Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 118: Chapter 15. The incident at the palace

One day I did agree to a voluntary walk a the palace. It so happed that Camille, freed from her duties, offered to keep her company and let her go out for a while.

Rachel had let her go for the day, since she would be busy in the meeting hall and would not need the secretary's help. I was surprised at the gerosity of this ride: for once, the girl had deigned to give her most able-bodied employee a day off.

Moreover, despite the fact that it was her first day off in a long time, Camille chose to spd it with me. This decision was unexpected for me, but very touching theless.

Perhaps she chose not to go to her family because it was too far away. Also, like me, the girl had no more acquaintances in the palace. Thus we set out in each other's company.

Melinda, learning of this, instantly offered to accompany us on the walk. But I declined. I figured I could manage on my own. Besides, the maid had had a lot on her mind lately. Let her get some rest…

In addition, Camilla also convinced the knights outside the door of the chambers that she could look after me herself. Not at first attempt, but the m still reluctantly trusted Her Majesty's secretary.

The two of us got out, and strolling through the corridors of the palace, we soon found a common language. In half an hour we were talking about everything, and I really didn't regret meeting someone new.

Camille turned out to be a nice girl, though she didn't tell me much about herself. For this reason, the conversation was mostly about me.

We discussed our interests, hobbies, opinions on various issues and our favorite foods. Evtually the dialogue came to the subject of childhood and youth.

— …Your Highness, I heard you wt to the Royal Academy! — Camilla recalled with delight at one point.

— Yes,» I agreed, «I did.

— Only aristocrats of high birth can go there… I'm so jealous!

— You shouldn't be,» I laughed, «It seems like an ordinary school to me.

— Really?!

— Well… It seemed that way to me,» I shrugged, «All schools are the same, ar't they? In this case, except for the pile of money invested, I did not notice anything unusual.

— Hmm…

Camille thought about what I said and was ev surprised. Most studts at the academy were proud to study or graduate from there. Whereas for me it was no big deal. Probably because I didn't like school at all…

— But meanwhile, you never finished it,» the girl also reminded me, «Why did you drop out so suddly in your first year?

— Um… It just happed,» I blurted out.

I could tell by the look on my face that I didn't really want to talk about it. Luckily, Camille was understanding ough not to insist.

— It's okay,» she said at once, «You do not have to talk. And besides, you don't really need a diploma.

— Hmm? — I didn't quite understand.

— You're going to be que soon,» she said with a smile, «So you won't be needing it in the future.

I chuckled involuntarily.

— Maybe you're right.

To be honest, I couldn't tell if I regretted not getting that unfortunate graduation certificate. For one thing, I really didn't need it. Ev if circumstances were differt and I didn't have to become a que, I planned to squander my family fortune, which would be ough for a doz more lifetimes. And I wouldn't have much use for that knowledge there…

At the same time, I knew Rachel had graduated from the academy. She had passed her final exams as an extern a couple of years ago, and had graduated far ahead of her peers. I guess that's wh the talk of a coup began…

While I was thinking about it, Camille spoke again:

— I also heard that you were very popular during your school years!

— Ah…» I was embarrassed, «Really?»

The noblewoman nodded vigorously.

— The Empire was full of rumors at the time! It was said that you were close not only to Her Majesty but also to the first and second prince.

— Ahem…

— What was your relationship to each other? — The girl inquired.

I hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer that.

— Well… A fridly one.

— Really?

I nodded uncertainly. After all, there wasn't much more I could tell her.

— So you were frids with Her Majesty, too?

— Um… Not really.

We continued walking, and the whole time we were talking about it, Camilla couldn't stop admiring my popularity, saying she wished she could, too.

But in my opinion, it was more of a problem than a nice bonus. After a couple of days, the atttion I was getting was starting to get on my nerves. Especially in my case: wh in the past the only people I'd talked to were my mother and the doctors at the hospital.

Besides, my popularity quotit had dropped drastically since I'd started hanging out with Rachel… so I thought the rumors were a bit exaggerated.

As we walked leisurely and chatted about everything, a maid with a tray of dishes headed ahead of us. And just as she was passing Camille, something happed abruptly and both girls fell to the floor.


The dishes on the tray were shattered, while Camille…hurt herself with a shard from a glass.

I froze in shock as those a us instantly began to gather a us.

The maid who'd gott herself into this mess turned as a dead person. Probably because she would soon be.

— P-Please have mercy on me…! — Your Highness, Lady Fernandez… I–I really… I really didn't mean to!

Meanwhile, while the occasional onlookers were whispering among themselves, the picture itself was very clear.

Only the crown princess remained on her feet and unharmed. While the viscount's daughter was wounded and the maid was in big trouble.

A deep abrasion appeared on Camilla's left arm, while she herself whimpered.

— Your Highness, don't worry…! — she turned to me, weeping-I know you did not push me on purpose…!

I was tak aback.

— Wha…?

Meanwhile, people understood this sce quite expected. The knights, the servants, and some others were whispering with the same expression on their faces.

— They said Her Highness was very kind… So it was all a lie?

— And this is the future «mother of the people»? How can she mock Lady Fernandez just because she is the daughter of a Viscount?!

— It seems as if she would do anything for the throne!

All these rumors kept spreading farther and farther. While I was left utterly baffled and could not ev move.

Just at that momt, Rachel and her tourage were walking down the same corridor, heading for the assembly hall. The ministers behind her were also shocked to see the sce.

Wh Rachel saw us, her whole face first turned and th took on a deadly expression. It was a clear sign that the girl was in a terrible rage.

We both froze, assuming that someone was going to get hurt.

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