SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 193: Time Has Passed.

Chapter 193: Time Has Passed.

I wasnt really expecting something like this to happen when I came here... Hazel looked down at the little girl with loose clothes and a common sword hanging on her waist. 

What exactly were you expecting? She flashed a small grin. 

Nothing like this, thats for sure.  

You arent aware of the true potential of your ability. It's only normal for you to be confused. She shared. 

Is it safe for me to absorb all this demonic qi? Im breaking through very quickly. Isnt this bad for my foundation or whatever? Hazel remembered Liang talking about something like that. 

Eh, dont worry about that. You got me here. Im pretty strong so, there isnt much I cant fix. She gloated. 

Well, okay. She shrugged as she continued to absorb and pocket some of the demonic weapons inside the Nine Swords Sect vault. 

The gourd from earlier was now strapped to her back. This thing was able to suck up things like a storage ring and take it to a pocket space but unlike a storage ring, this could take in living objects, can speed up, slow down, or stop time inside the pocket space, and be used as a weapon! As the sect leaders fourth but only living disciple, she was allowed to keep more than she shouldve. For the rest of the spirit tools she couldnt take, they would be given to the elders or disciples that contribute heavily to the growth of the sect or its prestige. 

What now? Hazel asked after cleansing all the demonic objects. 

Now I train you until youre ready to be exposed to the world. 

How long will that take? 

100 years if youre talented. 

I dont think I want to be the sect leaders sole disciple anymore. Hazel wasnt looking forward to training for 100 years but then again, wouldnt she basically be invincible at that point?  

She sure hoped so, because the look the Sect Leader was giving her wasnt a look that said she could step back from this. 

Call me Master Mao. And dont worry, all three of my other disciples died during their training but thats because they decided training was too much and they wanted to explore the world instead before completing their training. You should be fine as long as you dont think about running away before I say youre ready. She casually waved while walking forward. 

Just had to pick the unique sword... Hazel cursed as she followed behind. 

Fortunately, Master Mao had a change of heart about 5 years in. After hundreds and thousands of foiled escape attempts by Hazel, one day, there was no need to anymore. Master Mao realized that holing her up inside the sect for so many years wouldnt be the best for her to develop into a proper Daoist. According to Master Mao, she needed to experience the good, the bad, and the ugliness in the world. So, she sent her off as a Corpse Collector for the sect and told her not to return until shes strong enough to beat her or was being chased by countless pursers strong enough to force the Nine Swords Sect into action. 

The Sect Leader sounds pretty fickle. Kai said, journeying alongside her. 

Both Kai and Hazel have developed into proper young adults under the guidance of the Nine Swords Sect. Kai looked much more mature and handsome now that hes gained some teachings under a Head Elder. His shoulders were a bit broader, his jaw squarer and firmer, and his body was lean and filled with muscle. A sword hung around his waist but everyone that knew him knew it was more of an accessory rather than his true choice of weapon. Which were his fists! But this did not mean he held no knowledge of sword techniques, it was just that his master would beat him upside the head till he turned stupid if he didnt. 

Hazel hasnt seemed to have changed much in the five years she spent with the Sect Leader. At least, outwardly that is. Shes grown somewhat fuller in the chest and behind while her face and petite frame didnt look like they changed at all. If you asked Kai, he would say that she hasnt changed at all in his opinion. Whether he thought this was a good thing or not was an entirely different matter. 

You havent changed all that much, huh? Still the same ole attention seeker from before. Hazel gave a small grin. 

Unlike you, who basically went missing for five years with no contact with anyone, I actually made some friends and acquaintances. He crossed his arms. 

Oooh. Master Kai has finally made some friends? You learned how to socialize with your peers and treat them as equals? No looking down on them as peasants or trash? She responded in an amazed tone. 

Shut up you annoying woman! Maybe you shouldve stayed hidden away for 95 more years! You clearly havent changed at all! He shouted. 

Ive changed. Just look at me. Dont I look like a mature woman? Hazel gave an arrogant pose with her sword. 

You look like someone gave a child a sword that was too big for them and now they think they're the greatest swordsman in the world. 

Tch. What do you know? Obviously, a little boy like you wouldnt have eyes for anything. She clicked her tongue, annoyed at his answer. 

Who are you calling little!? Im taller and bigger than you now! He was an entire head above her now. If he wanted to crush her, he would be able to completely envelop her body in his. 

Not mentally or spiritually. She gloated. 

Like you can even measure something like that. 

It's obvious for anyone with a brain. Hazel continued to boast. 

Whatever. Tell me how you passed ahead of me in cultivation. Last I remembered, you were completely mediocre in cultivation. Right now, Hazel was a 9th stage Core Stage cultivator. 

Do you really have to ask? She rolled her eyes. 

Just tell me already! Kai was a 7th stage Core Stage cultivator. 

The Sect Leader, duh. She answered without answering. 

Kai took a second to think before responding, That makes sense. The Sect Leader of a sect like this would be able to turn trash into a diamond. He nodded his head. 

Trash? Hazel raised her index finger up into the sky. 

Suddenly, the ground underneath Kais feet rose and sent him off his feet to the ground. Hazel laughed at his dirtied figure with no remorse. Calling someone like her trash, he deserved it. While she wasnt the most talented doesnt mean he gets the right to call her trash. She mostly lashed out because it's what her master said about her talent too.  

You wanna go, darkie!? Kai jumped up to his feet and balled his fists. 

Eh, youre mad? Youre seriously pissed? Over a little joke? She looked at him as if he was wrong for being upset. Such a child. Hazel shook her head in disappointment. 

Im not a little kid anymore! You cant trick me anymore! He rushed at her. 

A slight warmth came to her heart seeing that she couldnt easily fool him anymore. It looks like the time in the Nine Swords Sect without her didnt make him worse. At least, from what she can see now. His soul, heart, and body were all incredibly pure. Hopefully, it would stay that way. Besides Kai and Liang, there werent many people for her to think or wonder about in the five years of training with her master. 

I guess not. She rose her hands in defeat as he came rushing at her, leaving herself completely open to be hit. 

Seeing her so defenseless sucked away his conviction and drive to punch her out of him at a rapid pace. Once he was only two steps away from her, he dropped his fists and looked into her eyes. Behind the clear blue eyes of his, she could see something else. Something he was hiding from her? 

Why did you leave me by myself...? He turned away as he asked this. 

Master Kai, you know I didnt have much of a choice... Hazel hugged the poor boy whos been on his own for five long years. A boy with little social skills, no companions to socialize with, and little to no support from his family.  

She tried to get in contact with him for all of those years. Hazel wasnt some soulless shell of a person, she too had nights where she thought of Kai. All of those escape attempts would lead to her eventually meeting up with him at least once. He was the first friend she ever made and probably only friend now that she thought about it. Unless she counted her master, who was annoying but stupidly strong. 

Do you know what I had to go through...? Without you? He sobbed. 

No. I dont. But I'm here now. I wont leave you on your again, Master Kai. She ruffled his hair taking in his now manly scent. 

If you try and leave me again, I'll kill you... Only the master can dismiss his servant. The servant cant leave on her own. He softly spoke. 

Of course. Im sorry. She reassured him. 

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