SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 183: Jing. (part 1)

Chapter 183: Jing. (part 1)

1st Life 

Harmless creatures flew, crawled, and skittered about during this bright sunny day. The forest went on endlessly in the distance. Nothing but trees and more trees could be seen. Along the way, small bushes filled with red berries were avoided by the animals as they gave off a delicious fruity smell. A small squirrel on top of a tree noticed a strange creature underneath its home and curiously came down to take a look. It sniffed the head of the animal before crawling on its face to investigate further. 

Only to see two giant white eyeballs slowly opening to take a look at it before they screamed. This scream badly frightened the poor squirrel and caused it to faint from shock. The dark-skinned young girl held her chest as her heart rapidly beat inside her body. She violently tossed the wild animal off of herself and stood up before taking in her surroundings. 

Why am I inside a forest? 

Who am I? 

Why cant I remember anything? 

Why am I dressed like some neanderthal!? 

Her current attire consisted of a primitive orange dress with a single strap over her right shoulder and black spots over it. She was without a bra and panties for some reason so, right now she was as free as a bird in a sense. It wasnt comfortable and she disliked it immensely. But there were more important things to focus on right now. 

Like getting the hell out of this forest and finding civilization. There were all sorts of disgusting and dangerous creatures in the woods. All she had was her two little fists to defend herself. She had no knowledge of how to survive in the forest and would definitely die a horrible death if she had to. Since there was nothing in her already basically empty memories about surviving in the woods, she had to guess that she was a city girl or something. 

The young girl didnt know which direction to head to first. From the tree she woke up under, there was nothing but an endless sea of trees around her. She could literally head in any direction and theres no telling if it would be right or wrong. So, thats what she did as there really wasnt any other choice she could make. 

Staying at the tree she woke up at wouldnt help anyone. Whos to say that there are even people looking for her? She didnt know anything at all! Who just wakes up in the middle of the forest without any memories of who they are at all dressed like this?! Hell, she couldnt even remember her own name... 

As of now, her hopes about finding help and getting out of the forest were slim. The only reason why she hasnt broken down and cried herself into a pathetic heap was because of the warm and bright rays of the sun shining down on her skin. It gave her hope that things werent all bad just yet and she still had a chance to survive. Now when the sun starting to set was when she could contemplate committing suicide. 

Not really but, you know things will be a bit direr then. Her first goal right now was to try and find some people. While they wouldnt be able to answer any questions about her, they should be able to lead her to someplace safer than this forest. The second goal, find some food and water. She didnt know the first thing about preparing and cooking wild animals. Unless it was a small lizard, which was not something she was looking forward to eating or a fish that could easily be cooked over a campfire, she would not be able to cook it. There was also the issue where she didnt know how to make a fire. The third goal, to not die in a stupid forest.  

So, she began her dangerous journey through the forest. She picked a random direction to walk towards and made her way through the woods. Along the way she picked up a sizable rock for protection that could be carried in both of her hands without slowing her down. This could probably crack an animals skull in as long as she aimed properly and didnt freak out. Her heart was telling her that was an impossibility and facing off against any wild animal was going to end terribly for her. Maybe if she knew how to make a spear or something things would be slightly better but she doubted it. 

As she traveled through the forest, there were multiple times where she heard a sound and immediately prepared herself for combat. She jumped in fright, raised her rock above her head, and waited for something to run at her while her legs shook terribly. Out of all of those times, nothing dangerous at all was hiding in wait to get her. Just some birds, small critters, or insects. But she didnt let this lower her guard! Just because nothing dangerous came out at her those few times doesnt mean it couldnt happen. There was a vital need to stay alert and ready at all times in this precarious situation. It was a situation where she was completely out of her element. 

During her dangerous and life-threatening journey, she stumbled upon a bush filled with bright red berries. Her eyes lingered on the bush momentarily as the tantalizing fruit aroma flowed into her nostrils before walking away and leaving the bush alone. She mightve been just a little bit hungry but she wasnt a complete idiot! Those berries were definitely poisonous with their bright colors and huge numbers. Like animals wouldnt have been able to smell those berries from a mile away and have a feast munching on them all. There were just too many of them growing on that bush for her to believe that they werent poisonous. 

They smelled really good though... She sadly muttered as she walked past them, dreaming of what couldve been if they werent obviously poisonous. 

The morning was coming to an end as the sky turned golden and her stomach was starting to rumble more fiercely now. The pain of her hungry stomach was forcing her to think of horrible things that no civilized person would even consider doing. If worse came to worst, she might have to force herself to eat some of these insects on the ground... Or maybe catch one of these tiny reptiles and eat them. It looks like she might have to force herself to learn how to make a fire very soon. She knew the process of how to do it but felt like it was something she never had to put into practice. 

Her ears caught the sound of flowing water and she immediately made her way towards it. With how parched and dry her throat was becoming by constantly swallowing her saliva, some water would be heavenly right now. There might also be some fish inside the water that she could try and catch like a proper cave girl with her hands. After filling herself with water and maybe some cooked fish later, she could sleep on top of one of these trees. 

Upon making it to the water source, she didnt spot any animals nearby this stream. She carefully came out of the woods caressing her rock and scanned her surrounding before quickly tip-toeing over to the water. Her ears opened up and listened out for any sounds as she cupped the water into her hands and took multiple sips. After drinking the clear, cold, and refreshing water, she finally got a good look at herself. 

She wasnt all too impressed by what she saw of her face. Lame glasses, a face that she felt wouldnt stand out in a crowd, but good skin complexion. Just overall, unimpressive. Maybe if she was a cave girl with beautiful looks, someone wouldve found and saved her already by now. Or maybe her good looks would be a curse and theyll want to take advantage of her. That was something she needed to be careful of... Men werent entirely trustworthy when it came to a lady in trouble. They could have ulterior motives. Maybe she should carry a less obvious weapon in case the first humans she encounters arent the helpful kind. But where would she even hide it? Up her privates? This outfit didnt exactly come with pockets or anything of the sort.  

Colorful fish swam down the stream and just for the hell of it, she tried catching one by suddenly plunging her hand into the water. Surprisingly, it worked. 

The feeling of the slippery aquatic creature in her hand was like finding gold. She tightly latched onto the animal with both hands and tossed it onto the rocks as her eyes lit up. It frantically flopped on the rocks as part of its instincts while she began to go over how to make a fire in her mind. This was food! Now she didnt have to go hungry tonight or eat some gross bugs! As long as she made this fire, she was going to eat today! But first, she had to pee. 

There was one good thing about this outfit. Despite how breezy it was underneath, it was easy to do her business in it as long as she raised it up over her behind. If she didnt raise it up, there was a chance of her getting pee on her outfit. Being a cave girl was bad enough already but being a cave girl covered in piss? She absolutely refused to allow something like that to happen. It was a matter of pride as a human. After crouching and doing her business in the grass, she started collecting branches and leaves to get ready to start this fire. 

It looks like I'm sleeping in a tree tonight... She muttered looking at the evening rays fading away with moonlight taking its place. 

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