SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 261: The Man-Eating Abomination!

Chapter 261: The Man-Eating Abomination!

The enemy team didnt immediately shoot forward like a majority of the other teams. A spellmaster was forming a formation while two of his teammates defended him so that he could complete it. Bing and his teammates saw this happening and knew they had to stop it immediately. Almost every match with an array master who successfully set up a formation won. By now, everyone could see the value in partnering up with a spellmaster and protecting them. 

Change of plans! Stick close to me, Lee! Bing called out as he started to run forward like Xiuwen. 

What am I supposed to do!? Lee shouted as he did his best to keep up with Bing. 

Just make sure you can throw us the necessary pills when asked! Bing shouted. Give us both a Focusing Mind Pill! He asked. 

Lee struggled to reach into his spatial pouch while running but eventually managed to fish out two Focusing Mind Pills. Multiple other pills spilled out of his poach in his hurried digging but he ignored them and very inaccurately threw the pills at Bing and Xiuwen. Bing grew an additional arm near his leg that picked up the fallen pill while Xiuwen was forced to stop his charge and jump back to catch the pill. Xiuwen glared at the horrible toss while Bing shouted out thanks. The two of them swallowed the pills and headed toward the spellmaster trying to hurry the completion of his formation. 

Theyre coming! Ill handle the fatty! A lean and handsome swordsman shouted. 

Ill deal with the cute one then. A small young girl with abnormally developed legs grinned. 

Leggy cracked the ground apart as she leaped away. Her right foot smashed into Xiuwens silver sword. He was barely able to stand his ground against the strength of her muscled leg. Bing saw Xiuwen slide to the edge of the stage but didnt go over to help him. The talented young master said he was able to handle a one-on-one battle, Bing just had to trust him. 

Swift Devil. Bing shot off like a fierce gale of wind. 

Lee was unable to keep his balance and was nearly sent flying out of the stage as Bing spun with both of his shields in front of him toward the spellmaster and swordsman. Nothing but shock and awe-filled Lees eyes. An ear-blasting boom shook the eardrums of everyone present. The very stage itself violently vibrated until spider-like cracks rapidly began to form all over. No one could contain their silence for much longer after seeing the power of the two Qi Gatherers in the ring! 

Hey! Dont you think youre too freaking strong for a fatty!? I almost freaking died, you know!? Why are you so strong!? The handsome swordsman was no longer handsome. 

A bright azure aura surrounded his body as all the muscles in his body bulked up. His hair turned a striking dark blue with flame-like qualities. The sword in his hand contending against Bings shields began to push back against Bing. Bing could also not stay mid-air like this for long. 

I didnt even think I'd need to use my bloodline but what the hell are you!? Man-Eating Abomination!? More like stupidly strong fat fatty fat fat! He insulted. 

The skulls spinning around Bing began firing beams of qi toward the stationary swordsman. He cursed as he broke his clash with Bing and deflected them with his blade. Bing dropped straight to the ground and clumsily got up as fast as he could before tossing his bone shield at the defenseless spellmaster. 

You! Youre fighting me! Focus on--! Fucking fatty! Instead of staying to fight Bing, the flaming swordsman rushed to defend the spellmaster. 

Before he could go, Bing tossed his other shield at the legs of the swordsman and had his skulls fire qi beams toward him. Hearing him constantly cursing while turning around to face Bing and block his attacks wasnt that bad. The new shield he got from Jing caused him to trip on his face, sliding against the cracked stage. 

Swift Devil. Bing suddenly appeared right next to the fallen swordsman. 

He sat down on him with all of his weight. A painful cry, struggling, and lots of cursing ensued afterward. The stage beneath them cried and whined as it began to crack apart. Bing and the swordsman slowly began to sink lower and lower. Bing didnt hold back as he used all of the weight hes gained from Devils Physique, his body art. This body art didnt solely allow Bing to absorb 100% of the nutritional value of everything he ate. It also increased the toughness and durability of his skin and the weight of his body. Right now, he probably weighed more than 100 people combined. He could control the weight so that he doesnt go around cracking the ground with every step he took but he could not make himself lighter than his original weight. 

Lee, give Xiuwen a Qi Burst Pill. Bing said, looking at the struggling prodigy. 

... Lee was blankly staring at Bing. 

Lee? Bing waved his hand to grab his attention. 

Huh!? Did you say something to me?! Lee was brought back to reality with a jump. 

Please help out Xiuwen, hes having trouble. Ill deal with these two. After sitting on the swordsman, Bing sent his floating giant skulls to target the spellmaster. 

Y-Yes! Lee bowed for some reason and ran off toward Xiuwen. 

You know, I got really scared when you were able to push me back after taking my attack. Bing calmly chatted. There is almost nothing scarier to me than fighting someone strong, you know? So, when I saw you activate that strange bloodline of yours, I remembered something about my martial arts. 

The swordsman continually cursed Bing and all nine generations of his ancestry during his speech. However, he did notice that Bings right hand suddenly grew a mouth. That mouth smiled at him with rows of perfectly white sharp teeth and a long forked tongue. Flaming Swordsman tried raising his left hand to defend himself but the tongue stabbed straight through it and began draining his inside.  

The pain of having his innards drained while conscious was enough to cause him to scream. A shrill bone-chilling scream to the point where the elders felt nervous and wondered if they should intervene. It was at this moment that Bing realized he had never taken someones bloodline like this before. He never knew how painful it would be for the person on the opposite end. 

So, he violently rapped his knuckle on the back of his head and knocked him out before continuing. 

Dont worry, everyone! Hes not dead, I promise. Bing bowed his head toward the elders specifically while saying this as his mouth hand finished slurping up the swordsmans bloodline.  

I wonder if he will still have the bloodline or not now that I've taken it... Bing looked at the still-burning blue hair of his. I guess I just take them for myself. Blood gets replenished all the time, since bloodline has blood in the name, I guess it works the same? Bing shrugged. 

Bing got up from his temporary seat only to face the loud cheers of the crowd for some reason. 


Our sect has a new prodigy! 

Im just glad it isnt another handsome bastard. The heavens really dont pick favorites if a fatty like this could be talented too. I need to work harder. 




Bing felt a little embarrassed at all the people telling him to eat the swordsman. Sure, he has kind of eaten people before but he couldnt taste them! It was his hand doing all the eating! And he wouldnt eat anyone that wasnt trying to kill him or just a horrible person in general. With a red blush on his face, Bing turned away from the adoring eyes of his fans wanting blood and walked over to Lee and Xiuwen.  

Tch! What is he blushing for?! He better not be looking at any women. Ying angrily grumbled to herself. 

I do not know why you do this to yourself... Wan sighed. All it takes is two words for Bing to become yours. 

??????? Ying immediately turned her attention to Wan. Her eyes bulged in interest at those two mysterious special words. 

Become mine. Wan rolled her eyes at the ignorant girl. 

It couldnt be easier for Ying to wrap Bing around her finger. The poor girl probably grew up knowing nothing about the differences between a man and a woman. Which was a surprise to Wan because the girl was a noble just like she was. All of Wans sisters heavily knocked into her head about the matters of men and women when she reached puberty. Regardless if she wanted to learn or not. 

Do you really think itd work? Ying whispered. 


What if it doesnt? Ying asked. 

It will.  

But like- Yings third question was interrupted with a flap of Wans fan. 

Im done talking to you. Wan placed the fan in between herself and Ying. 

I never realize Ai was so strong... He Wenqing muttered. 

Weak. Xiucai pointed at the two of them. 

Yeah, no kidding... He Wenqing felt truly shocked to know the difference between himself and those close around him. How long do you think itll take us to get that strong? 

A week if you really put in effort. Jie answered for Xiucai. 

Memories of Jies training with Jing flashed through their heads. 

Maybe taking it slow is for the best. He Wenqing suddenly decided. Xiucai rapidly nodded in agreement. Neither boy wanted to break 90% of their bones just as a warmup exercise. 

Xiuwen still was unable to completely defeat Leggy even with Lees help. After taking the Qi Burst Pill, Leggy no longer held back it seems. Bing was rather amazed at the way that she fought with her legs. It reminded him of the Empresss fighting style. He knew that she was self-taught because there were no leg martial arts for fighting inside the sect. 

After picking up his two shields, Bing didnt consider fighting the girl head-on. That would be stupid. Being brought up as the first angel, Bing has learned a lot from Jing. One of those things was that fighting fairly was for idiots. Unless you knew that you had an overwhelming advantage, dont even bother. 

Which is why she was currently being assaulted by multiple purple skeleton heads shooting qi beams at her and four metal discs flying around to smash into her. Her legs turned into a blur as she covered them in qi. Seeing that she was even able to keep up with this, Bing tossed one of the talismans he took off of the fainted spellmaster at her. His surprise wasnt little when she smartly decided to avoid it and continue fighting off the skulls and discs. 

Shes pretty skilled... Bing murmured. 

What should we do? Lee asked. Xiuwen was still suffering from the effects of the Qi Burst Pill and couldnt move his body anymore. 

Ill be able to deal with her but it's going to be a lot of work unless I go all out... Bing sighed. 

She was staring at him. Her eyes were clear and she didnt look tired at all! Both of them knew exactly what she wanted. Leggy wanted a full-out brawl where the both of them tested their skill and martial prowess against one another till one of them fell. That was exactly what Bing hoped to avoid doing in this tournament. While it wouldve been nice to win without trying, Bing always knew in his heart that this was unavoidable. 

Fine. Bing sighed. But if youre too strong, I'm forfeiting immediately. 




Kick her ass! 

I wont give you the chance. Leggy sped past his skulls and discs and appeared in front of his face with a black aura of qi coating her body. 

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