SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Jing Vs Wenling of the Wolfeng Gang!

Jing Vs Wenling of the Wolfeng Gang!

Jing walked up the stairs to the ranking stage and timidly made her way towards the center of the stage. She locked eyes with her opponent before meekly looking away to avoid eye contact. Li Li on the other hand glared at Jing's female opponent who looked at her with a smirk. It looks like the sect is starting to rub off on him faster than she thought. 

Thats a nice little bird you have there. You wouldnt mind giving him to me, would you? Her opponent asked in a sensual manner, bending over slightly to bring attention to her tits. 

The cultivator she was fighting against was a 9th stage Qi Gatherer, just like Li Li. She wore tight clothing that emphasized her body in a way that would cause both men and women to get excited just looking at her. Her hair was a deep shade of purple, something not regularly seen and rare enough to grab the attention of anyone for just a second. The way she walked and talked just oozed sexuality and eroticism. As if it was one with her being and not something shes choosing to do consciously. This was Wenling! The young cultivator that was in the Wolfen Gang and managed to rise to the tops of the gang with just her strength alone but some rumors suggest that she made it to the top with her body alone. 

Jing already knew of Wenling. She had her followers investigate most of the Outer Court factions and the prominent members within those factions. It was quite unfortunate for her to face off against Wenling, she would have to lose this match. If she decided to win against her, the troubles shell face from the Wolfeng Gangs retaliation would hinder her daily life unless she secretly kills them all. Removing an entire faction right under the sects nose would be too big to hide. Some of their members have good talent and the elders wouldnt appreciate if someone got rid of these talents right under their noses. There would be an investigation to find out who culled all the wolves in Wolfeng Gang. 

I cant let you have him... Jing spoke back. 

Oh, come on, hes just so cute. You just got to let me have him. She asked again. 

Im sorry. Jing bowed her head and this is when Wenling decided to attack. 

Then just die for me instead! She leapt towards Jing the second she bowed her head with her glaive ready to pierce right through her skull. 

Li Li flew off and met Wenlings spear head on. His talons clashed against Wenlings glaive and sparks screeched from their weapons. Although initially frightened, Jing quickly got her head in the game and started to run around the ring placing talismans down. Jing made sure to tell Li Li to not go too far as she does plan to lose this match. Li Li could single handedly win this fight on his own but that isnt what Jing wanted. 

Wenling saw what Jings plan was in an instant and broke off her clash with Li Li immediately. She gathered qi within her throat and screamed at Li Li. The sonic shockwave made of qi launched Li Li far into the air as Wenling dashed towards Jing. With a worried and panicked look, Jing threw multiple talismans at the incoming spear wielder. Wenling wasnt like the other cultivators who looked down on her because of her looks, personality, or fighting style.  

Was it possible that this Seductress had a brain? Jing wondered. 

Wenling slashed apart any talismans coming at her, forcing Jing to use a movement spell and teleport across the ring. Wenling looked at her as Li Li returned back to her shoulder. She cut one of her formation slips in half, making Jing realize that she does have a brain. Maybe the rumors talking bad of her were just rumors after all. This was interesting to say the least... 

Wenling ran towards her second formation talisman to get rid of and Jing sent Li Li to cut her off. While those two were engaging in a fierce battle, Jing got back to placing down more talismans for the formation she was trying to set up for Wenling. Unlike last time though where she just absentmindedly tried to place them down while Li Li was fighting, from time to time she threw talismans at Wenling. This allowed Li Li to get a few slashes on Wenling that ripped her clothing in certain places. 

The crowd of young men watching this match starting cheering like wild animals when Wenlings bountiful breasts revealed themselves after Li Lis talon cut across the top of her outfit. They were all part of Wolfeng Gang and came to support one of their commanders. Shang Zhai was there as well with his group of fans that surrounded him. Shangs face turned red seeing the killer twin peaks. He turned his head to the side after a quick glance. His fans quickly started yelling death threats and insults at Wenling. 

Wenling ignored the audience and used her arm to cover the bouncing melons. She could barely defend against Li Lis attacks now. His speedy claw strikes were starting to wear her down. Blood flowed from multiple places on Wenlings body from his talons but the cuts were only superficial, none of them were deep. 

Li Li! Its time! Jing softly shouted. 

Li Li stopped attacking Wenling and flew next to Jings side. The attractive temptress looked around to see that Jing planted four talismans all around her. Jing slapped a conduit slip on her formations base and threw the base in the sky. The floating dagger shined brightly as the formation activated and walls of qi trapped Wenling inside a box. The walls slowly started to close in and if she didnt find a way to escape, shell be crushed flat by the walls of qi! The purple-haired beauty roughly fixed her clothes before unleashing strike after strike upon the walls of the formation. Her skill with the glaive wasnt as low as Jing thought. 

The flowing strikes of that glaive was like watching a fearsome dragon flying through the heavenly skies undaunted by any enemy with its mighty strength and majestic appearance. 

Draconic Thrust! Wenlings glaive was covered in her qi and took the form of an actual dragon!  

She used both of her hands and all of her power to pierce straight through the barrier and towards Jing herself! Her glaive struck against the formations barrier and caused countless ripples to appear all over it.  

Dragons Fury! Wenling flipped her spear backwards before using it to slash upward and slice an opening through the formations walls. 

Jing nervously backed away as the determined fighter continued to break apart her formation. Fear began to take her and it was easily noticeable on her face and movements. Wenling roared at the opening and the formation started crumbling all around. It cracked piece by piece before shattering into nothingness along with the formation talismans that burnt into ash. Jing backed herself all the way towards the edge of the stage. Wenling dashed at her with her glaive in hand.  

Now is the time... Jing thought as her opponent was right in front of her face ready to attack. 

Jings foot reached past the edge of the stage and she tumbled off the ring.  




The Wolfeng Gang members in the audience laughed at Jings embarrassing defeat. They wouldve continued to insult her if it wasnt for Shang Zhai shutting them all up with his killing intent. This also frightened the girls around him. They wondered if it was true that Zhai was really in love with such a girl? It was getting hard to ignore the reality of such a thought as time went on. Jing looked embarrassed at herself and ashamed for thinking that she could put up a fight against someone at the 9th stage. 

Youre not so bad for someone at the 3rd stage. I really had to work up a sweat in that match. Wenling sat on the edge of the ring. 

She crossed her legs and had a small smile on her face.  

It isnt often that I find another female cultivator that interests me. What would you say to joining me in the Wolfeng Gang as my apprentice? Wenling suddenly asked. 

While Jing does find herself interested in Wenling, she wouldnt say it's to the point where she wants to work under her. But what would the Jing whose shes acting like right now say to this offer? A girl whose timid, shy, and has no friends or companions besides her spirit beast. A girl with the drive to succeed as a cultivator and become someone truly powerful and not weak. A girl who wants to become someone that would put her current self to shame. Plus, Wenling is quite strong and is smarter than the rumors surrounding her would suggest.  

I guess I can use this opportunity to eliminate the Fearsome Garden and Huan clan before taking over the Wolfeng Gang for myself. Maybe I can also get a taste of this Wenling for myself as well... Her strong personality and confidence is quite a turn on. Seeing her placed in a submissive state will be exciting... 

I dont know if I should... Would you really want someone like me...? Jing twiddled her fingers shyly. 

If youre worried about anyone bullying you, dont worry. I will protect you from anyone hoping to touch my apprentice. I will also make sure you have as many resources that you may need. 

Why are you being so nice to me...? Today is the first day we ever met each other. Jing asked. 

I think youre cute. 

Huh?! Jings cheeks blushed a bright red. 

Yes, I think youre cute. In the Wolfeng Gang, we arent ones to be hesitant in our desires. If we want something, we will aim for it with all our strength. I want you Jing. I want to see what kind of cultivator you can become with my help. Not just any 3rd stage Qi Gatherer can capture my attention you know? She popped a recovery pill in her mouth. 

I dont think I'll be able to live up to your expectations but I'll try my best...! Jing cutely looked into Wenlings eyes with determination. 

Hey! Wait a second! Wenling, you sneaky slut! A short beauty shouted as she stomped her way over towards Jing and Wenling. 

This short beauty was Song from the Fearsome Gardens Three Roses. She had the looks of a young child but the heavenly appearance of a princess. Her hair was styled in a bun that helped paint the picture of her looking like a young child. Song was also a 9th stage Qi Gatherer like Wenling and it looked as if they had a history together. Or Song just insulted her because thats her personality. 

Excuse me? I think someone lost their child, can someone find her parents for her before she starts crying? Wenling said with fake concern. 

Piss off you Cow! Song insulted. 

Are you jealous? Wenling propped up her breasts with her arms. 

There is more to a womans charms than her chest! She growled. 

When have you ever charmed anyone?  

Do you want to die today whore?! Song clinched her fist. 

Id like to see you try kid...  

One of the two women behind Song tapped the young princess on her shoulder. 

Miss Song... We came here for her... not to get in a fight with Wolfeng Gang. Plus their group is staring at us from the stands. If this does lead to a fight, we would not come out on top necessarily... She whispered. Hearing this only made Song even more pissed off. She almost knocked the head off of the girl who warned her as if she didnt know that! 

You! Song pointed at Jing. 

Yes?! Jing squeaked in fear. 

Join us instead! 


Youre after my apprentice just after I recruited her? Do you have no shame?! Wenling  

The Fearsome Garden will help any woman who asks for it! Our group is here to help all the girls inside the sect feel safe and cultivate in peace. 

Thats funny. Last time I checked, your group was filled with a bunch of girls who wanted nothing more than to rule over men and grouped up because you were all too weak to protect yourselves. She egged on Song more, just waiting for her to explode. 

As I was saying...! Joining our group will definitely be better than joining Wolfeng Gang. That group is full of nothing but rapists, murderers, and animals. Their group is commonly known as the Bandit Gang! The Fearsome Garden is known as the most beautiful faction within the sect and filled with only the fairest and most respected cultivators in the sect. 

Jing looked at Wenling and then at Song, showing her unease at the sudden realization that she might be joining a group full of awful people. 

Is that true...? Jing asked Wenling. 

Yes. Nothing she said about the Wolfeng Gang was wrong. Our group does hold rapists, murderers, and animals with the skin of humans.  

I dont think I'm cut out for a group like that...  

If youre worried about your safety, then you have nothing to fear. If anyone tries to lay their hands on my apprentice, I'll personally cut their hands off and shove them down their throats. Wenling smiled. 

In our group, you dont have to be worried about your safety at all! Song quickly spoke up. 

I will give you resources that the Fearsome Garden wouldnt even think about giving to you. Since youll be my apprentice, youll only have the best. 

It might take some time but if you prove your worth to the group, the resources you receive wont be any less than hers! Song desperately spoke. 

Shes forgetting to add that the only way you can prove your worth is to be talented or have connections. With me, I dont care about your talent. As long as you dont betray me, Ill take care of you. 

Shut up you slut! You dont know anything! Song exploded and tried to punch Wenling, who blocked with her spear. 

See. Look at how violent and small-minded she is. Shes one of the commanders of Fearsome Garden and she behaves like an uncontrolled child. She probably doesnt even care about you and is only here because her leader told her to be here. She gestured with her hand towards the Wolfeng Gang members in the stands to not help. 

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Songs qi exploded in an icy blast. 

Wenlings qi became sharper and more focused as she agilely avoided the destructive punches of Song. 

Please stop fighting...! Jing weakly yelled. I decided who I wanted to join... 

Wenling and Song broke off their clash and slid an equal distance from each other. They both looked at her with their 9th stage qi unrestrained. 

I decided to join the Wolfeng Gang. Jing announced. 

Wenling smirked. 

God damn it! Song cursed. You will regret this Jing! The entire Fearsome Garden is now your enemy for the choice you made today! She turned around and stormed off with the two women. 

Jing had a worried look on her face and Wenling hugged her from behind. 

You have nothing to worry about. I told you didnt I? Ill protect my apprentice. Li Li kept her face away from Jings with his foot when she tried to put her face close to Jings. 

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