SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Li Li's Breakfast

Li Li's Breakfast


Li Li stood over the resting Jing. He gently rubbed his face on hers to wake her. She tiredly giggled from the heavenly feel of his feathers on her skin.

Alright Li Li. Be careful out there okay? If you find yourself in trouble make sure to fly away as fast as you can. She warned him.

Coo coo. He responded as he turned the door knob and flew outside the house.

Without a sound, he soon vanished into the skies at high speeds. Li Li was on his way to eat some breakfast in the Immortal Forest! With his realm being at the 9th stage, he could go past the outer edges of the forest and into the middle area. The middle area of the Immortal Forest is where spirit beasts of the Qi Consolidation stage and Core Preparation stage stay, with the latter being closer towards the edge of the inner area of the forest.

Today will be the second time hes entering this part of the forest ever since reaching the 9th stage. Li Li was excited to see what other delicacies existed in the middle area besides the Iron-horned Deer and Fatty Koi Fish. The Iron-horned deer had the best tasting meat of all the four-legged animals he ate so far but their innards werent as tasty so, he usually left those alone. The same was with the Fatty Koi Fish except all of it tasted good.


Li Li heard the cry of a bird far above him. This bird was huge compared to himself, who was still just a baby. It was large enough to grab adult humans in its talons and tower over them standing up. It was in the same realm as Li Li and figured he would be good for a snack. Looking down on him will be its greatest mistake. Li Li hasnt tried the meat of this one yet and since it is gladly offering itself up for him, why not take a bite?

The bigger bird, Lightning-Wing Falcon, soared down towards Li Li. Li Li answered the challenge and flew towards the falcon. Li Li could feel the arrogance of the bird above him. It probably thought he was giving itself to him without a fight but hell show him who's the snack. The falcon attempted to swallow Li Li in a single bite.

Caw!!!! It cried out.

Li Li kicked it across the face with his foot and sent it clumsily flying further into the sky. Li Li smirked as he looked at the spiraling bird of prey. He waited as it recovered and looked at him in disbelief. Comparing sizes alone, Li Li was nothing but a bug in comparison to it. If the Falcon could get Li Li in his grip then it would barely be 1/10 the size of one of its talons. The Falcon saw the confident and cocky look in the owlets eyes and grew enraged.

It gathered the qi within its core and opened its beak wide as it shot out a bolt of lightning straight towards Li Li. The infant avian scoffed. He turned away as he also willed his qi from his beast core. A purple manifestation of an Iron-horned deer charged towards the lightning bolt. This manifestation was ethereal in appearance and ghostly in nature. It was one of the souls of an actual Iron-horned deer that Li Li ate yesterday.

An Iron-horned Deers horns were thick metallic branchy spears of death. Being on the receiving end of this creatures charge usually doesnt have a pleasant end. Thankfully, the only dangerous thing about this spirit beast is their horns. So, most cultivators usually take them out from afar with a talisman, arrow, or ranged technique. The risk in dealing with their horns isnt worth risking with their body. If a cultivator is unfortunate enough, the Iron Deer could gore them through any defensive treasure or qi shield. Not even body cultivators dare take on one of these horned creatures.

The sound of the deers horn and the lightning bolt clashing was a sharp piercing sound. Any normal cultivator nearby would be clutching their ears in pain as the deer deflected the lightning bolt with its horns. The metal-like nature of its horns combined with its spiritual body easily allowed the Iron Deer to redirect the lightning bolt elsewhere as it continued clopping through the air towards the falcon.

The falcon screeched as lightning started to arc all over its body. It soared towards the Iron Deer. The lightning increased the creatures speed up an entire level! The Iron Deer was cleaved in half by the giant birds wings. Despite being able to redirect the lightning bolt earlier, this was only because of its great horns. Lightning qi actually has a purifying effect on yin qi, which is what the materialized Iron Deer is created out of.

Li Li, with his back still turned around towards his prey, yawned. The falcon was infuriated with the arrogance this small prey was showing it. If there is one thing it must do today, it is eating this puny little bird. The falcon soared towards Li Li. Its fury was blinding it, making Li Li the only thing in its sights. It didnt give any thoughts to how this small creature was able to reach the 9th realm in the Qi Gathering stage, all that was on its mind was an annoying ant that deserved to be eaten.


And before it knew it, it was filled with sharp spears stabbing through its body. A herd of Iron Deer had their horns impaled in the falcons body. Blood flowed from its body and drooped to the ground below like a small stream. The beast was tethering on the edge of life and death and Li Li could see it within its blurred eyes. Its soul was just about to unlatch itself from its body and linger on filled with regrets and resentment for Li Li.

But just before it could leave its container, Li Li flew in front of its fading sight and smirked.

Hoo. Li Li gloated to the dying spirit beast.

Its soul grew a deeper purple as its resentment for Li Li rose to unknown heights. It dares to mock him as its dying? It dares belittle and low down on him?! Even if it cant do anything to the small infant, it can curse him with all its dying breath.

Which Li Li thanks him for. Thanks to that final parting message, its soul has become fully ripe and worth keeping. The Lightning-Wing Flacons soul has turned a blood red and could easily allow him to break into the Qi Consolidation stage and probably to the peak of the first stage. The feeling of soul devouring and rising through the cultivation ranks is the feeling every beast instinctively craves. There is no spirit beast that wouldnt immediately try and break through at all times.

No spirit beast except for Li Li... Li Li is more than just a spirit beast thanks to his moms refinement. He is more than a creature of simple instinct and craving for strength and as such, he has enough control to not swallow this delicious, tasty, fresh, enticing soul right now. Even if he really reallyreally wants to.

No! He tells himself.

His mother told him no more eating souls without her consent. His qi, however, was already wrapping around the resisting soul of the falcon like a snake about to gulp its prey whole. As if his hesitation meant nothing to it. He struggled to gain control over his predatory yin qi as his desires were overpowering his reason. The taste, the surge of strength, the strengthening of his soul and qi... How could a baby bird of prey resist!?

Li Li!

His qi halted. He imagined the look on his mothers face once he returned after disobeying her wishes. It caused a gripping pain on his heart. He couldnt disappoint his mom. Not for something like this. Seeing her sad face, he just couldnt go through with it. Hes never let his mom down before and he doesnt wish to start now.

Li Li stored the vengeful soul within his body and around his soul palace along with the many other souls hes collected. He dematerialized the herd of Iron Deer and flew down with the corpse and started eating.

Thanks to his mothers special ability to take things into her body and take them out completely changed, Li Li was gifted his own cultivation and auxiliary technique.

His cultivation technique is called the Soul Devourer. It allows him to witness the world of the dead and swallow any lingering souls that he wishes. Swallowing souls quickly raises his qi and lets him speed through the cultivation stages. Besides raising his qi, it also strengthens both his qi and his soul. His mother warned him not to abuse this ability though. She said that if he breaks through ranks so quickly, his foundation will be unstable and future potential will be limited.

Li Li didnt really understand what she meant but he did understand that his mother didnt want him to eat too many souls and use them to increase his cultivation. Ever since she warned him, he stopped eating the souls and would wait till his mother gave him permission to advance.

His other technique was called Legion of Souls. This auxiliary art is what gives Li Li his control over souls and spirits. He can summon, store, command, absorb, and take control over the departed. At his current rank with the skill, he can only store a max of 10 souls to use as he pleases. If he needs to make room with a particular soul he finds, he can sacrifice the soul of it to any other souls in his storage or just eat it.

This support martial art isnt all-powerful though. If the soul is particularly strong, then it can wholly resist Li Lis attempts to eat, store, or manipulate it. If Li Li wants to reach the pinnacle of this supplementary technique, he must reinforce and iron his will to completely control any departed soul. Sadly though, neither him nor his mom knew how to make his will stronger.

Li Li has now rendered the flesh of the Lightning-Wing Falcon devoured and left only the bones behind. His ears perked up and a majority of the middle area of the Immortal Forest was opened to him. The sounds of running water, swimming fishes, slithering lizards, crawling rodents, and numerous fighting spirit beasts. Among all those sounds, he also heard something strange. A deep powerful breathing filled with ancient power that hes felt before.

Strong Lung! He recalled.

This qi presence was the special lung he wanted to get for his mother! Although he doubted she still needed it ever since coming back from the dead in Yellow Jade City, it could be a nice present to give her since he wasnt able to get it before.

Li Li silently took off towards this qi. With his feathers, hed only be a giant target in this forest of green. He flew above the clouds and with his superior sight, watched from above. His eyes located the source of the familiar energy and focused in on him. The youth was meditating alone in a forest clearing. The very air around him seemed to bend to his will and give off that powerful energy that cant belong to any normal youth.

He was a 7th stage Qi Gatherer. Much Weaker than Li Li thought he would be but perhaps Li Li was the cause of that. Li Li checked the surroundings for any signs of anything else before he charged in to take the boys lung and saw nothing that could interrupt his hunt.

Li Li sliced through the air like a noiseless comet. His prey was within his sight and he doubted it could react before he attacked.

Reality is often filled with surprises though. The youth managed to sense Li Li as he neared 10 meters from him. He hurriedly hopped out of the way as he made eye contact with Li Li who landed where he previously was. Li Li could tell the boy was initially panicked but a calm look soon took his face.

Xun Liuxian immediately understood that he was no match for this spirit beast and that it wasnt just any simple beast. The look within its eyes tell a much different story than any other spirit beast within this part of the forest. He was now regretting stepping foot into this part of the Immortal Forest when his cultivation isnt so high but he couldnt resist the chance of getting weaker by staying with those weak beasts in the outer area. If he doesnt push himself, how will he ever gain the strength needed to end Tang Wuying and his lineage?

He may have gotten himself into something he cant get out of. With the speed he sensed earlier from the spirit beast, running away is a pipe dream within this clearing. He has to think of something while the creature is still just watching him.

Xun Liuxian slowly breathed in and out. The wind around him began picking up as wind swirled around him. The 9th stage spirit beast watched him in curiosity. Just maybe he can get out this situation with all his limbs intact.


The beast flew towards him. His senses could barely react but thankfully his body did it for him. He used the air he conjured earlier and blew himself through the air. The bird was still faster than he was but at least the situation has changed. Hes now surrounded by numerous trees so the bird cant fly as easily as it could in the clearing.

The spirit beast was close enough to snatch his eyeball out from its socket. XunLiuxian painfully palmed his own stomach, releasing some of the qi-strengthened air within his lung. This action used because of a life-threatening situation managed to save XunLiuxian from the jaws of death! Literally!

He managed to separate himself a necessary distance from the maw of another beast as the previous 9th stage bird was swallowed whole. XunLiuxian watched as a Dragon Worm erupted into the sky from beneath the earth. It was a 1st stage Qi Consolidation spirit beast. He figured it sensed the qi of the bird from before and used his perilous situation as a chance to advance its cultivation.

The sweat dripping through his pores, soaked his clothes. Even when he was running for his life from Tang Wuyings goons, he didnt sweat this hard. Just what kind of spirit beast was that bird? Hes never heard of anything like it. His master even gave him a book on beasts that frequent the Immortal Forest. Thats why he knew the name of the Dragon Worm. It was a gargantuan sized worm that frequently preyed on large sluggish creatures or beasts that grouped up in herds.

After those close encounters with death, Xun decided that maybe it's time to go home for today. Hell make sure to stay out of the middle area until hes gone past the first cultivation realm. Todays experience has been enlightening to him to say the least.


Xun covered his ears from the thunderous cry of the Dragon Worm. He looked up to see the serpent-like beast uncontrollable waving through the air. It looked like it was in pain but how could that be? Xun focused his sights on the living meat tower.

That cannot be!

A red slit started revealing itself on the worms body. All the way from the mouth to the middle of the beasts torso. Blood shot out with the rage of 1000 storms. In Xuns eyes, it covered the sky. A tidal wave of red washed Xun away. Not even with his gift could he escape this incoming disaster. His body was at the mercy of the dying spirit beasts liquid.

If anyone else were in his situation they would find themselves quickly running out of breath and at risk of drowning but XunLiuxian is not just anyone anymore. Ever since merging with the Ancient Immortals lung, his body has become fundamentally different than a standard humans. One of those differences is that he can hold his breath for an indefinite amount of time. Well as far as hes tested anyway. He went a whole 20 hours without breathing through his mouth or nose once. He wouldve tried for 24 hours but he cant control his breathing when hes sleeping.

So, Xun is forced to be washed away in this blood sea against his will but it's better than facing whatever killed the Worm Dragon. Even a person like him would have to use all of his hidden cards to get away from something as dangerous as a Worm Dragon. Dont even mention trying to kill it without trying. Thats just a pipe dream at his current strength. Hopefully hell be washed far away from what killed the worm. If not then, his poor little life is over before it even began.

Stupid bug! Li Li angrily thought as he was cleaning his feathers of the blood. He was perched on a branch of a tree.

Li Li has already captured the soul of the big bug that ate him and stored it for later. Having a peaceful death after ruining the gift for his mother is dreaming too big. Strong Lung managed to get away from him once again. How annoying... But at the very least, he didnt gain nothing from this hunt.

The body of the Worm Dragon was Li Lis and he planned on eating it whole. He flexed his qi outwardly to ward off any scavengers looking to steal his meal as he started to take apart the Worm piece by piece. It wouldve been convenient if no predators came during Li Lis feeding but the little owlet seemed to have forgotten that he was a simple 9th stage Qi Gatherer inside the middle area of the Immortal Forest. An area where beasts of the Consolidation and Core Preparation stage frequently feed. If anything, his qi presence was nothing more than a fart to the predators in the middle area.

The aftermath of those beasts ignoring Li Lis cute territorial mark, was being swallowed whole by the soul of the Worm Dragon. With each spirit beast swallowed, the strength of the Worm Dragon increased. Leaving Li Li to peacefully eat his humongous meal in peace. If the sight of a blood red owlet, feasting on a carcass many times bigger than it was wasnt strange enough then the fact that it could continue eating for hours without any signs of exploding from too much consumption surely would! Li Li ate the entire Worm Dragon without so much as a bulge showing from his stomach nor an increase in his size. The sight of it can only be constituted as unbelievable and impossible! It could only be said that Li Li was no mere beast but the embodiment of hunger itself! How else could one explain its infinite capacity to eat?!

Worm Dragon might be my new favorite all time bug... Li Li declared after finishing his meal.

He soon flew away back home as the sun was starting to set in the sky.

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