SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 205: Jing 10,000.

Chapter 205: Jing 10,000.

10,000th Life 

My suffering is finally over... Ming muttered to herself as she looked down on the leaders of the Three Great Sects. 

All of them were on their knees, filled with injuries, and completely helpless before her. She sat upon a glorious throne sprinkled with blinding black stones and luxurious golden color. All these resets of dying, failing and repeating it all over again. Finally, it will come to an end. 

I knew I shouldve used all my power to exterminate you once I heard about the trouble you caused in the secret realm! Mao Li, leader of the Nine Swords Sect, spat with hatred. 

Save your breath, Mao. Weve lost fair and square to this strange woman. At least die with some dignity. Pei Qing, leader of the Golden Serpent Sect, kept her back straight as she looked into Mings eyes. 

No! No! No! Shut it you old bat! You may be fine with dying but I'm not! Ive spent far too many years to just die like this to some freaky brat! Mao Li struggled with everything she had to break free from the hair-like bindings restricting her. 

I knew I shouldve just run to Tian Kingdom... Shi Ran, leader of the Blossoming Water Palace, sighed. Regretting ever teaming up with Mao and Pei. 

Strange choice of last words. See you later. Jing gave a carefree wave as she decapitated all three sect leaders with a single blade of water that flashed through the air. 

Their Soul Beads rose in the air. Mao Lis bead turned into a blur as she tried escaping out of the room. Pei Qing and Shi Ran stayed where they were, knowing that escape was futile. If she could take on all three of them in a war and win. Once they were captured by her, they knew was no chance of them being able to escape without divine intervention. 

Mao Lis shrill screams echoed throughout the room as Mings water gripped around her soul bead. Once a cultivator has made a soul bead, it is impossible for anyone to break open. Even if a cultivator was in the final realm, they wouldnt be able to crack it open. However, that didnt mean it was impossible for one to feel pain while inside it. 

Clear and distinct memories floated through Mings mind as she thought about how many of her deaths were at the hands of this vengeful, cowardly grandma. All of them were either sudden, cruel, or aggressive. She spared no mercy for the woman she called her master on more than one occasion. A cold somewhat empty look was present in her eyes as she tortured Maos soul.  

In many of her past lives, she imagined this day would feel orgasmic. Finally giving her what she deserved. But, after so many deaths and finally reaching the end... Ming feels hollow. Everything shes gone through for over tens of thousands of lives wasnt real. All the friends, allies, enemies, lovers, pets. None of them were real. They felt real, looked real, and acted real. But if she killed herself right now, everything would reset. And from the outskirts of that forest, everything would start anew. With no one but herself remembering anything that happened. 

Even if she walked up to one of her many lovers and revealed everything to them. They wouldnt understand anything shes said. All of it felt pointless but now with this, everything should end. And she should return back to the real world. Ming created a clone made of Primordial Water to watch over the three sect leaders and left her throne room. She was greeted with several familiar faces as she left. Some used to be her enemies. Some have killed her. Others were husbands and wives shes married in past lives. A majority were just friends that used to be strangers. Now that shes eliminated her biggest threats in the continent, everyone wondered what her plan was now. Was she going to set her eyes on Tian Kingdom next to slaughter? Or was she going to expand her group to every part of the Evergreen continent? Many figured it would be the first choice because of her behavior during the Ten Year War with the Three Great Sects. 

There were no survivors that lived through the war apart of the Three Great Sects. Mings sudden rise and her groups unexplainable growth shocked the continent. On the surface, she came from out of nowhere with a group of mysteriously powerful cultivators. She and her group slaughtered anyone that opposed them throughout the land mercilessly. Many of those that opposed them were directly allied with the Three Great Sects. The smaller sects that were neutral were mostly ignored by them.  

No one knew how to react as Mings group grew more and more in power. Eventually, their growth, influence, and power began to scare the Three Great Sects. Prompting them into stomping out this upstart group before they can grow further. The most supportive of exterminating the group was the Nine Swords Sect who suffered the most losses from the group. Blossoming Water Palace had the least losses but it seemed like the mysterious group was targeting the Nine Swords Sect and their allies the most. 

All of her past lives gave Ming knowledge, experience, and power that no one could stand against. The Ten Year War with the Three Great Sects was like childs play. Numerous lives leading others. Numerous lives making mistakes and dying for them. Numerous lives being on the winning side of a war and the losing side of a war. Ming lived through it all until war was nothing but a game. She knew the behavior, mindset, and tendencies of the sect leaders like they were characters inside a novel. If she was willing to sacrifice a few things, then the war couldve ended in half the time. But she saw no need for such a thing as it was better to finish things without haste. 

As Ming looked at everyone that was going to disappear before her eyes soon. A thought briefly flashed through her mind. What if the life before all these resets wasnt real either? Would there be any point to living? Sure, she could recreate her accomplishments here once more but what would be the purpose?  

Maybe I could find the answer once I reach One With All. Ming thought. 

The world around her paused once she had that thought. Everyone around her no longer talked or moved. It was as if life itself was frozen. Ming could still move around freely but she couldnt sense anything at all. Meaning that whoever was doing this was far more powerful than herself. Perhaps it was the immortal that controlled this world. 

Everything began to fade away. The very world in front of her eyes began to peel away like layers on a cloth. Everywhere she looked, she only saw whiteness until eventually there was nothing but herself and the whiteness. Then that whiteness cracked until she was in a land of flames. Massive mountain-sized volcanos rose from the ground and expanded across the distance. Several volcanic eruptions shot out into the atmosphere as a small table appeared in front of her. A seat rose from underneath her and gently rested underneath her bum. 

Two figures appeared in front of her along with some tea on the table. The first was a simple-looking youth that seemed to shift into a different body every second. Ming felt that he wasnt as ordinary as he appeared. Despite looking like an average young man, she knew for a fact that he was anything but. Even though his body was changing rapidly, his face and aura stayed the same. She felt as if he was one with the world. So ordinary that if she looked away for a second, she might forget his existence in this land of fiery chaos.  

Ming then imagined herself smashing this cup against his face and strangling him before realizing that he had no weak spots. It didnt matter how many ways she attacked him, she knew that he would be prepared for it. As she thought of all this the man himself was kindly smiling at her without saying a word. The second figure resembled a butler in Mings opinion but he was staring at her with annoyance in his eyes.  

As if her very presence irritated and bothered him. He too was a figure without weak points. Ming was the weakest person here. She doubted even if she used all her trump cards and power, escape was a possibility. 

Well? Do you mind explaining what is going on? Ming spoke. 

Before I do that... after successfully passing my test I should reward you. I didnt expect you to ever escape that test of mine if you were as weak as I thought you were. 

Test...? Ming questioned. 

All of her lives were just a test for this man? Deep in her heart, Ming wanted to explode and rip this man to shreds but her brain put a hold on that. Why would he test her? What did he get out of testing her? Is there any reason that it had to be her that was tested? 

Yes, a test. He took a sip of the tea before continuing. 

You see, as the tester of my system I had to make sure you were an adequate host for the system. Finding that out shouldve been something I've done before giving you the system and reincarnating you over to this world but I was lazy. So, I decided to intervene in the middle of your heart demon test to quickly do so. 

System? Reincarnation? World? Ming didnt understand a thing he was saying. 

Oh, I should also return to you your original memories after I give you your reward. That'll be disorientating so dont freak out. Im still kind of new to this being an Immortal thing. A beam of light shot out of his index finger and penetrated Mings forehead. 


Well call her Leah... A giant woman cradling her in her arms spoke to an equally giant man dressed in a strange outfit. 

She was in a building of white and bright lights. Everything was blurry and she had no control over her body. In no time at all, the world shifted into something different. Now she wasnt surrounded by giants anymore and some memories floated into her head. School, technology, cars, buildings, ethics, morals, common sense. 


I loaned you that 5 dollars to pay me back. Now, added with interest you owe me 20 dollars. If you dont pay me back my money by Friday, guess who is getting beat up at recess.  

Leah stood over a boy as small as herself being held down by two other boys with his face pushed into the dirt behind the school building. Tears streaked down his cheeks but no one cared. 

Ill pay you back... Please dont hurt me Friday... He begged. 

Thats what I wanted to hear. Ill be looking forward to my money Jonathan. Boys, punch him in the head. Leah ordered. 

What?! Why! I said I was going to give you your money back! The boy loudly whined. 

It shouldve never come to this point in the first place Jonathan. My money shouldve been paid back the day after I loaned you the money. Leah coldly responded as two thuds banged on the back of his head. 

Jonathan began loudly crying as Leah and her two boys left the scene.  


So, youve decided to try and cheat me out of my money, Ryan? Leah stood inside an abandoned factory with several men around her. 

Her arms were crossed as she stared at the man tied up in front of her. Numerous bruises and injuries filled his body but no one here cared about such a thing.  

Did you think that just because you gained superpowers you could skip out on what you owed me? Youre far too nave to think you can cheat someone like me. Leah gestured over to one of her men. 

He silently handed her his bat and they all watched as she walked over to the tied-up man. 

Once the existence of supers started to become known, I've thought of several methods to defend myself against them. Just in case one of them tried to do exactly what you did. I invested in several stocks, projects, and got to know many people. Many of them were also interested in supers. Either learning their weaknesses and strengths, researching and testing on them, or learning anything they could about them. In fact, one such scientist wanted to know if there was any difference between a normal persons corpse and a supers corpse. He was willing to pay me over 500k for a single super corpse. 1 million if they were still alive. Fear was beginning to settle into Ryans heart. 

When Ryan first began to put his powers into use his initial thoughts were to gain as much money as he could while avoiding attention from the police and the government. How could he expect that trying to cheat his first loan shark would lead to him getting captured!? His superpower to control solar energy was useless against the loan shark group equipped with weapons that not even the military probably had! He was pointed at with miniguns, grenade launchers, light-based weaponry, and more! But that wasnt the worst part either. They even investigated his background and threatened to get his family involved if he dared to resist. 

Even now, his poor mother and father were watching through a phone as he was tortured by the loan shark boss. She used that bat that was given to her to put him through a merciless beating. Everyone could see the joy and pleasure she got from putting him through pain. Some of her men could even see her nipples poking through her suit. 

It wasnt until Ryan was on the verge of dying that she stopped herself. 

Call up Doctor Hamza and tell him to send me the money if he wants a live super. She ordered to her right-hand man. 

Yes Maam. Steven replied. 

As one of the two men who spent the majority of their childhood with Leah, he was already used to such things. 

Boss, I have a question. One of her workers spoke up. 

Your name is? Leah asked. 


Whats your question, Kenny? Leah walked over to Ryans phone, hung up on his parents, and handed it to one of the other men for them to destroy. 

What about all the money that Ryan owed us? 

Dr. Hamza will be paying us more than what we gave to Ryan. I suspected Ryan to be a super after he requested so much money from us. He didnt care about the high-interest rate and only seemed to be interested in getting as much cash as she could. This led me into investigating his background and sending people to watch him. Ryan didnt have a job that paid high enough to pay us back. His family wasnt wealthy. No one in his social circle had any money and he didnt have any history with gambling. It led me to think just how was he going to cheat me out of my money. Leah took a seat in the chair as she caught her breath. 

Then news from one of my men that I sent to spy on him came back with good news. They found out that he was a super after he prevented a gas station robbery when getting gas. After that, all I had to do was prepare to take him on. Leah explained. 

I see... The strongly built newcomer was in awe of his new boss. 

Alright. Lets get out of here and make sure to keep a good eye on him. Never underestimate a super. Leah warned. 

Supers were mortals given abilities that seemingly defied the laws of the world. However, it seemed that technology wasnt obsolete just yet. With enough money, research, and time, normal people will have a fair chance against supers. Leah was going to make sure that she was prepared anyway. After all, all she wanted to do was live the best life she could. She didnt plan to let anyone get in the way of that. Supernatural abilities or not. 


Shes the one that made me do it! I never wanted to experiment on all those innocent people! She said if I didnt experiment on them, shed kill me and my family! Please dont kill me! A man dressed in a white lab coat pleaded and begged to the man holding him by the collar with pure rage spewing from his eyes and body. 

Behind him stood four others dressed in colorful outfits almost just as furious as him. Leah looked at all six of them with a playful look in her eyes. It seems one of the major research facilities she was funding was found out by the heroes and they somehow found out her location. She wondered just how they managed to find her but then again, it wasnt like she was in some secret bunker or anything. Right now, she was just in her office. 

Because of all of her work, many heroes look at her as a villain despite all the good shes done for the world. Leah has sunk money into numerous projects across the world in hopes of advancing the world. Some may have been focused on the research of supers but all of them were legal. Dr. Hamza seemed to have started his own secret project without her knowledge. 

It turns out, you dont need to kidnap supers to research and test on them. Most supers are just regular everyday people. So, Leah funded a research facility that would offer money to supers that were willing to be tested on, questioned, and researched by scientists at this facility. There was no torture, kidnapping, or threats needed. Just offer them a large amount of money and people were willing to do pretty much anything.  

The information gained from them would then be shared across several other projects funded by Leah until shes gained as much information as she needed about supers. Their blood, hair, DNA, all of it was within her hands to do with as she pleased as they all signed a very long contract giving her freedom to take such things. With all of that, she began to sink money into organizations that would help create weapons or other objects that could be used against supers from those willing supers that signed up for the research facility. 

I knew someone as rich as you couldnt be good! All rich people are evil! One of the heroes pointed at her. 

Ahem... Another hero coughed, presumably a rich one. 

Except you Green Hood. Youre probably the only good one. She quickly complimented. 

Leah. Ive come to put an end to your inhuman testing and put you behind bars. Captain Hero said, dropping Dr. Hamza on the floor. 

I didnt realize heroes were the police now. Leah giggled. 

Consider it citizens arrest! Planet Boy shouted. 

You do realize that to make a citizens arrest, you must find me in the middle of committing a criminal act or escaping from and presently fleeing from police, right? Leah kindly informed. 

You supers may have been given powers beyond the normal person but that doesnt mean you are above the law. Youve broken into my place of business, destroyed my property, and are now threatening me with physical violence. Now, Ill give you one chance to leave now or face the full extent of the law. Leah pulled out her phone, ready to call the police. 

Is she right...? Planet Boy asked. 

Do we have any proof of anything were accusing her of? Nightmare, the teenaged super dressed in all black, asked. 

She gave Dr. Hamza the money needed to cruelly experiment on all those innocent people and children. Lady Fabulous pointed out. 

But did we find anything that proved that she was directly involved in any of it? Like documents, letters, text messages, emails, or anything like that? Nightmare asked. 

Are you kidding me? Green Hood sighed. We found the big bad but we dont have any proof of their wrongdoings to put them in jail? 

The only person we could get put in jail is Dr. Hamza and hes most likely nothing more than just a scapegoat... Planet Boy was irritated. 

Leah. Is Dr. Hamza telling the truth? Did you truly know nothing about his testing and all the lives hes ruined and played with? Captain Hero asked. His stare saying that she better tell the truth or else. 

Is there any proof saying that I did? She smiled, answering him without admitting anything. 

I see... Then are there any other laboratories like Dr. Hamza with other people in similar situations? He asked after. 

Who knows? There could be hundreds or there couldve been that single one. What would I know anything about it? She gave a playful shrug. 

I see... Captain Hero sighed. 

Before suddenly flying towards the unarmed Leah with his fist pulled back. Leahs eyes zeroed in on Captain Hero as his fist came plunging through her chest. Everyone was shocked at this sudden murder. Not even Captain Heros closest companions couldve expected something like this from him. However, the biggest shock wasnt just Captain Heros violent assault. It was the fact that Leahs insides were filled with nuts, bolts, and metal! She was a robot! 

The robot suddenly leaned into Captain Heros ear as it felt that it was close to shutting down. 

Martha Thomas and Jeffrey Thomas... She whispered into his ear. 

Captain Heros eyes went wide as he felt his power going out of control from panic, worry, and fury. First, it was his brother that was captured and experimented on. Even after saving him, Captain Hero understood that he would never be the happy, confident, and hopeful man he once was. Because of her, she took away his brothers reason for living and made him less of a man than he was before. Now she knew of his wife and baby boys name. 

Captain Hero? Planet Boy slowly walked over to him. 

He was knocked to the ground as Captain Hero shot out through the roof of the skyscraper and flew at his fastest speeds back home. His wife and child should still be at the house unprotected. There should be no possible way that she could take his family hostage before he arrives back. It took Captain Hero only one minute to fly across the city to get back home but he was still too late. 

Leah was inside his home with a gun pointed to his wifes head. Her arm was wrapped around her from the back, cuddled up on the couch together. There were visible bruises on his wifes face and his son was crying loudly in her arms. She looked at Captain Hero with despair in her eyes while Leah only smiled at him. To be honest, she didnt expect that the big hero would actually try to kill her. The public knew him as the ultimate good guy without a single body count to his name. Guess it was worth it preparing all these plans to take care of these powerful heroes. Maybe going out in public without wearing a mask wasnt the smartest. It was very easy to find out his personal identity. 

Dont you dare hurt her... Cracks began spreading through the walls of the house just from his power alone. What that power was, Leah didnt know yet. 

Captain Hero seemed to have several powers wrapped into one. But from what her men investigated, she should know all of them. Unless he hid a few from the publics eye. Even so, she still had nothing to worry about. 

Cain Hiligun. How can you say something like that when you just killed me? Leah asked. Did this man have no shame? 

He had no words to respond to her. 

Shes an innocent person! She isnt involved with our business! Leave her out of this! Cain shouted. 

Was I not an innocent person? Leah questioned. 

Dont play innocent with me. We both know you approved Dr. Hamzas experiments. You probably have several more just like that throughout the country! Cain argued. 

I dont like your tone Cain. You dont seem to understand the position youre in as if you are capable of making any demands. This isnt a negotiation. You will shut your mouth and you will listen to me. Otherwise... Leah softly banged the gun on the back of Marthas head. 

Please dont hurt my baby... Martha pleaded. Leah ignored her. 

Cain, inject this into your neck. Leah pulled out a syringe from her pocket and tossed it at Cain. 

What is... His question was interrupted by a bang of Leahs pistol shooting through the floor. 

The baby cried even louder when the pistol went off and Cain realized that this woman wasnt playing around. He did as she asked and injected the fluid inside the syringe into his neck. If it was for his familys safety, he was willing to do anything. Right now, he was just regretful that he got them caught up in his hero business... Despite being a hero for years, this is the first time anyones ever come after his family.  

Ooh... The metal actually pierced his skin... Leah muttered in surprise. 

The effects of the liquid inside the syringe activated immediately. Cain dropped to his knees as his veins became visible all over his body. He roared out in immense pain while Leah watching licked her lips in obvious enjoyment. Eventually, the pain became too much before he went unconscious. 

Move in to transport Captain Hero and his family. Hurry up as well before the other supers arrive. I dont want any mistakes or else. Leah spoke into a phone as she released Martha from her grip and stood up. 

Yes Maam. A voice from the other end of the phone responded. 


Oh, Cain... Theres no reason to look at me like that. I only did what any reasonable woman would do when encountering the perfect male. Leah smiled as she looked at the naked chained-up Cain.  

You will pay for this... He vowed from the deepest part of his heart. 

Youve been saying that for the past ten years. Its time to get a new catchphrase. Leah laughed. 

I will break you... I will rip you apart... I will tear you limb from limb... Curses spewed from his mouth continuously. 

Its amusing that you mentioned that. Remember that good dream you had a few years ago that felt too real? Where you did exactly that to me in the dream after I took your seed?  

... He glared at her. 

Havent you ever wondered how your wife and baby boy are? Leah asked. 

Of course, you have! Ive been waiting for the perfect moment to show you how their lives have been without you in it. And even after ten years have passed, you still havent given up and you dont know how happy that makes me. If you can keep yourself from going insane after seeing this video, then maybe I can consider letting you go free. Leah pressed a button on her phone and a digital screen popped up on the wall of the cell. 

At first, Cain was simply going to ignore her and refuse to look. Until he heard his wife and sons voice again. It's been years since hes heard their voices and seen them in real life. The only chance he had at seeing them was in his dreams. His eyes veered towards the screen and panic soon filled his soul. 

The look in his wife and sons eyes was that of fear and fright. His wife was calling his name as if the person she was looking at was him. From how the video was recorded, he could only see through the eyes of the person taking the video. Meaning he had no idea what the person recording this video looked like. Then his mind went blank as the person in the video began brutally murdering his family with inhuman strength and speed. Cains son briefly clashed with the man after he killed his wife but he was still too young and inexperienced. He was soon killed as well and despite wanting to tear his eyes away, Cain couldnt. He just couldnt look away because the person in the video was wearing a familiar outfit... 

After the two were murdered, the point of view began to slowly pan outward.  




How could?! 

I couldnt! 

Why dont I remember?! 

It has to be fake! 

It has to be! 

After the camera panned out, it revealed Cain covered in his wife and sons blood with a smile on his face. 

Oh, but it is. And that isnt even the worst part. Take a look at this. Leah swiped the screen on her phone and the video changed. 

In this video, it showed Cain fighting and murdering all of his teammates and friends throughout the city. He could clearly tell that was him in the video and all of it seemed similar. Because in one of his dreams, everything went down exactly how it did in the video! In his dreams, he was escaping from this mad womans facility but could it be that he was really killing all of his friends during that dream?! 

Thanks to you, I managed to introduce a bill that forced every super to register themselves and out themselves to the federal government or they would be punished. My idea was liked by several other countries and governments who decided to replicate what weve done over here. However, it wasnt possible without a special little fluid that you may remember injecting in yourself. Meaning that, those countries would have to pay millions or even billions to keep their supers under control for that serum I made. 

Now, I'm the richest woman on the planet and also the most powerful. All thanks to you, I am able to live my best life. Leah gave Cain a kiss on his cheek. 

It looked as if Leah sucked his soul out with that kiss. All the lights in his eyes were gone and seemingly all brain functions. She could still hear his heart beating though. Seeing him in this state drove her absolutely mad as she began unclothing herself as hes realized that hes lost. Hes lost in every way and was brought to the lowest low. 

As Leah pleasured herself with his meat rod, the man himself felt absolute despair and hatred towards himself. Over the course of their intercourse, eventually, the man broke down into tears. Thanks to Leah reminding him of the horrible acts hes done during sex, he truly felt no desire to live any further. All he wanted was to pay for the crimes hes committed and apologize to all those he harmed before being sent to Hell. After taking in his seed for the umpteenth time over the course of a decade, Leah has given birth to four super children. 

With this final seed, it should be five. Leah put an end to the sad sack after getting one final use out of him. There were still plenty of other threats across the seas that she had to take care of now that her fun with this toy was done. None of them were as powerful as Captain Hero but that didnt mean they wouldnt be as useful. If she wanted to keep her place as the most powerful woman on the planet and living her best life, then being negligent wouldnt help. 


Welcome back. The immortal smiled. 

... Ming... No... Jing? Leah?  

She was trying to put together all the confusing memories together. Out of 10,002 lives, it was more than difficult to try and put together a main dominant identity. It took her 10 minutes before she could consolidate all of them and get herself together. She looked at the being that intruded into her life and played with her like a toy. 

I wouldnt get any ideas, monkey. If it wasnt for my master, there wouldnt have been a second chance for you. You should be grateful he decided to reincarnate you at the end of your life. 

Who said I wanted to be reincarnated in the first place? She asked. 

You dare use such a tone with me!? Terrifying power radiated from his body. 

Now now, she does have a point. The Immortal calmly waved his hand and the pressure on her disappeared. 

Wouldnt the issue be fixed as long as you dont remember a few things? Boom. Fixed. He tapped her forehead and everything went black for Jing. 

Now that shes proven herself to be a worthy host for my system, all I need to do is update a few things and then let her do as she please so I can get back to enjoying the things on the Blue Star. 

Master, I still dont understand why you favor that mortal as much as you do. She doesnt understand her place at all! 

After reading a few thousand novels on the Blue Star, I always wanted to see what if the Big Bad from the finale was put in a New Game+. Ive seen it happen to main characters, side characters, and transmigrators but what about the villains? Villains deserve love too. 

I understood absolutely nothing youve said, Master. 

Ive been telling you to read some of the stuff they have on the Blue Star with me but you refuse. They make some good stuff in that dimension. Way better than anything we have over here. He happily chuckled. 

I suppose I can take a look... 


Jing! Multiple familiar voices called out to her from atop of the steps. One of them even called her mom. 

Im back...? Tears flowed down Jings eyes without her control. 

[Updating System! Progress 1%] 

[As the system is in the middle of updating, some functions may be unavailable during this time. Good luck host!] 

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