Seven Sins System

Chapter 235: Thirsty Sister V

Chapter 235: Thirsty Sister V

Seven Sins System Chapter 235. Thirsty Sister V

Lily's face beamed with delight. A smile spread across her lips, and her eyes sparkled with a mix of satisfaction and mischief. It was clear that she was enjoying every moment of this seductive game she was playing. She pulled away from me, breaking free from my embrace.

"Thank you, brother~" Lily cooed, giving me a smooch on the cheek. Her lips were soft against my skin, leaving a lingering warmth that sent shivers down my spine. Her gratitude was evident in her eyes, as she reveled in the aftermath of our passionate encounter.

With a heavy sigh, I ran a hand through my disheveled hair, feeling a mixture of pleasure and frustration coursing through my veins.

"Next time, we do it in a room," I complained, my voice laced with exasperation. Memories of yesterday's sexual encounter with Rachel in the dirty, ruined bathroom flashed through my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction. Then, here I was, a prince of darkness, engaging in intimate acts on the cold, unforgiving floor. It didn't befit my status nor the desires burning within me. I deserved more than this!

I slowly rose to my feet. With a snap of my fingers, I used my Demon's Clothes skill. An aura of shadows enveloped my body. The air crackled with supernatural power as the darkness coalesced and transformed into a sophisticated suit that clung to my form.

Brushing off the dirt from my Demon Prince clothes, with a flick of my fingers, my telekinesis skill kicked in, making my bag float from the floor and fly toward me. I caught it in my hand and turned to my father.

"So can we get back to business?" I asked, my voice laced with urgency.

Diablo's eyes immediately fell on the bag in my hand, his curiosity piqued. "Is that...?" he trailed off, leaving the question hanging.

"Yes," I interrupted him, a small smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "All the evidence we need is here. We can finally counter the light realm with this," I explained.

Diablo's smirk mirrored mine as he looked at the bag. "Great!" he exclaimed in excitement. "We will discuss this in my office," he said, already walking towards the exit.

I turned to my women. They all still looked shocked by my previous crazy sexual act. "Sorry for the boring meeting, but I think you should know since I've involved you too deeply," I explained, hoping they could understand the gravity of the situation. "After all, so far I have only explained everything briefly. With this explanation, you'll have a better understanding of what's happening," I said, trying to reassure them.

Together with Lily and the women, we followed my father's lead as he confidently strode out of the room. As soon as we crossed the door, a sudden shift occurred. Chilling darkness engulfed our bodies, swirling around us like an ethereal mist. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been warped by some arcane force.

Then, in a blink of an eye, we found ourselves in an entirely different location. The familiar stone floor of the meeting room was replaced by the opulence of my father's office. The room was bathed in an eerie glow cast by ethereal sconces that adorned the walls, casting dancing shadows upon the richly embellished tapestries that hung behind my father's grand desk.

The shock painted my women's faces, their eyes widening as the sudden teleportation whisked us away to my father's grand office. Before I could attempt to calm their racing hearts, a figure approached from the opposite direction, rushing towards me with arms outstretched.

"Your Highnesses! You're back!" Ivy exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced me tightly, clinging to me as if afraid I would vanish once more.

Realizing it was Ivy, I decided to put aside my reservations and reciprocated the embrace, holding her gently in my arms.

"Ivy, it's been too long," I murmured, my voice filled with a mix of gratitude.

She pulled away slightly, her eyes searching my face for answers. The emotions etched across her features revealed a depth of concern and affection. Her voice trembled as she began to bombard me with a flurry of questions, her words rushing out in a torrent of worry and curiosity.

"How have you been? Have you been eating well? Did the mortals give you a hard time? And your mission... How is the progress? Does this mean you'll be returning here soon?" Ivy inquired, her voice laden with genuine care.

I paused for a moment, taking in her heartfelt inquiries. It would be futile to answer each question individually, as time was of the essence. With a determined expression, I chose to respond to her last question, hoping to offer her some reassurance.

"I don't know for certain," I replied, my voice steady. "But I promise you, Ivy, I will do my utmost to complete my mission as swiftly as possible," I declared, my eyes meeting hers with sincerity.

Just as the weight of the moment seemed to settle, Diablo cleared his throat, his voice cutting through the tender atmosphere. "Ehm!"

We turned our attention to him. "Work first, Ivy," Diablo reminded her, his tone laced with authority and the weight of responsibility.

Ivy pulled her arm away from me. "Yes, Your Majesty," she said in disappointment.

We made our way toward the plush couch situated in the center of the office and settled down.

"Now," Diablo's voice resonated with authority as he leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Can you show me the evidence? Explain it all to me," he demanded, his eyes piercing through the veil of secrecy.

Without uttering a single word, I raised my hand, index finger extended, and with a subtle flick of my wrist, I used my telekinesis. A surge of invisible force enveloped the contents of the bag, compelling them to rise and spill onto the surface of the nearby table.

At that moment, Lily, my father, and Ivy's eyes fixated upon a singular object amidst the sea of evidence.

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