front of his door and didnt move for quite some time. 

Come in. Jing told him. He did so and locked eyes with her. 

So, youve failed... He realized. 

But still alive. 

So, it seems...  

Were you aware that there was an Earthly Immortal after Xun? 

And if I was?  

Things arent going to end well for you. 

You might be strong and quite talented but at the end of the day, there is nothing you can do about what has already passed. My Junior Brother is dead, you are alive and well, and the world continues to spin.  

Unfortunately for you, things arent going to go the way you think they are. Today is going to be one of the worst and most humiliating experience in your life. With a snap of her finger, a single array activated inside Jigs house. 

The corners of the house brightened up and Jig immediately realized what was going on. He still had the same casual smile he always had as ethereal chains shot out to grab him. Jig seemed overall amused by the situation and that smirk of his reminded Jing of the Earthly Immortal from before. It upset her but she didnt lose control over her emotions. She simply decided to make things a bit worst for him. 

Jing took out one of the Geeks from her inventory and kicked it towards Jig who happily let the chains wrap around his body. A mistake he would very soon start to regret. Something that Jing would make sure that he suffers for by not giving him the chance to escape without a little pain. The Geek was coated in qi before being launched to ensure that it didnt completely shatter into pieces from her kick. It was just a normal piece of candy after all. 

Once the chains wrapped around himself, Jig felt a powerful drain on his qi. This drain was too significant and would quickly empty him out if he let the chains continue to stay on his person. How did a Qi Gatherer create such a powerful spell? The time, resources, and skill needed to craft a talisman on this level isnt something that should be possible for a Qi Gatherer. To remove the chains, Jig gathered up as much qi as he could and released it outward, shattering the chains. A strange small object hit his forehead after dealing with the chains and left a bloody wound from the impact. His smile turned into a confused scowl. 

Im no longer just a Qi Gatherer anymore. Jings body was overflowing with qi, revealing that she was now a 9th stage Qi Consolidator.  

Now that her restriction from the system was lifted, she could easily blow through the stages with as much qi as she has. Jing was in the Qi Gathering stage for quite a white. Far longer than someone with her talent shouldve been. It would take her some time to understand her new limits after increasing her power this rapidly but she had several plans that could distract her as she gets used to it. 

This changes nothing, you understand?! He pulled out his sword and leaped straight at her. 

The next formation activated upon the destruction of the first and before he could reach Jing, a fist made of the worlds qi took the blow for Jing by directly clashing with Jigs sword. He seemed surprised by the strength of the arrays fist but the true surprise was just beginning. Several more flying fists began rushing towards Jig from out of nowhere. At his stage, responding to them all was more of a chore than any danger. That would be the current situation, if Jing wasnt kicking several pieces of candy at him that carried enough force to break bones at the speed they were flying at. 

This constant onslaught on multiple fronts proved to be even too much for a Core Stage cultivator. He suffered multiple hits that were painful but werent life-threatening. Eventually, the small pains started building up and his patience was getting tested. Jig started to ignore the fists of qi and focused everything he had on killing Jing. She only smiled in response to this simple line of thinking. 

More and more injuries started piling upon his body from Jings formation. But then a smile soon formed on his face once he made it a certain distance towards Jing. He stood directly in her face with blood leaking from his mouth and many bruises all over his body. Jing watched with vivid interest at what he was planning while taking all those hits. 

Sword Domain! His qi expanded outwardly into a bubble that formed around both himself and Jing. 

It was as if the world itself shifted and changed to his desires as the flying fists could no longer touch him inside here. They were sliced to nothingness upon contact with the dome of qi. At first, it was only a couple of swords materializing around them, each one a copy of his standard long sword. As seconds went by, those few became many and that many turned into several. Jing was very interested in what this technique was. 

She didnt feel as if she was capable of breaking through this dome unless she used a majority of her qi or some special spirit tool. Teleporting away didnt seem to be an option either as something about it was blocking the transfer of qi from going anywhere but the inside of this bubble. A martial art that forced the opponent into taking you on while they changed the surroundings into an advantage for them? This was very powerful. 

Confused, arent you? Someone of your stage wouldnt learn anything about this until you reached my stage. Only Core Stage cultivators and higher can form Qi Domains. With it becoming more powerful and expansive as you climb through the stages. You might be wondering why I'm sharing this with you, but the dead tell no tales. Jig smirked before sending all the swords flying at Jing. 

Thank you for telling me this. You see, it's very hard to acquire information on my own. There are no real books of any kind anywhere inside this place. Nothing about qi, souls, the cultivation stages, how this sect came to be, the important figures in the sect, how its run, how many disciples are accepted when recruiting new disciples, how often disciples are killed inside the sect, how often they are killed outside the sect, it's just all very annoying. At the library, there is only martial arts. I was wondering who was documenting the history, growth, and everything else about the Golden Serpent Sect but it seems that no one does. Perhaps in a few thousand years, no one would ever even know this sect existed! Jing shared her frustration as the swords skewered her and Li Li like pincushions. 

What is this?! Jig exclaimed. 

Water flowed from their bodies as if they were made up of nothing but water! She gave him a smile before turning completely into water and flying straight at him. 

No! Thats impossible! Only a cultivator at the 9th stage of the Qi Transformation realm can completely turn their body into the natural state of their qi! I dont believe it! Jig controlled the infinitely spawning swords into slicing the large puddle of water apart. 

This did little to stop its aggressive momentum. Once separated, it simply expanded, remerged, and grew larger than before! The strain of keeping his Qi Domain up was beginning to show as his muscles were being strained and his qi was being used up. A sweet laugh filled with ridicule and amusement soon filled the small home. Behind him, Jing and Li Li revealed themselves and took off their masks. The mother and son duo Jig saw this entire time was nothing more than water clones. 

It looks like I have to thank you again. Its truly unbelievable how much knowledge is being greedily hoarded by those at the top. This is not how you move forward. No wonder you cultivators have been doing the same useless crap for thousands and thousands of years. All of you are too selfish! Do you know how much progress this world couldve experienced if the strong werent incompetent greedy little pieces of trash?! Jing exclaimed as her water enveloped Jigs body. Hah... What am I telling you all this for? Youre about to die anyway. She sighed. 

Jing slowly began crushing the Core Stage disciples bones starting from his feet all the way up to his shoulders. Crunches, cracks, and snaps flowed into Jings ears like music played by the heavenly beauties. This added along with the sounds of his screams only excited Jing even further. Her cheeks were blushed in excitement as she intentionally broke as many bones as slowly as she could. By this point, Jigs Qi Domain was already undone and Jing no longer had a use for the rest of the arrays she planted for if he got past the first two. 

Spare me.... Tears flowed down his cheeks as he looked towards Jing. 

If he understood just how much elation he was bringing to Jing with the distraught and pathetic look on his handsome face, he probably would have a different expression on his face right now. The fact that his life was coming to an end despite how talented and young he was. Not many people could accomplish what Jig has done. In fact, he could be said to be someone who was guaranteed to become one of the pillars of the Golden Serpent Sect if he lived long enough. Sadly, for him, he had to run into Jing and get on her bad side. 

If only I had the time to call Ju Ju over... Jing had her water cover Jigs head and crushed his skull. 

Leaving his body to rot inside his home and removing all the arrays she planted, Jing teleported into Yings Void World with a special talisman made from SCP-914. As normal movement talismans couldnt teleport inside there. Now, it was time to prepare the Supreme Commanders gift and get ready to start up her business. She also had to check on the situation in the sect from Wen and the puppets at the Wolfeng Gang. After that, she can use all those tickets, find out what a Soul Lantern, refine the blacksmith manual, and find out what Berserkers rage is.

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