SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 247: The Arrival of Heaven's Angels!

Chapter 247: The Arrival of Heaven's Angels!

The name Heavens Angels spread throughout the survivors who came out of the Endless Plains of Yin when the test was over. Jing was quite surprised about this when she left the plains with Li Li. She has yet to officially announce Heavens Angels. Only a small number of people should be aware of their group. This led to her believing this had something to do with Hu Tao or another member of her group. As she made her way to the others, more and more information flowed into her ears about the situation.  

It turns out it was Lei Zhi and Runt who were the origins of this event. This made Jing less wary and concerned that the rumors would be negative. Only through high-level public manipulation, lies, and misinformation could someone like Lei paint something negatively. Just looking at him inspired pity and when adding his overly kind and polite personality, only an idiot would think he belongs to a nefarious group. 

The Blind Savior saved my life! I was just ambushed for my amulet and on the verge of dying but the Blind Savior and his little apprentice saved me! 

I heard they stole from people though? Arent they just thieves taking advantage of people in desperate situations? 

Tsk, tsk, tsk. How nave can you be junior brother? Think about it for a moment. You are about to die without any chance of surviving on your own. What do you do? He asked before suddenly yelling, Trick question! You cant do anything! So, tell me what would you do when someone who has the ability to save your life begins to treat you no questions asked? 

I would think hes a bandit trying to rob me of my goods. What cultivator would go around helping people they didnt know anything about? Either that person is a fool or a true monk with no worldly desires but to attain nirvana. 

Aha, I thought the same way little junior, but the doctor and his little doctor werent bald! He loudly laughed. After treating my wounds, the Blind Savior asked me to be righteous! Do good deeds, help those in need, spare some of my fortune for the unfortunate. 

So, it's just a fool. 

Yep! But hey, I'd take a stupid doctor over dying any day! 

More and more stories similar to that one were being shared around now that they were outside of the Endless Plains of Yin. No one was rewarded for the number of ghosts they captured in their amulets but the amulets were taken back anyway and collected by the sect. Jing immediately knew they had a plan for the absurd number of ghosts captured by the disciples but information on ghosts wasnt something she had much of. At least, the benefits to having them around at least besides like pets to fight for you. Shell find out later when she becomes Sect Leader. 

A plan thatll happen sooner rather than later thanks to the Heart Demon Test. She could only rise to Master of the Evergreen Continent after thousands of years and thousands of tries. Jing knew the weaknesses of each sect leader of the Three Big Sects. Playing with them wont take much to regain her position at the top of the continent but there are quite a few things she has to do first before starting on that. 

Jing walked over to her angels and saw that Lei Zhi and Runt were surrounded by grateful disciples whose lives he saved. A small few of them kowtowed to him with gratitude asking to learn under him and pay back the debts for saving their lives. While a majority demanded the items from their storage rings back and threatened to take them back if he didnt submit to their demands. Ying grinned as she saw these ungrateful bastards. 

I cannot give the items back. I apologize but it is only fair to receive some form of payment from a patient after treating them. Especially ones with life-threatening injuries. 

The crowd of disciples didnt like the sound of this. Considering they were in a group, all young, and ready to fight, they figured they could just take back their stuff from the stupid old man. He was only at the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm. The weak doctor compared to their numbers and spirit built courage within them. 

You ingrates! A young girl that wanted to learn under Lei Zhi screamed. 

He saved your lives and you try to rob him of all his belongings in return?! You should be grateful he even considered saving your lives for the useless items that couldnt save your lives in the first place! A very tall and strong young man shouted, standing in front of Lei. 

Tch. A masked boy silently pulled out his sword as he stared at the ungrateful fools threatening his savior. This action led the other two into also preparing to fight. 

Instead of letting Lei Zhi speak for himself and try to reach a reasonable and logical outcome with the unruly disciples, Ying took it upon herself as his friend to solve this annoying problem for him. She smiled at the three little courageous disciples willing to fight on the behalf of her good friend. With only a single swing of her sword, she intended to bisect all the annoying bastards into two. Yings sword cut through the air without mercy or any intention of stopping.  

Please calm yourself, young lady. An elder suddenly appeared in front of the group of frightened disciples with a qi barrier that managed to block Yings sword seemingly effortlessly. Please wait until the final test, you will be able to release any violent emotions there. 

Hmph. You better thank him for saving your lives. I wouldve cut every single one of you down for scheming against my friend. Yings eyes narrowed at the group unable to believe they almost lost their lives for a second time so soon. Dont think that just because he saved your lives once, hell be able to do it again. Even if he warned me to wait, I'm not the type of person to just stand by and watch the people I care about suffer injustice. If I have to, I'll give everything I have to kill you all if you ignore my warning. Even if I have to cut down an elder in the process. Ying looked at the unknown elder. 

Disrespectful brat! The elder reached out to slap Ying across her cheek. 

A sharp smack echoed across the Immortal Forest, gathering everyones attention. 

Elder, I would like to apologize for my friends behavior. She didnt truly mean what she said and was only caught up in her emotions. Our friend was nearly attacked and robbed for doing what he believed was right. If someone you cared about was about to go through a situation like that, in my opinion, it is natural that one would act like my martial sister. Bing cuffed his hands and respectfully bowed toward the elder with a bright red mark on the side of his cheek and a missing tooth. 

Something nearly snapped within Ying once she saw the elder smack Bing without holding anything back. If that was her, shed definitely be worse off than what Bing got. Two thoughts raged within her brain at once. One thought telling her to tear this elder apart and slice him to bits for what he did to Bing. The other recognizing the purpose of Bings actions of protecting her and Heavens Angels. 

Hmph. It looks like at least one of you knows some proper manners and etiquette as a disciple. His lips widened in a content smile before suddenly feeling a strange coldness strike his body. 

The elder knew it couldnt be that brat with the big sword causing him to feel this way. Just to make sure, he momentarily looked over at her to realize that she was staring at him with pure murderous intent. A lowly disciple like her was looking at him with such a look!? He stepped past the fat one in an instant and tried to slap her once more for her impudence. 

For a senior, you sure have a small amount of tolerance for the younger generation. Jing appeared in front of Ying and caught the elders wrist with her hand. 

You...! Do you know who I am?! He cried out in complete disbelief. 

Disbelief that one, so many juniors would show him such disrespect instead of cowering before him, and two, he couldnt escape the grip of such a little girl! He used his qi to try and wrench back his arm but this didnt seem to do anything as the girls grip only got tighter. She began twisting his wrist with an innocent and respectful smile on her face. 

Elder Wu. A Pillar Elder thats aligned with Elder Zhong. Jing knew exactly who he was. 

And you dare...! Veins were visible on his forehead as sweat dripped down his body as he tried to regain his arm. 

It looks like Supreme Commander didnt uphold his side of the deal if a lackey like you is making trouble with my angels... Jing casually broke Elder Wus wrist. 

A scream came from Elder Wu because of this unexpected action. Jing threw a low kick and took the elder off of his feet as she placed a spell on top of his chest. Everyone watched as the elder suddenly looked as if he was stomped by a gigantic creature as the ground around him decompressed downward. This decompression repeated every five seconds and no one could respond or react as the Elder was buried alive in front of everyone. 

Upon realizing that everyones eyes were on her, Jing believed now was the perfect time to make the announcement. She made stairs of water before sitting on a watery throne in the air. Her movements and the air around her spoke of elegance, power, and ambition. It wasnt the first time shes sat on a throne in front of thousands of people and wouldnt be the last. 

My name is Jing and these are my angels. Heavens Angels. Arrows of water pointed down on every member of Heavens Angels along with three new additions. What you just saw was the consequences of a lowly pawn sent by the bidding of another to test the strength of my group. However, I dislike such underhanded tactics when done in such a boring manner. If you want to test the strength of my angels or myself, I am more than happy to allow anyone to try. As long as that testing is fair to my angels. Someone more than two realms trying to take on my angels will be thoroughly punished just as youve seen before either by me or my son. Li Li raised his head a little higher as he looked down on all the disciples around. My name is Jing and I am the leader of Heavens Angels. That is all for now. She grinned as with a snap, several talismans attached themselves to every angel and they vanished. 

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