SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 176: Hu Tao & Wan Qing.

Chapter 176: Hu Tao & Wan Qing.

Hu Tao was taken to an entirely new world after taking that first step. He was no longer at the Golden Serpent Sect but instead some sort of large cave with dark red stone that resembled dried blood. Long and tall pillars that dwarfed him in size were spread across the giant cave. His mind wondered what this place was before remembering he had to take on some Heart Demons. 

All of his spirit tools and weapons were gone inside this place. The only thing Hu Tao had was the clothes on his body. Which happened to be just his robes hung around his waist, exposing his bare chest and his trousers underneath. No sandals or shoes because it feels better to kick people without them. 

He felt vulnerable without his chains. Ever since Jing gave him those chains, there hasnt been a day since they werent wrapped around his body. Hu Tao showered with those chains, ate with those chains, had sex with those chains around him. Shit, he couldnt even remember what it felt like fighting without them! Thats just how used to them hes gotten. 

Why...? A pair of hands grabbed him from down below. It latched onto his ankle and stopped him from moving. 

Why did you kill me?! Another pair took hold of his other leg. 

Why did you kill us? Bodies upon bodies started to rise from the ground to grab onto Hu Taos body and drag him down with them. 

Hah? Hahahahahahaha! This is my Heart Demon?! Hu Tao crushed the skull of some guy he already killed long ago. 

All these weaklings are supposed to make me repent and feel guilt for what Ive done!? Hu Tao lashed out with his fist, killing even more with his qi.  

Bahahahahaha! There is no guilt in my heart for killing weaklings! Cursing me after your death!? You should be cursing the fact that you were born so weak! He tore through the thousands of people without a single shred of mercy, repentance, or guilt. 

The many victims of Hu Tao began to move like an ocean current as they flowed together. A mass of bodies started to pile up high. It was an unbelievable sight as the numerous corpses merged together to form one gigantic human figure that was even taller than the rock pillars. Hu Tao barely matched up to the giants big toe. But regardless of that fact, an uncontrollable grin was on his face as he ran towards the giant. 

There was no need to kill us. 

Why must you be so merciless? 

Cant you spare some kindness? 

Arent you afraid of killing too much? 

Is there a point to all these bodies? 


Repent for your crimes! 

Mercy will be given to those that make up for their evil actions! 

Hu Tao felt nothing for his past actions. Why should he feel sorry for a few weaklings that were too weak to survive? It wasnt like he intentionally went after weak cultivator either. He fought against those who were known to be strong! Surprisingly, it just so happened that they just werent as strong as him and died because of it. 

The truly strong ate the strong and the weak! It was the way of the world and no one would be able to change Hu Taos mind about that! All of his actions were just and natural. He was raised, complimented, and treated positively because of his behavior and mindset. There was absolutely nothing wrong with how Hu Tao thought and acted in his mind and heart. 

Which is why despite the size difference, Hu Tao was steadily tearing the giant mass of humans apart. His heart became clearer as it aligned with his ideals. Not a single part of Hu Tao disagreed with his past actions and current self. All of it agreed with him! And this is what gave him the strength to defeat this Heart Demon that could barely be considered a heart demon to Hu Tao. 

A piece of cake. Hu Tao leisurely relaxed, covered head to toe in blood amongst a sea of corpses.  

The ocean of bodies and blood gently rocked him back and forth. Deep in thought, Hu Tao began to doze off since there was nothing left to fight. His mind, body, and soul became even clearer after going through this test. He was pretty sure it would be a piece of cake to breakthrough right now with how good he feels. 

Congratulations. You are the first out of thousands to pass the first test. Some old foggy was talking to him. 

Oh, I'm done already? Hu Tao smirked, looking back at all the other disciples below him. 

You can wait here till the end of the test. The clarity in this youths eyes was astonishing. He would definitely go far as long as nothing stops him. 

Guess I'll take a nap. Thisll probably take all day. Hu Tao saw many people stuck on the first step. 

Wan Qing stared at the male version of herself. They were in a field of flowers and butterflies. The flower field expanded endlessly into the horizon. She figured if she tried running from this place, there would still only be more flowers and butterflies. 

How does it feel becoming her slave? He asked. 

You and I both know how I feel about my choice regarding Jing. 

But to throw away everything just to serve her? You barely know anything about her! 

I didnt throw away everything. I am still me. I am just a me that is willing to give my everything for Jing if she asks. 

Even your new body? 

If she desires it. 

How shameful. Imagine what our sisters back home would think. 

Shameful? If she is able to change me into this, why wouldnt she be able to change me back? 

Im not here to question Jings power with you. 

Then leave already. My heart is at peace with the choice I've made. Jing is the woman I've chosen to serve for the rest of my life. 

I see... But dont forget everything youve been through with me, alright? He asked. 

Hmph. Dont ask stupid questions. She turned her back as he dispersed into butterflies. Like I could forget something like that. 

Wan returned to the sect at the top of the steps, only to see that Hu Tao was waving at her with a cocky grin on his face. She clicked her tongue at the sight but didnt give him the pleasure of seeing her annoyed. With an elegant and graceful gait, she made her way over to him to wait for the rest. His smile didnt rest even as she sat next to him. 

Quit looking at me. Wan was getting annoyed. 

Im not surprised a Freak like you got through so fast. You finally got your wish granted. It only took you a few seconds later than me, you know? If you didnt show up, I wouldve been asleep right now. 

Im surprised someone like you could get through this so fast but I guess you arent the type of person to hold regrets in your heart anyway. Wan figured Hu Tao was the type of man to live life according to his desires. Never questioning himself unless forced to. 

Hahahaha! Regrets?! Can I eat that?! Of course, I dont have any of that shit! He laughed. 

I didnt think so. Wan pulled out a small fan from her robes and began fanning herself. 

Hey fan me too. It's hot as hell and I dont think this will go by as quickly as I want it to. Hu Tao requested. 

Fan yourself, dog. She didnt even give him a passing glance as he tried snatching her fan from her. 

She saw his hand coming close to her face and let him take the fan then laughed as it burst into a small number of butterflies and flew back towards her. Wan then continued to fan herself as Hu Tao pouted, knowing he couldnt take it away from her.  

Where the hell is Runt at?! What kind of Heart Demons could a brat his age even have? He yelled, frustrated at his small loss. 

Youd be surprised. Children can hold deep trauma.  

He was a fucking street beggar. How bad could his life have been? Hu Tao looked down to see that he was still struggling to pass the first step along with a lot of other people, including Jing. 

Huh... My future wife isnt handling this as easy as I thought she would. Hu Tao realized. 

Is Jie at the first step? Wan asked. 

Not her! Jing! 

Hahahaha. You and your delusions. But are you sure thats Jing youre looking at? 

I think I fucking know what Jing looks like. 

Could she have been hiding something from us that she buried deep in her heart? 

She is one sick twisted bitch. Probably got more than a few skeletons in her closet. Hu Tao shrugged. 

A sharp blade of wind was sent towards Hu Taos neck. The hair on the back of his neck jumped as he ducked down low and glared at Wan. 

Whats the big idea, Freak? You wanna die? 

Dont insult Jing in my presence unless you want to die. She glared back at him. Jing was her savior. 

Oh, have you fallen in love with her ever since she turned you into a woman? Well, get in line bitch! You arent the only one who loves her. His chains were spinning on his body 

Tch. Dont try and vulgarize the feelings I hold for Jing into something so low. You will treat her with respect when I'm around or I'll make you. 

It's been a while since we last fought. Why dont I see if youre good enough to order me around, Freak? The only woman who can tell me what to do is down them stairs right now. Hu Tao cracked the bones in his body. 

Disciples, please calm yourself. Absolutely no fighting is allowed in this portion of the tournament. A core stage elder kindly informed. 

You should thank him for saving you from the beating of your life. Hu Tao smirked. 

Thats funny. I was thinking the same thing for you. Wan smirked back. 

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