SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Lei Zhi vs Lam!

Lei Zhi vs Lam!

The two waves of Lam and Leis mummy clashed head on and that was when Lei Zhi tossed his fishing hook straight at the defenseless Lam. She smiled at him a smile that was a little too sweet and blocked his attack. Vines rose from her feet and wrapped itself around her like another outfit. They whipped and waved around the air like living snakes clothed in spikes. 

Lei Zhis fishing hook was almost grabbed by these deadly serpents, it was only thanks to the fact that it was an item created by Jing that saved his weapon from being snatched. The hook tore right through the spiky armor and returned back to its rightful owner. His mummy was being overwhelmed and if things continued at this pace, it wouldnt be long before it was entangled and stabbed to pieces. The creature understood this and made efforts to deal with such an outcome. 

Its wrapping began to move on their own. Both Lam and Lei Zhi watched as its cloth quickly started to detach itself from its body. Cloth that revealed the blackened and drained skin of the evil being to any who were curious enough to watch. From the ground, small child-like beings similar in appearance to the mummy manifested from the worn fabric.  


Hee! Hee! 


Dozens of these little mummies ran towards Lam. 

So cute!!! She screamed, giving the original mummy a little bit of freedom as he used his sand to move himself out of the way of Lams wave of vines. 

If I dont take you all home with me, I dont know how terribly I'm going to kill this old man! 

The mummies attacked her without restraint. Some used sand while the rest used their own wrappings to try and hurt Lam. It was impossible to resist using her vines and drilling straight through the mummy children. Lam brought every single one of the small mummies close to her to get a better look at them and she squealed. 

Youre all a little stinky but your cuteness makes up for it! Im definitely taking you back with me to the sect. 

I could make more of them for you if it stops you from trying to kill me. Lei brought up. 

Nah, I'm still gonna kill you old man. Youre not cute at all. She stuck her tongue out at him.  

Id prefer if you didnt try to kill me, young lady. We can still go our separate ways. Theres no reason that we need to go that far in our fight. Lei Zhi tried to change her mind. 

Yeah but, youre kinda ugly and gross and old and stupid. Is there any reason you should live? She stated quite casually. 

Ouch... He muttered. Lei Zhi didnt place too much importance on his looks but being bluntly insulted right to his face about them didnt feel good. 

Just because someone is different from what you prefer doesnt mean they deserve to die. Lei said. 

Eh? Why not? Might makes right in this world, idiot! Im stronger than you so, what I say goes. Obviously. She rolled her eyes at how stupid he sounded to her. 

Ah yes... That is the rule of this world, isnt it? Since you looked so young, I didnt think youd know about that already. But that was just wishful thinking on my part. He chuckled sadly. 

Say... Young lady. If I prove my might is greater than yours, will you take a different path than the one youre currently on? Lei wanted to know. 

Pfft! You might be totally disgusting but that was actually pretty funny! She laughed at the thought that he believed he could win against her. 

Ill take that as a yes... Lei Zhi hooked a piece of a large tree and tossed it at Lam. 

The tree blocked her vision but she didnt worry at all. Her vines easily tore the wood apart and after breaking it, she lost sight of Lei Zhi. Lam tried to sense where Lei Zhi was with her qi and was more than surprised to find out that she couldnt sense him anywhere! How could he have erased his qi presence? Is it an auxiliary martial art? 

Just as Lam was about to turn around to try and find him, her face was nearly assaulted by a large rock that was thrown at her from behind! Thankfully her vines reacted in time and blocked the stone from crashing into her. Realizing that she couldve sustained a horrible injury to her face from someone far weaker than her, Lam almost went into a craze. Lam frantically looked around for any signs of the old man. 

Id have to apologize. I decided that holding back against a cultivator as strong as yourself would only hurt myself. From now on, I wont be as forgiving. Lams vines instantly drilled towards the sound of his voice. 

Rupturing and tearing through the earth. The aftermath of her attack revealed that she only managed to destroy the ground and land itself instead of a middle-aged man.  

Huu... The mummy was still a contender in this fight. 

His sand shaped itself into a large spear that flew straight towards Lam who could barely react in time. The young girl with a passion for cruelty was taken off her feet and slammed right into a tree. Despite standing straight up after the attack and not looking injured in the slightest. Lam reacted as if she was gravely injured along with having all of her family insulted. She screamed with a crazed glint in her eyes as a massive number of vines destroyed the area around her and spread further and further out. 

As his mummy was distracting her, Lei took his time in freeing Xiurong. He expected her to instantly react after having her vines cut but her eyes were focused entirely on his mummy. Xiurong climbed up his shoulder in her tiny state and the two of them quickly moved away. He still didnt have a good angle to attack her yet. 

Lei Zhi didnt miss his opportunity. He moved with a quiet swiftness that made it hard for anyone to even think about tracking him. Neither his qi nor his body emitted a single sound while in this state, utilizing his cultivation technique. The downside being that it rapidly drained his qi reserves for silencing his movements and hiding his qi. That was why he had to do this quickly. 

The middle-aged fisherman patiently waited for the perfect moment to attack. His mummy was almost finished but that wasnt too much of a concern. It could be regenerated from its coffin as long as Lei Zhi gave it sufficient qi to restore itself. Itll probably take him a couple of days to do that as he didnt have much qi in this old body of his but it will happen when it happens. 

There! Lei Zhi saw the perfect spot to snag his target amidst all the giant vines surrounding her. He could feel his qi was about to be completely used up and didnt have much time to waste. The peace-loving 7th stage Qi Gatherer used all the strength in his physical body to sling his fishing hook straight at Lams heavily defended body. She was using all her strength in destroying the area to try and find him. 

Lei Zhis hook tore through any vines on its way towards Lam. No matter the thickness or the numbers present, they were all cut through. During the course of their battle, Lei Zhi understood that Lam was not connected to her vines in a way that she could sense when they were sliced or destroyed. If it wasnt for this one weakness, Lei doubted he would have been able to pull off this sneak attack. 

Where are you?! More enlarged vines ripped through the ground, leaving the area in an even worse state than before. 

Lei didnt foolishly respond and let his fishing hook hit its target dead-on. It hooked into her clothes and nearly ripped them, almost exposing her young milky-white breasts. She cried out in fury at the surprise and screamed even louder when Lei tossed her far into the sky with his fishing rod. By now, she could clearly sense where he was as he released the effect of his cultivation technique. Lei Zhi stared at the great vines heading straight down at him. She had quite the murderous look in her eyes. 

I have a feeling that she isnt going to change at all even if I was somehow able to beat her... Lei thought to himself. 

Heh... I guess I still need a little bit more training and experience before trying to reform any youths yet... To think I still havent been able to change even a single youth in several months... I wonder if I'm going about this all wrong. Lei Zhi muttered to himself. 

Xiurong jumped from Leis shoulder with great force and grew to her original size. Which was large enough to shadow the very area around them. She let the vines pierce into her unprotected belly as she slammed her claw down straight at Lam who was now using all of her power against Lei. 

Lam was sent soaring down at unbelievable speeds along with Xiurong who crashed into the earth with several holes in her body.  

Xiurong! Lei cried out. 

He didnt tell her to do that! He didnt tell her to do anything! Why did she do that?! Lei threw his fishing rod away and rushed over to her crash site.  

He struggled to climb her giant body but managed eventually and reached her wounded underside. It pained him greatly to see the horrible injuries. These wounds... Could he even fix something like this? Where would he even begin...? 

Xiurong. Are you okay?! He asked in deep concern. 

She tried to speak to him but he of course couldnt understand. They were from two different universes, of two different minds, and of two different species. How could they possibly connect as one in a moment such as this? And communicate to each other with equal understanding. 

Your babies! Are they okay?! If he couldnt save Xiurong, he had to at least save her children. 

Xiurong used her qi and stretched it out towards Leis head. Lei could sense what she was trying to do and willingly leaned his head into her qi. Her qi drilled its way into Leis head and he accepted it wholeheartedly. By the time she reached what she wanted to, Lei Zhi could hear a feminine voice in his head. 

I do not have long for this world. Neither do my children either. That human female has pierced my egg sac and many of my vital organs. Listen to my final words Summoner. Lei had trouble controlling his body but he didnt have any problem listening. 

You are weak. One of the weakest males Ive ever known. And very stupid too. 

I have never met a creature so foolish in my entire life. 

But I did not dislike that about you. You may have had control over me when you summoned me here. But you did not control my soul. 

Your silly goal of making people into better persons. I thought was very idiotic and a waste of time but never went against it. 

As I spent more time with you, Summoner. I began to think. Maybe is not so foolish of a dream after all. 

You and the Round one are similar but he holds a darkness in his soul that you do not share. Your goal is not impossible. As long as you keep your soul as pure as it is now, you will one day accomplish your dream. 

Continue to live my weak Summoner. And after my death, ensure that you do everything you can to survive and live on. Until you finally succeed. 

Farewell Summoner Lei. It has been an enjoyable time.  

I too have enjoyed my time spent with you... Im sorry I wasnt strong enough to protect you. Im sorry I wont be able to avenge you either. It looks like I might be joining you soon. Lei Zhi looked at the swirling mass of vines drilling towards himself. 

His connection with Xiurong was still there despite her passing. His body was completely paralyzed. There was nothing he could really do to save himself. It was a rather unfulfilling life, wasnt it? He didnt accomplish much of anything despite living to this age. Maybe in his next life, hell have enough luck to accomplish his dreams. The vines smacked right into him and sent him flying into the distance through several rocks. 

Finally! That was the most annoying fight I've ever been in! I shouldve made him suffer 1000 times more for what he put me through! Lam stamped her foot on the ground like a spoilt brat. 

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