Seven Sins System

Chapter 231: Thirsty Sister I

Chapter 231: Thirsty Sister I

Seven Sins System Chapter 231. Thirsty Sister I

Finally, five minutes later, I heard footsteps echoing down the alley. I turned to see Julia, Claire, and Evie approaching. "We are here," Claire said, her eyes darting around the deserted alley.

I quickly explained the situation to them. "I've texted my dad to transport us," I said. "He said he'll open the portal soon."

The girls nodded in understanding; their faces serious.

Just then, my phone beeped with a message from my dad. "Portal is open," it read. "Be there in 30 seconds."

Soon, a swirl of purple light appeared in front of us. Without any hesitation, we all stepped into it, one by one.

I felt a sudden rush of displacement as we were whisked away to another realm. The familiar feeling of traveling through dimensions was something I had grown accustomed to, but it still made me feel slightly uneasy.

Once we stepped out, we were at the gate room of the Demon Realm. My dad, the devil king, was already there to greet us with his usual laid-back appearance.

He was wearing a faded blue t-shirt with a quirky print of a cartoon character, paired with a loud floral shirt that clashed with his shorts. His feet were adorned with bright red flip-flops, making him stand out even more in the otherwise grand and imposing gate room. He looked more like a tourist on vacation rather than the ruler of a powerful demonic realm.

Some announcements showed up in front of me.

[You have arrived at the shadow realm!]

[Your demonic aura has activated!]

[You can use your Demon's Clothes again!]

A big smile was on his face, and his eyes lit up when he saw me. "Welcome back, my--" he began, his voice trailing off as his gaze flickered to the women standing behind me. His smile faded as he regarded them with annoyance. "--son," he finished, his tone flat.

I cringed at his words, feeling the familiar goosebumps rise on my skin. "Hi, Dad. Long time no see," I replied, trying to ignore the unease that was creeping up on me.

But my father's expression grew even more stern as he looked at the women who followed me. "Hold up," he said, pointing at them. "Who are they? Didn't I ask you to investigate what happened in the mortal realm? Why are you making a harem instead?" he complained.

I felt my displeasure rising at his words. "Shut up!" I growled, my irritation getting the better of me. "It was you who said I should have fun and pick up a girl or two for fun. But now you are the one complaining."

"I did say it. But I mean one or two women. Not this much!" he protested again.

I rolled my eyes. "It's only four. It's not that much. Besides, how do you expect me to raise my Lust points if I don't have these many women? By fucking corpses?" I asked, my annoyance obvious.

His scowl deepened as he stared at me in confusion. "Huh? You can raise your Lust points by fucking corpses?" he repeated, clearly baffled.

I let out a frustrated growl. "For my fath---" I stopped my words and corrected them "For devil's sake! You are the one who gave me this system!" I snapped, my anger boiling over. "I am not going to stand here and listen to you act like you don't know anything about it!"

"But that doesn't mean I know all about it!" he admitted.

My jaw dropped in shock. "What?" I asked in a calmer voice. "You gave me a seed without even knowing what it does? Are you making me some kind of experimental object?" I made random guesses.

He shifted uncomfortably, pressing his lips together in an attempt to conceal his nervousness. "Uh... it's a special seven sins seed," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's why I don't know much about it."

I felt a cold sweat break out across my forehead. This couldn't be happening. It had to be some kind of sick joke. "You're kidding, right?" I demanded, my eyes narrowing as I glared at him.

But the nervousness in his eyes was all too real. He took a step back, his body language betraying his unease. "No."

I was just about to catch his hand, preventing him from escaping, but then a swift movement came from my side.

Suddenly, a blur of motion caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Without warning, someone pounced on me with a ferocity that took me completely off guard. Her movements were lightning-fast, and it was clear that she was a skilled fighter. I recognized her instantly.

Before I could even react, I was pushed to the ground with a jarring thud. The impact knocked the breath out of my lungs and left me momentarily stunned. As I gasped for air, my eyes focused on the figure looming over me.

"Brother!" The sound of my name being called rang out through the air, a joyful and excited tone to the voice. I turned towards the sound, my eyes widening at the sight before me. It was Lily and she looked happy and thirsty all at once. Her gaze locked onto me, filled with a lustful longing that made my heart race.

"Calm---" As I opened my mouth to speak, she silenced me with a passionate kiss that sent shivers down my spine. I could feel her tongue exploring my mouth as her hands roamed my body, igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore.

But our moment of passion was short-lived as my dad's voice broke through the haze of desire. "Seriously? In front of me?" he complained, his disapproval palpable.

I tried to pull away from Lily, turning towards my dad and attempting to placate him. "Calm down, Lily," I said, trying to diffuse the situation. But she was not one to be deterred and pulled me back into another lustful kiss.

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