Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 123: Chapter 20. The Maxi Case

After tering one of the city's unremarkable taverns, Razor and Maxie were about to discuss what to do next.

The waiter brought them two beers, and there was silce for a momt. There wer't many people a, and anyway, it was rare for anyone to come in for a drink in the middle of the day.

The second prince was a little worried, and he drained half the can in one gulp.

— Actually, I have something to say,» he said slowly.

Maxie turned to him.

— Hmm?

— The capital… I guess I'll have to leave it for a while.

The girl was undisguisedly surprised.

— You do?

— Yes. I think it's about time.

Ever since Maxie and Razor arrived in the city and their initial attempt to get Lerian out proved a failure, they've be sitting in the shadows temporarily to develop a backup plan. Admittedly, the less time left before the wedding, the more tse the situation became.

In the d, they could never come up with anything worthwhile.

And th, at last, Razor had some sort of clue. Wh the lad told it to the Marquis's daughter, the latter frowned.

— It's that… Well… What do you call them…

— Dreaming,» the prince reminded her.

— Oh, yes… Well, your hallucinations.

Razor didn't like it wh the girl called his powers that way. But what could he do if she was still rather suspicious about it.

Wh the boy made up his mind and was one of the few to tell Maxie that he was differt, the girl thought at first that Razor was delusional. Or, as one possibility, that he was making use of something illegal.

But the latter theory was not very believable. First, because the second prince looked like a man who was afraid to take a cigarette in his mouth. And second… I don't think Leriane would have be close frids with such a dubious type.

Meanwhile, Razor himself was determined. Not long ago, for the first time in a long time, he finally saw something. And there was something he hadn't expected at all.

This dream turned out to be like a nightmare during a normal dream.

If he hadn't dreamt it, there was no way the guy would have believed it was true.

— And what… Ahem… were you dreaming this time? — Maxie asked, taking a sip of her beer. Such paranormal things were hard for her to believe.

Razor froze uncertainly.

— I can't tell yet.

— What?» the girl wondered. «And why not?

— Unless I verify it myself… it would be dangerous to take any active measures.

Maxie looked at him strangely.

— You know, I don't mean to insist, but… Maybe you have too much imagination? — she suggested.

Razor was indignant.

— Of course not!

— But that's strange,» Maxie stated logically, «Normal people don't do that. You're not some sort of clairvoyant, are you?

Razor was involuntarily embarrassed by the comparison.

Despite the fact that he had tried repeatedly to prove the reality of his gift to this girl, she was still suspicious of him. Probably because she grew up in a family that valued strgth over mysticism, and not survival.

— I told you it was true!

Wh the boy repeated it to her insisttly, Maxie sighed.

Since he was so sure, what was the point of dissuading him now? Let him do what he wanted.

— All right,» Maxie said, resigning herself, «And where are you going?

— To the Royal Academy.

— What?!

Maxie's mouth fell op. Why would he want to go there at this hour?

— What was that for? — Maxie grinned. «Going to study?

The other prince shook his head.

— I wish to speak to the Headmaster alone,» he said suddly.

— What? — The other prince was ev more astonished.

— I… must ask a question that only he knows the answer to.

For the first time, Razor Blanche doubted the vision he had se. Simply because it was so much harder to believe in than anything else. And if he accidtally got it wrong this time, he'd lose big time by blaming someone.

On that basis, the guy needed a real witness to what was going on. Who would either confirm his hunch, or refute it. And that happed to be the headmaster of the academy. The only person he could go to without suspicion or surveillance.

Razor spoke with extreme secrecy and did not go into detail at all about an idea that would probably turn the tire empire upside down. Maxie realized that in this case, he wouldn't tell ev her anything.

The girl sighed, finishing her can.

— Do as you wish.

Razor nodded.

— I'll leave tomorrow morning.

Just as the prince finished telling him about his impding plans, a bell rang over the front door, and two commoners tered the tavern.

At first, Razor and Maxie did not pay any atttion to them at all.

But as they ordered drinks and sat down at a nearby table, they couldn't help but overhear the following conversation:

— …Have you heard? They say the new crown princess is behaving disgustingly.

— I can't believe such a bitch would really rule our country.

— Where do the ministers and Her Majesty look? My sister works in the palace and told me that she is so arrogant that those below her in status do not ev consider her as people.

— The whole empire already knows that she is mocking Her Majesty's secretary… I feel so sorry for her!

— Exactly! Ashford isn't ev que yet, so why is she already the mistress of the palace?

Maxie couldn't stand it anymore and slapped the table loudly. All prest, and those girls included, were surprised silt and turned a at her.

The Marquis's daughter could no longer list to such outrageous nonsse, and stepped out from the table and approached them. Razor wanted to stop her, but did not have time. He did not like this conversation either, but he thought it unnecessary to make a showdown here.

— You…! — Maxie snapped, «Do you ev know what you're talking about?!

The commoners stared at her in shock.

— We… That… We were just discussing the crown princess.

— Exactly! Who gave chicks like you that right?

They were aghast at such a direct tone.

— Why are you insulting us?!

Maxi didn't back down either.

— Because you're talking nonsse!

— What makes you say that? My sister works at the palace, and she saw…

— I don't care what she saw,» Maxie retorted, «If you don't want any more trouble, don't you dare op your mouth about it.

The girls were indignant and about to argue, but Maxie's macing look stopped them. Right now she looked like she was going to tear them apart. On top of that, she had a sword visible behind her sinew. And that was a pretty good reason not to interfere.

They were silt in a flash, and like Maxie had said, they said nothing more about Lerian. Maxie returned to the table and exhaled irritably.

— What's going on? — Razor was tak aback,» Why do people say things like that about Lerian?

— I have no idea,» she was still very angry, «But obviously, if ev some commoners got wind of it, it's the hottest topic among the aristocrats.

— This is bad…» the other prince was clearly disturbed, «If this keeps up, th…

— I know. That's why I'm going to go there,» the girl said suddly.

— But didn't Rachel Cassius forbid it?

— She did. But I'm going to do it anyway.

The boy looked at her perplexed.

Despite the fact that the girl had promised at the cost of her relatives' lives not to interfere in Lerian's affairs, this time she could not stay away. Something strange was going on in the palace right now. And Maxie didn't like it.

She seemed to have some business now, too.

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